Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:9
注 册:2015-5-18
已结贴  问题点数:10 回复次数:0 

Line up;
1:notebook \150
2:mechanical pencil \180
3:highlight marker set \210
4:eraser \110
Now You have \700 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:1
You've got a notebook.
Now You have \550 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:2
You've got a mechanical pencil.
Now You have \370 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:3
You've got highlight marker set.
Now You have \160 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:4
You've got a eraser.

Total items : 4
Remaining money : 50

Line up;
1:notebook \150
2:mechanical pencil \180
3:highlight marker set \210
4:eraser \110
Now You have \700 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:0
Error! Choose number 1-4 .
Now You have \700 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:1
You've got a notebook.
Now You have \550 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:1
You've got a notebook.
Now You have \400 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:1
You've got a notebook.
Now You have \250 now. What do you want?
Input number of items:1
You've got a notebook.

Total items : 4
Remaining money : 100.

[ 本帖最后由 我是含羞草 于 2015-5-21 16:27 编辑 ]
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: C语言 number notebook mechanical 
2015-05-21 16:26


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