Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2012-10-14
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:2 
    Dim i, ii, ttt, zX, zY, ppp, pp, qqq, qq, zzX, zzY, ux, uy, Screenx, Screeny As Long
    Dim p() As Long
    Dim Q() As Long
    Dim hmemDC As Long, hmemBMP As Long, bmp_info As BITMAPINFO, lpBits As Long
    Dim dwX As Long, dwY As Long
    Dim PicData() As Byte
    Dim ScreenDC As Long
    Dim TargetColor As Long
    Dim crColor As RGBCOLOR
i = 0
TargetColor = &H68E8E8 '为游戏鼠标的特征颜色值16进制
    CopyMemory crColor, TargetColor, 4
    ScreenDC = GetDC(0)
    With bmp_info.bmiHeader
        .biSize = LenB(bmp_info.bmiHeader)
        .biWidth = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
        .biHeight = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
        .biPlanes = 1
        .biBitCount = 32
        .biCompression = BI_RGB
        .biSizeImage = .biHeight * (((.biWidth * .biBitCount + 31) And &HFFFFFFE0) \ 8)
    End With
    hmemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(ScreenDC)
    hmemBMP = CreateDIBSection(ScreenDC, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, lpBits, 0, 0)
    SelectObject hmemDC, hmemBMP
    BitBlt hmemDC, 0, 0, bmp_info.bmiHeader.biWidth, bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight, ScreenDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
    ReDim PicData(3, bmp_info.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1, bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1) As Byte
    CopyMemory PicData(0, 0, 0), ByVal lpBits, bmp_info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage

    'Debug.Print "查找坐标范围:(0,0) - (" & CStr(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1) & "," & CStr(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1) & ")"
    For dwY = 0 To bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1
        For dwX = 0 To bmp_info.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1
            If (PicData(0, dwX, dwY) = crColor.rgbBlue) And (PicData(1, dwX, dwY) = crColor.rgbGreen) And (PicData(2, dwX, dwY) = crColor.rgbRed) Then
              'And (PicData(0, dwX+10, dwY-10) = crColor.rgbBlue) And (PicData(1, dwX+10, dwY-10) = crColor.rgbGreen) And (PicData(2, dwX+10, dwY-10) = crColor.rgbRed)
            'Debug.Print "找到目标颜色,坐标:" & CStr(dwX) & "," & CStr(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight - dwY - 1)
            ReDim Preserve p(i)
            ReDim Preserve Q(i)
            p(i) = CStr(dwX)
            Q(i) = CStr(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight - dwY - 1)
            i = i + 1
            End If
    'MsgBox "查找结束"
    DeleteDC hmemDC
    DeleteObject hmemBMP
    ReleaseDC 0, ScreenDC
For i = 0 To i - 1
   For ii = 0 To i - 1
     If p(i) - 10 = p(ii) And Q(i) + 10 = Q(ii) Then
     'Debug.Print "坐标" & p(i) & "," & Q(i) & "和坐标" & p(ii) & "," & Q(ii)
     GoTo exitendfenxi:
     End If
'Debug.Print "没有找到符合要求的坐标"
GoTo 重新找鼠标颜色:
    zX = p(i) - 19
    zY = Q(i) - 10 '游戏鼠标坐标
    If zX > 0 Or zY > 0 Then
    zzX = zX
    zzY = zY
    zX = zzX
    zY = zzY
    Sleep 20
    End If
 If Abs(intX - zX) < 3 Then
    ppp = 0
 End If
 If Abs(intX - zX) > 20 Then
    ppp = Int(Rnd() * 3 + 5)
        If Abs(intX - zX) > Abs(intY - zY) Then
        ppp = ppp
        ElseIf Abs(intX - zX) < Abs(intY - zY) Then
        ppp = Int(ppp * (Abs(intX - zX) / Abs(intY - zY)))
        End If
    ElseIf 50 > Abs(intX - zX) Then
    ppp = 1
 End If
    If intX > zX Then
    pp = ppp
    ElseIf intX < zX Then
    pp = -ppp
    ElseIf Abs(intX - zX) < 3 Then
    pp = 0
End If

If Abs(intY - zY) < 3 Then
    qqq = 0
End If
 If Abs(intY - zY) > 20 Then
    qqq = Int(Rnd() * 3 + 5)
        If Abs(intX - zX) > Abs(intY - zY) Then
        qqq = Int(qqq * (Abs(intY - zY) / Abs(intX - zX)))
        ElseIf Abs(intX - zX) < Abs(intY - zY) Then
        qqq = qqq
        End If
    ElseIf 50 > Abs(intY - zY) Then
    qqq = 1
 End If
    If intY > zY Then
    qq = qqq
    ElseIf intY < zY Then
    qq = -qqq
    ElseIf Abs(intY - zY) < 3 Then
    qq = 0
End If

GetCursorPos moubegin
If moubegin.X > 650 Or moubegin.Y > 500 Or moubegin.X < 10 Or moubegin.Y < 10 Then
MoveTo Int(Rnd() * 100 + 300), Int(Rnd() * 100 + 200)
Sleep 200
End If
mousestep = moubegin
SetCursorPos moubegin.X + pp, moubegin.Y + qq
Sleep 2
Loop While Abs(intY - zY) > 2 Or Abs(intX - zX) > 2
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 鼠标 
2013-04-16 15:43
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2012-10-14
回复 2楼 风吹过b
次奥  我去试试  谢谢高手指点
2013-04-16 16:28
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2012-10-14
以上2个方法都尝试了 还是不得行
2013-04-16 19:54


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