标题:还是关于那个yield的问题,删去了部分不必要的程序,加了些注释,还望高手赐 ...
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2010-7-2
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 

import simplesim.configuration

from simplesim.Main.SimSetup import *

#we derive our simulation class from SimSetup.
class Pro_test(SimSetup):    #类定义
    def setup_ManyEgos(self):   #这个函数产生5辆车,egoCar1.......egoCar5,并设置了相应的属性
        Setup the ego object.
        for i in range(1,6):
           #using static agents (un-movable)
           a = createAgent('Agents.StaticAgent','egoCar%d' % i)
   #        a.egoCarSetup = CarSetups.Mercedes_Sprinter(a)
           a.setTrajectoryObject(NewPosition(random.randint(1, 30)+i*50,0,0,180,0,0))  


    def setup_Radar(self):        #函数设置了雷达的工作方式
        #create a new radar simulation (using datetime as identifier)
        #wait for simulation results
        #show interaction points of radar paths and environment
        #set raytracer options (trace depth etc.)
    def sensorSetup(self):     # 传感器的设置
        if self.sensorActive:
            actSensor = self.createSensor('Agents.Sensors.AweSensor','awesens_tx')
            actSensor.attachTo('egoCar4')  #这里是我想改变的地方
            actSensor = self.createSensor('Agents.Sensors.AweSensor','awesens_rx')
            actSensor.attachTo('egoCar6')    #这里是我想改变的地方


    def setup(self):    #设置好了仿真条件和变量
        Setup the simulation. Add and configure agents, set simulation parameters, ...
#        self.setup_Ego()
#        self.sensorSetup()

    def simulate(self):
        Simulation loop, defines simulation times in milliseconds.
        #simulate 0 to 12 seconds in 20 ms steps
        for i in range(0,12000,20):            # 这里是我想问的地方,每过20ms后,我想改变sensorSetup里面设置
            yield i #calculate time step i        #这个yield到底该怎么用呢?
            print i #print something to stdout        

#import all simplesim packages
from importAll import *

#the "main" entry point:
if __name__ == "__main__":
是不是可以在def simulate(self):函数里,每次执行的时候调用sensorSetup(self): "egoCar"的ID值传过去呢?
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: yield 注释 删去 
2010-07-03 13:39


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