标题:C语言 文件读取问题
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:8
注 册:2010-12-22
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:0 
C语言 文件读取问题
typedef struct node
        char name[50];
        long num;
        int math,eng,phy,sum;
        float average;
        struct node *next;
void insert(list L)
  long x;  FILE *out;
  list p,r;    r=L;
  printf("please input the Number(press 0 to quit):");
 while(x){r=L;    p=(list)malloc(sizeof(linklist));
              {      while(r->next!=NULL&&x>r->next->num)
                     {printf("this num is exist\n"); free(p);p=NULL; }
  printf("please input the name:");
  getchar();          gets(p->name);
  printf("please input the math:");
  printf("please input the eng:");
  printf("please input the phy:");
  p->sum=p->math+p->eng+p->phy;    p->average=(float)p->sum/3;

  fwrite(p,sizeof(linklist),1,out);              }
  printf("please input the Number(press 0 to quit):");
void output(list L)
  list r;  r=L->next;
  if(r==NULL)  {printf("this list is empty\n");return;}
  {  printf("----------------------");
     printf("the num is:%ld",r->num);
     printf("     math:%d",r->math);
     printf("     eng:%d",r->eng);
     printf("     phy:%d",r->phy);
     printf("     sum:%d",r->sum);
     printf("     ave:%.3f\n\n",r->average);
     r=r->next;                          }

void file(list L)   /*文件读取函数*/
{FILE *in;
 list p,r;
 printf("file is't exist please insert the information first\n");
                 {      p=(list)malloc(sizeof(linklist));


 printf("the file has been load\n");


void main()
{    list L; int t=-1;
if(L->next==NULL)     insert(L);
问题1.写入函数,插入什么都没问题,就是每次读取文件时会多读一条,在有的电脑上多读一条的学生信息全是 0 ,有的电脑上就全是不规则的。
问题2.还有一个问题:读取函数的 fread(p,sizeof(linklist),1,in);  在循环时并没有用文件移位函数啊,in不是始终指向文件头么,那应该只读最开头的信息啊,但运行时为什么会自动移位呢,会把存入的信息全读出来,是为什么呢?  

[ 本帖最后由 goto09 于 2011-4-17 18:07 编辑 ]
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: next long average include please 
2011-04-17 12:49


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