Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3
注 册:2013-6-14
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
#define Max 5
 #define NULL 0
#define bool int
 #define false 0
 #define true 1
using namespace std;
class ArmyGroup;
 class Soldier          //Soldier 类定义
 virtual bool MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy);//
 virtual bool Attack();//
 virtual void Rest();
     virtual bool TakingDrug();
 virtual void GetDrug(){DrugNum+=pTarget->GetDrugNum();}        //获得敌人药瓶函数;
 virtual void Hurted(int i){HP-=i;}
 virtual void NPHurted(){HP-=0.5*MaxHP;}
 virtual bool Die(){if(HP<=0)return 1;else return NULL;}
 virtual void Update();
 int GetLevel(){return Level;}
 int GetMaxHP(){return MaxHP;}
 int GetHP(){return HP;}
 int GetSP(){return SP;}
 int GetMaxSP(){return MaxSP;}
 int GetExp(){return Exp;}
 int GetDrugNum(){return DrugNum;}
 virtual void GetTarget(ArmyGroup *parmy,int Target);
 virtual void Print();
 Soldier* pTarget;////////////////////////////////////////////////important!
 virtual bool WizardAttack(){return 0;}//wizard攻击行为函数
 virtual bool MasterAttack(){return 0;}
 virtual int GetMaxMP(){return 0;}
 virtual int GetMP(){return 0;}
 virtual int GetMaxNP(){return 0;}
 virtual int GetNP(){return 0;}
 char name;
 int Level;         //等级
     int MaxHP;         //最大生命
 int HP;            //当前生命
 int MaxSP;        //最大体力
 int SP;            //当前体力
 int Damage;        //攻击力
 int Exp;           //经验
 int DrugNum;       //药瓶数量
 int Counter;       //升级计数器
class Wizard:public Soldier   //Wizard类定义
     virtual bool MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy);               //Wizard决策函数
 virtual bool WizardAttack();    //攻击行为函数
 virtual void Rest();
     virtual void Print();
 virtual void Update();
 virtual int GetMaxMP(){return MaxMP;}
 virtual int GetMP(){return MP;}
 int MaxMP;        //最大魔法值
 int MP;           //当前魔法值
class Master:public Wizard    //Master类定义
 bool MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy);               //Master决策函数   
bool MasterAttack();   //攻击行为函数
 void Rest();
 virtual void Print();
 virtual void Update();
 int GetMaxNP(){return MaxNP;}
 int GetNP(){return NP;}
 int MaxNP;        //最大内力
 int NP;           //当前内力
 class ArmyGroup
 Soldier* pSOLDIER;
 Wizard * pWIZARD;
 Master * pMASTER;
Soldier * pRole;
 void GetRole(int Role);
class WarSystem//战斗系统类定义
 WarSystem();            //WarSystem构造函数
 bool StartWar();  //开局
 void RunGame();         //游戏进程
 bool StartRound(bool r);      //回合展开
 bool Result();          //结果

 ArmyGroup* parmyA;
 ArmyGroup* parmyB;
Soldier::Soldier()                                   //Soldier构造函数
     Level =1;
 MaxHP =100;
 HP    =100;
 MaxSP =100;
 SP    =100;
 Damage =20;
 Exp    =0;
 pTarget = new Soldier;
 delete pTarget;
void Soldier::Print()                                 //生理状况输出
 cout<<"Level: "<<GetLevel()<<"  Exp:"<<GetExp()<<"  DrugNum: "<<GetDrugNum()<<endl;
 cout<<"  MaxHP: "<<GetMaxHP()<<"  HP: "<<GetHP()<<"  MaxSP: "<<GetMaxSP()<<"  SP: "<<GetSP()<<endl;
bool Soldier::MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy)             //决策行为函数
 int Decision;
 cout<<"please input decision!"<<endl;
 switch (Decision)
 case 0: if(SP>=10)
                 int Target;
             cout<<"please input target for the Attack!"<<endl;
 case 1: if(SP<0.3*MaxSP)Rest();
 case 2: if(HP<0.5*MaxHP)TakingDrug();
 return 1;
return 0;
 void Soldier::GetTarget(ArmyGroup *parmy,int Target)
 pTarget = ((parmy->pSOLDIER)+Target-1);
 else if(Target<=5)
 pTarget = ((parmy->pWIZARD)+Target-4);
 else if(Target==6)
 pTarget = parmy->pMASTER;
pTarget = 0;
bool Soldier::Attack()      //攻击行为函数
 SP-=10;  Exp+=5;
 if(Counter==4){Counter=0;Update();}   //升级
 int i=Damage;
 return 1;

