标题:求教!BOF 或 EOF 中有一个是“真”,或者当前的记录已被删除
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:1
注 册:2010-10-28
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:0 
求教!BOF 或 EOF 中有一个是“真”,或者当前的记录已被删除
<!-- #include file="../../include/webconfig.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../include/check-session.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../include/conn.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../include/function.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../include/upload.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../include/LG.InfoCls.asp" -->
Dim upload
Set upload = New DoteyUpload    '建立文件上传对象
upload.Upload()                    '分析上传的数据,并保存到相应的集合中

Dim objInfoCls
Set objInfoCls = new InfoCls

Dim sAction            '当前操作类型
Dim Rs
Dim sSQL
Dim iID
Dim sTitle            '标题
Dim sImage            '图片
Dim iInfoType        '类别
Dim sTypeURL        '类别URL
Dim sKeyword        '关键字
Dim sSource            '资讯来源
Dim sSender            '责任编辑
Dim iClick            '点击率
Dim iGood            '有用总数
Dim iBad            '没用总数
Dim iCommend        '是否推荐
Dim iTop            '是否置顶
Dim iHead            '是否头条
Dim iSlide            '是否幻灯   
Dim sDetail            '内容
Dim iPageWordCount    '分页字数
Dim sCreateInfo        'HTML生成是否成功信息

Dim sFormQuery
Dim iInfoState        '资讯状态
Dim iQueryInfoType    '查询类别
Dim sQueryValue        '查询标题
Dim sQueryBeginTime    '新增开始时间
Dim sQueryEndTime    '新增结束时间
Dim iQueryCommend    '推荐
Dim iQueryTop        '置顶
Dim iQueryHead        '头条
Dim iQuerySlide        '幻灯
Dim iPage
'****** 修改后分页定位的参数传递 ******
sFormQuery = UCase(upload.Form("FormQuery"))
iInfoState = upload.Form("state")
iPage = upload.Form("page")
If sFormQuery = "Y" Then
    iQueryInfoType    = upload.Form("QueryInfoType")
    sQueryValue        = upload.Form("QueryValue")
    sQueryBeginTime    = upload.Form("QueryBeginTime")
    sQueryEndTime    = upload.Form("QueryEndTime")
    iQueryCommend    = upload.Form("QueryCommend")
    iQueryTop        = upload.Form("QueryTop")
    iQueryHead        = upload.Form("QueryHead")
    iQuerySlide        = upload.Form("QuerySlide")
End If
'****** end 修改后分页定位的参数传递 ******

sAction            = LCase(upload.Form("action"))
iID                = upload.Form("ID")
sTitle            = upload.Form("Title")
sImage            = upload.Form("Image")
iInfoType        = upload.Form("InfoType")
sKeyword        = upload.Form("Keyword")
sSource            = upload.Form("Source")
sSender            = upload.Form("Sender")
iClick            = upload.Form("Click")
iGood            = upload.Form("Good")
iBad            = upload.Form("Bad")
iCommend        = upload.Form("Commend")
iTop            = upload.Form("Top")
iHead            = upload.Form("Head")
iSlide            = upload.Form("Slide")
iPageWordCount    = upload.Form("PageWordCount")
sDetail            = upload.Form("Detail")

If sDetail = "" Then
    Set upload = Nothing
    Set objInfoCls = Nothing
    Call DisConn()
    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert(""内容不能为空!"");window.location.href='add.asp';</script>")
End If
iID                = DisposeNumeric(iID)
iInfoType        = DisposeNumeric(iInfoType)
iClick            = DisposeNumeric(iClick)
iGood            = DisposeNumeric(iGood)
iBad            = DisposeNumeric(iBad)
iCommend        = DisposeNumeric(iCommend)
iTop            = DisposeNumeric(iTop)
iHead            = DisposeNumeric(iHead)
iSlide            = DisposeNumeric(iSlide)
iPageWordCount    = DisposeNumeric(iPageWordCount)

Dim sURLParameter
sURLParameter = "?FormQuery=" & sFormQuery & "&amp;state=" & iInfoState & "&amp;QueryInfoType=" & iQueryInfoType & "&amp;QueryValue=" & Server.URLEncode(sQueryValue) & "&amp;QueryBeginTime=" & Server.URLEncode(sQueryBeginTime) & "&amp;QueryEndTime=" & Server.URLEncode(sQueryEndTime) & "&amp;QueryCommend=" & iQueryCommend & "&amp;QueryTop=" & iQueryTop & "&amp;QuerySlide=" & iQuerySlide & "&amp;page=" & iPage

If iHead = 1 Then
    sSQL = "UPDATE tbInfo SET Info_Head=0 WHERE Info_Head=1 AND Info_ID<>" & iID
End If

Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Select Case sAction
    Case "add"        '新增
        sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbInfo WHERE Info_Title='" & Replace(sTitle, "'", "''") & "'"
        Rs.Open sSQL, Conn, 1, 3
        If Not Rs.Eof Then
            Set upload = Nothing
            Set objInfoCls = Nothing
            Set Rs = Nothing
            Call DisConn()
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('已经存在“" & sTitle & "”标题的资讯!');window.location.href='add.asp';</script>")
            Rs("Info_State")    = 1
            Rs("Info_AddTime")    = Now()
        End If
    Case "save"        '修改
        sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbInfo WHERE Info_ID=" & iID
        Rs.Open sSQL, Conn, 1, 3
        If Rs.Eof Then
            Set upload = Nothing
            Set objInfoCls = Nothing
            Set Rs = Nothing
            Call DisConn()
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('该资讯不存在或已被删除,请确认!');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
            Dim Rs_Operate
            Set Rs_Operate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
            sSQL = "SELECT Info_ID FROM tbInfo WHERE Info_Title='" & Replace(sTitle, "'", "''") & "' AND Info_ID<>" & iID
            Rs_Operate.Open sSQL, Conn, 1, 1
            If Not Rs_Operate.Eof Then
                Set Rs_Operate = Nothing
                Set upload = Nothing
                Set objInfoCls = Nothing
                Set Rs = Nothing
                Call DisConn()
                Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('已经存在“" & sTitle & "”标题的资讯!');window.location.href='update.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
            End If
            Set Rs_Operate = Nothing
        End If
    Case Else
        Set upload = Nothing
        Set objInfoCls = Nothing
        Set Rs = Nothing
        Call DisConn()
        sResponse = "<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('无效的操作!');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
End Select

If IsObject(upload.Files("Image")) Then
    Dim objFSO
    Dim file
    Dim sFilePath        '文件绝对路径
    Dim sOppositePath    '文件相对路径
    Dim sFileType        '文件类型
    Dim iFileSize        '文件大小
    Dim sFileName        '文件名
    Dim sFileExt        '文件扩展名

    Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set file = upload.Files("Image")    '生成一个文件对象
    sFileType    = file.FileType            '文件类型
    iFileSize    = file.FileSize/1024    '文件大小(KB)
    sFileExt    = file.FileExt            '文件扩展名
    sFileExt    = FixName(sFileExt)        '过滤一些扩展名文件

    If iFileSize > iAppImageSize Then
        Set file = Nothing
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Set upload = Nothing
        Set objInfoCls = Nothing
        Set Rs = Nothing
        Call DisConn()
        If sAction = "add" Then
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert(""上传图片不能超过" & iAppImageSize & "KB,请改变图片大小后重新上传!"");window.location.href='add.asp';</script>")
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert(""上传图片不能超过" & iAppImageSize & "KB,请改变图片大小后重新上传!"");window.location.href='update.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
        End If
    End If

    '限制文件上传类型为gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png 图象文件
    If Not (CheckFileExt(sFileExt) And CheckFileType(sFileType)) Then
        Set file = Nothing
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Set upload = Nothing
        Set objInfoCls = Nothing
        Set Rs = Nothing
        Call DisConn()
        If sAction = "add" Then
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert(""上传图片只支持 gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png 图象文件!"");window.location.href='add.asp';</script>")
            Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert(""上传图片只支持 gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png 图象文件!"");window.location.href='update.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
        End If
    End If

    sOppositePath = sAppRootPath & "uploadfile/info/"
    sOppositePath = sOppositePath & MakeFileName() & "." & sFileExt    '数据库存取路径
    sFilePath = Server.MapPath(sOppositePath)    '保存文件路径

    Dim sOldPicture
    sOldPicture = DisposeNull(Rs("Info_Image"))
    If sOldPicture <> "" Then
        sOldPicture = Server.MapPath(sOldPicture)    '获取绝对路径
        If objFSO.FileExists(sOldPicture) Then objFSO.DeleteFile sOldPicture, True
    End If

    If objFSO.FileExists(sFilePath) Then objFSO.DeleteFile sFilePath,True    '删除图片
    upload.SaveTo(sFilePath)  '保存图片

    Rs("Info_Image") = sOppositePath

    Set file = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing

    If Err Then
        Set upload = Nothing
        Set objInfoCls = Nothing
        Set Rs = Nothing
        Call DisConn()
        Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('" & Err.Description & "');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
    End If
End If

'sDetail = DisposeArticleContent(sDetail)    '文章内容处理

Rs("Info_TypeID")            = iInfoType
Rs("Info_Title")            = sTitle
Rs("Info_Keyword")            = sKeyword
Rs("Info_Detail")            = sDetail
Rs("Info_Source")            = sSource
Rs("Info_Sender")            = sSender
Rs("Info_Click")            = iClick
Rs("Info_Good")                = iGood
Rs("Info_Bad")                = iBad
Rs("Info_Commend")            = iCommend
Rs("Info_Top")                = iTop
Rs("Info_Head")                = iHead
Rs("Info_Slide")            = iSlide
Rs("Info_PageWordCount")    = iPageWordCount

If Err Then
    Set upload = Nothing
    Set objInfoCls = Nothing
    Set Rs = Nothing
    Call DisConn()
    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('" & Err.Description & "');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
End If

If bAppCreateHTML Then
    Dim iCreateID
    iCreateID = iID
    If iCreateID = 0 Then
        iCreateID = objInfoCls.GetMaxInfoID()
    End If

