[基本要求] 利用单向循环链表存储结构模拟此过程,按照出列的顺序印出各人的编号
[基本要求] 利用单向循环链表存储结构模拟此过程,按照出列的顺序印出各人的编号
#include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
struct Person { int secretNumber; int position; int current_position; Person * right; Person * left; };
class Josephu { private: int total; // How many persons total int n; // How many persons current Person * person; int m; // at the begin we set the m value Person * current;; public: Josephu(); void set_the_number_of_persons(); bool createJosephuCircle(); void set_m_value(); Person * bau_shu(int & m); void run_Josephu(); ~Josephu(); };
Josephu::Josephu() { total = 0; n = 0; person = NULL; m = 0; current = NULL; } void Josephu::set_the_number_of_persons() { cout<<"Please enter the number of persons total.\n"; cout<<"The total number of persons is "; cin>>total; n = total; } bool Josephu::createJosephuCircle() { person = new Person[total]; if(person == NULL) return false;
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); for(int j = 0; j<n; j++) { person[j].secretNumber = rand()+1; person[j].position = person[j].current_position = j; if(j == 0) { current = person; person[j].left = &person[j+1]; person[j].right = &person[n-1]; } else if(j == n-1) { person[j].left = &person[0]; person[j].right = &person[j-1]; } else { person[j].left = &person[j+1]; person[j].right = &person[j-1]; } } return true; } void Josephu::set_m_value() { cout<<"please enter the first m value.\n"; cout<<" m = "; cin>>m; } Person * Josephu::bau_shu(int & m) { Person * aus; Person * temp; Person * next; int offset = (m)%n?(m)%n-1:n-1; temp = current; for(int i = 0; i<offset; i++) { temp = temp->left; } aus = temp; current = aus->left; aus->right->left = aus->left; aus->left->right = aus->right; m = aus->left->secretNumber;
next = aus->left; for(i = current->current_position; i<n; i++) { (next->current_position)--; next = next->left; } cout<<aus->position<<" "; n--; return current; } void Josephu::run_Josephu() { while(n != 1) { bau_shu(m); } } Josephu::~Josephu() { if(person && total>1) delete [] person; else delete person; }
int main() { Josephu aJosephu; aJosephu.set_the_number_of_persons(); aJosephu.createJosephuCircle(); // create a Josephu Circle with 10 member aJosephu.set_m_value(); // set the m value at the begin aJosephu.run_Josephu(); cout<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
#include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
struct Person { int secretNumber; int position; int current_position; Person * right; Person * left; };
//约瑟夫 类 class Josephu { private: int total; // How many persons total int n; // How many persons current Person * person; int m; // at the begin we set the m value Person * current;
public: Josephu(); void set_the_number_of_persons(); bool createJosephuCircle(); void set_m_value(); Person* bau_shu(int & m); void run_Josephu(); ~Josephu(); }; //构造
Josephu::Josephu() { total = 0; n = 0; person = NULL; m = 0; current = NULL; }
//人的个数 void Josephu::set_the_number_of_persons() { cout<<"Please enter the number of persons total.\n"; cout<<"The total number of persons is "; cin>>total; n = total; }
//构造环 bool Josephu::createJosephuCircle() { person = new Person[total];//声明的一个数组, if(person == NULL) return false;
cout<<"输入每个人的密码"; for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) { cin>>person[i].secretNumber;}
for(int j = 0; j<n; j++) { person[j].position = person[j].current_position = j+1; if(j == 0) { current = person; person[j].left = &person[j+1]; person[j].right = &person[n-1]; } else if(j == n-1) { person[j].left = &person[0]; person[j].right = &person[j-1]; } else { person[j].left = &person[j+1]; person[j].right = &person[j-1]; } } return true; }
void Josephu::set_m_value() { cout<<"please enter the first m value.\n"; cout<<" m = "; cin>>m; }
//报数过程 Person* Josephu::bau_shu(int & m) { Person * aus; Person * temp;
temp = current; for(int i = 0; i<m; i++) { temp = temp->left; } current=temp; aus = temp->right;
cout<<aus->position<<" ";
aus->right->left=temp; temp->right=aus->right; delete aus; n--; return current; }
// void Josephu::run_Josephu() { while(n !=0) { bau_shu(m); } } //夕构 Josephu::~Josephu() { if(person && total>1) delete [] person; else delete person; }
int main() { Josephu aJosephu; aJosephu.set_the_number_of_persons(); aJosephu.createJosephuCircle(); // create a Josephu Circle with 10 member aJosephu.set_m_value(); // set the m value at the begin aJosephu.run_Josephu(); cout<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
将 bao_shu 函数中那个 delete 语句去掉就可以了。
这个程序是通过 指针 来左右连接彼此,当一个人出局之后,就被环上卸除下来,指针重新连接,这样这个出局的人就不在环上了。当程序结束后,调用 析构函数,完整的 delete 整个object.
考虑到 QQ 对中国人民的感情侮辱,我已经退出 QQ , 决不再使用 QQ.
如果有朋友要个人联系我,可以通过 Email 与我联系。Email : kaihua1@yahoo.com
来回答你的那个delete 问题,为什么我们不能随意删除一个连表中的某一个节点,因为这样将破坏整个连表体系。当然要删除一个连表中的某一个节点是有办法的。通过一个 temp 连表,来分段copy 原连表,仅仅漏掉那个要删除的节点,这样我们得到所需要的连表,再将原连表整体删除,再通过 new 创立新的连表,再将 temp 连表 copy 到那个新的连表。最终删除那个起辅助作用的 temp 连表。
问题1: 如果你时常登陆其他网站,对这样的消息就不会陌生了, 比如,如果你在 QQ 使用 钓鱼岛,将被拒绝,而冠之于日本名将被接受。
问版主一个比较垃圾的问题#include <cstdlib>有什么用啊