回复 8楼 TonyDeng
[此贴子已经被作者于2015-12-6 09:51编辑过]
/* http://bbs.bccn.net/thread-459912-1-1.html Version 1, 2015.12.06. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main(void) { int iDay; int iScanReturn; int bContinue; char cBuffer[1024]; do { bContinue = 0; printf_s("please input a number: "); iScanReturn = scanf_s("%d", &iDay); if (iScanReturn != 1) { gets_s(cBuffer); bContinue = 1; } switch (iDay) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: break; case 5: printf_s("Today to work hark\n"); break; case 6: printf_s("Today stay at home to sleep\n"); break; case 7: printf_s("Go shopping with friends\n"); break; default: printf_s("Error\n"); bContinue = 1; break; } } while (bContinue); _getch(); return 0; }
/* http://bbs.bccn.net/thread-459912-1-1.html Version 2, 2015.12.06. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main(void) { int iDay; int iScanReturn; int bContinue = 1; char cBuffer[1024]; while (bContinue) { bContinue = 0; printf_s("please input a number: "); iScanReturn = scanf_s("%d", &iDay); if (iScanReturn != 1) { gets_s(cBuffer); bContinue = 1; } switch (iDay) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: break; case 5: printf_s("Today to work hark\n"); break; case 6: printf_s("Today stay at home to sleep\n"); break; case 7: printf_s("Go shopping with friends\n"); break; default: printf_s("Error\n"); bContinue = 1; break; } } _getch(); return 0; }
/* http://bbs.bccn.net/thread-459912-1-1.html Version 3, 2015.12.06. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> const char* Schedule[] = { "", "", "", "", "Today to work hark", "Today stay at home to sleep", "Go shopping with friends" }; int main(void) { int iDay; int iScanReturn; int bContinue; char cBuffer[1024]; do { printf_s("please input a number: "); iScanReturn = scanf_s("%d", &iDay); if ((iScanReturn == 1) && (iDay >= 1) && (iDay <= 7)) { printf_s("%s\n", Schedule[iDay - 1]); bContinue = 0; } else { gets_s(cBuffer); printf_s("Error\n"); bContinue = 1; } } while (bContinue); printf_s("\nPress any key to continue..."); _getch(); return 0; }
/* http://bbs.bccn.net/thread-459912-1-1.html Version 4, 2015.12.06. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> const char* Schedule[] = { "", "", "", "", "Today to work hark", "Today stay at home to sleep", "Go shopping with friends" }; int main(void) { int iDay; int iScanReturn; int bContinue; char cBuffer[1024]; do { printf_s("please input a number: "); iScanReturn = scanf_s("%d", &iDay); if ((iScanReturn == 1) && (iDay >= 1) && (iDay <= _countof(Schedule))) { printf_s("%s\n", Schedule[iDay - 1]); bContinue = 0; } else { gets_s(cBuffer); printf_s("Error\n"); bContinue = 1; } } while (bContinue); printf_s("\nPress any key to continue..."); _getch(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
[此贴子已经被作者于2015-12-6 13:58编辑过]