 void Soldier::Rest()
 void Soldier::Update()
 bool Soldier::TakingDrug()
 if(DrugNum==0)return NULL;
 else {DrugNum--;(HP+0.8*MaxHP)>MaxHP?HP=MaxHP:HP+=0.8*MaxHP;return 1;}
 MaxMP = 100;
 MP = 100;  
 void Wizard::Print()
 cout<<"Level: "<<GetLevel()<<"  Exp:"<<GetExp()<<"  DrugNum: "<<GetDrugNum()<<endl;
 cout<<"  MaxHP: "<<GetMaxHP()<<"  HP: "<<GetHP()<<"  MaxSP: "<<GetMaxSP()<<"  SP: "<<GetSP()<<"  MaxMP: "<<GetMaxMP()<<"  MP: "<<GetMP()<<endl;

bool Wizard::MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy)
 int Decision;
 cout<<"please input decision!"<<endl;
 switch (Decision)
 case 0: if(SP>=10)
             int Target;
             cout<<"please input target for the Attack!"<<endl;
 case 1: if(SP<0.3*MaxSP)Rest();
 case 2: if(HP<0.5*MaxHP)TakingDrug();
 case 3: for(int a=2;a>0;a--)
 int TargetW;
             cout<<"please input target for the WizardAttack!"<<endl;
 return 1;
return NULL;

 bool Wizard::WizardAttack()
     SP-=10; MP-=25; Exp+=5;
 if(Counter==4){Counter = 0;Update();}//调用升级函数
int i=Damage;
 return 1;

 void Wizard::Rest()

 void Wizard::Update()
 MaxNP = 100;   
NP = 100;   
void Master::Print()
 cout<<"Level: "<<GetLevel()<<"  Exp:"<<GetExp()<<"  DrugNum: "<<GetDrugNum()<<endl;
 cout<<"  MaxHP: "<<GetMaxHP()<<"  HP: "<<GetHP()<<"  MaxSP: "<<GetMaxSP()
 <<"  SP: "<<GetSP()<<"  MaxMP: "<<GetMaxMP()<<"  MP: "<<GetMP()<<"  MaxNP: "<<GetMaxNP()<<"  NP: "<<GetNP()<<endl;
 bool Master::MakeDecision(ArmyGroup *parmy)
 int Decision;
 cout<<"please input decision!"<<endl;
 switch (Decision)
 case 0: if(SP>=10)
             int Target;
             cout<<"please input target for the Attack!"<<endl;
 case 1: if(SP<0.3*MaxSP)Rest();
 case 2: if(HP<0.5*MaxHP)TakingDrug();
 case 3: for(int a=2;a>0;a--)
 int TargetW;
             cout<<"please input target for the WizardAttack!"<<endl;
 case 4: if((NP>=50)&&(SP>=30))
             int TargetM;
             cout<<"please input target for the MasterAttack!"<<endl;
 return 1;
return NULL;
bool Master::MasterAttack()
 return 1;

void Master::Rest()                    //Master休息函数
void Master::Update()
 pSOLDIER = new Soldier[3];
 pWIZARD = new Wizard[2];
 pMASTER = new Master;
 delete [] pSOLDIER;
 delete [] pWIZARD;
 delete pMASTER;
void ArmyGroup::GetRole(int Role)//抽取玩家的军团中的一个角色当做一次回合中的主角色
 pRole = pSOLDIER+Role-1;
 else if(Role<=5)
 pRole = pWIZARD+Role-4;
 else if(Role==6)
 pRole = pMASTER;
pRole = 0;

 parmyA = new ArmyGroup;
parmyB = new ArmyGroup;
 delete[] parmyA;
 delete[] parmyB;
 bool WarSystem::StartWar()
 return rand()%2;
bool WarSystem::StartRound(bool r)//每一回合的展开,按照输入的数据决定玩家A或B先进行决策
int RoleA,RoleB;
cout<<"It's A's term"<<endl<<"Player A,please select your soldier: "<<endl;
cout<<"It's B's term"<<endl<<"Player B,please select your soldier: "<<endl;
 else if(r==0)
 cout<<"It's B's term"<<endl<<"Player B,please select your soldier: "<<endl;
cout<<"It's A's term"<<endl<<"Player A,please select your soldier: "<<endl;
 return 1;

bool WarSystem::Result()
 {   int i;
 int DieNumA=0;
int DieNumB=0;
 if(DieNumA==3)cout<<"Player B win !"<<endl;
 if(DieNumB==3)cout<<"Player A win !"<<endl;
 return 1;
 else return 0;
void WarSystem::RunGame()
 char Begin;
 int StartTurn=StartWar();
     cout<<"Ready for the game?"<<endl<<"Y(Yes)/N(No)"<<endl;
 {   int i;
         cout<<"Team of A:"<<endl;
 else if(i<=5)
         cout<<"Team of B:"<<endl;
 else if(i<=5)
cout<<"QUIT !"<<endl;

void main()
     WarSystem warsystem;

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2013-12-03 11:18


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