    Dim sSourcePath        '动态源文件路径
    Dim sSavePath        '静态页面生成路径
    Dim sWebURL            '网站地址
    Dim bCreate            '是否生成成功
    sSQL = "SELECT CreateHTML_SourcePath,CreateHTML_SavePath FROM tbCreateHTML WHERE CreateHTML_Name='资讯详细页生成'"
    Rs.Open sSQL, Conn, 1, 1
    If Not Rs.Eof Then
        sSourcePath    = DisposeNull(Rs("CreateHTML_SourcePath"))
        sSavePath    = DisposeNull(Rs("CreateHTML_SavePath"))

        If sAppWebURL = "" Then
            sWebURL = GetServerName()
            If Right(sAppWebURL, 1) = "/" Then
                sWebURL = Left(sAppWebURL, Len(sAppWebURL)-1)
                sWebURL = sAppWebURL
            End If
        End If

        sSourcePath = sWebURL & LCase(sSourcePath)
        sSourcePath = Replace(sSourcePath, "{$approotpath$}", sAppRootPath)
        sSourcePath = Replace(sSourcePath, "{$appadminpath$}", sAppAdminPath)
        sSourcePath = Replace(sSourcePath, "{$appfileformat$}", sAppFileFormat)
        sSourcePath = Replace(sSourcePath, "{$id$}", iCreateID)

        If sSavePath <> "" Then
            sSavePath = LCase(sSavePath)
            sSavePath = Replace(sSavePath, "{$approotpath$}", sAppRootPath)
            sSavePath = Replace(sSavePath, "{$appadminpath$}", sAppAdminPath)
            sSavePath = Replace(sSavePath, "{$appfileformat$}", sAppFileFormat)
            sSavePath = Replace(sSavePath, "{$id$}", iCreateID)
            sTypeURL = ""
            Call objInfoCls.GetTypeURL(iInfoType, sTypeURL)

            If Right(sAppRootPath, 1) = "/" Then
                sSavePath = Left(sAppRootPath, Len(sAppRootPath)-1) & sTypeURL & iCreateID & "/index" & sAppFileFormat
                sSavePath = sAppRootPath & sTypeURL & iCreateID & "/index" & sAppFileFormat
            End If
        End If

        Dim iPlace
        Dim sFolderPath
        iPlace = InStr(sSavePath, "/")
        sFolderPath = Left(sSavePath, iPlace-1)
        Call CheckFolderDir(sFolderPath)

        iPlace = InStrRev(sSavePath, "/")
        sFolderPath = Left(sSavePath, iPlace)
        If Not CheckFolderDir(sFolderPath) Then
            sCreateInfo = "\n\n" & sFolderPath & "目录创建失败!"
            If iPageWordCount <> 0 Then
                '********** 长内容文章分页 **********
                Dim iCurPage            '当前页码
                Dim iPageNum            '总页数
                Dim sPageSourcePath        '当前页需生成URL地址
                Dim sPageSaveURL        '当前页生成后URL地址
                Dim sArrPageDetail        '页面内容数组
                If iPageWordCount = -1 Then
                    sDetail = Replace(sDetail, "{$分页$}", " {$分页$} ")
                    sArrPageDetail = Split(sDetail, "{$分页$}")
                    iPageNum = UBound(sArrPageDetail)
                    sDetail = Replace(sDetail, "{$分页$}", "")
                    iPageNum = Int(Len(sDetail) / (iPageWordCount + 0.0001))  '总页数
                End If
                For iCurPage = 0 To iPageNum
                    sPageSourcePath    = sSourcePath & "&page=" & iCurPage
                    If iCurPage <> 0 Then
                        sPageSaveURL = Replace(sSavePath, sAppFileFormat, "_" & iCurPage & sAppFileFormat, 1, -1, 1)
                        sPageSaveURL = sSavePath
                    End If
                    bCreate = CreateHTML(sPageSourcePath, sPageSaveURL)
                '********** end 长内容文章分页 **********
                bCreate = CreateHTML(sSourcePath, sSavePath)
            End If
            If bCreate Then
                sSQL = "UPDATE tbInfo SET Info_HTMLPath='" & sFolderPath & "' WHERE Info_ID=" & iCreateID

                If Err Then
                    Set upload = Nothing
                    Set objInfoCls = Nothing
                    Call DisConn()
                    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('静态HTML路径更新失败!\n失败原因:" & Err.Description & "');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
                End If
                sCreateInfo = "\n\n静态HTML生成失败!\n失败原因:" & Err.Description
            End If
        End If
        sCreateInfo = "\n\n静态HTML生成失败!请先到“HTML生成管理”里进行设置!"
    End If
End If

Set Rs = Nothing
Set upload = Nothing
Set objInfoCls = Nothing
Call DisConn()

If sAction = "add" Then
    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('资讯新增成功!" & sCreateInfo & "');window.location.href='add.asp';</script>")
ElseIf sAction = "save" Then
    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('资讯更新成功!" & sCreateInfo & "');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
    Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript"" charset=""utf-8"">alert('资讯更新失败!');window.location.href='list.asp" & sURLParameter & "';</script>")
End If
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: BOF EOF 记录 删除 
2010-10-28 09:22


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