标题:我的ASP文件运行时出现了Microsoft VBScript 编译器错误 '800a0400' 缺少语 ...
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:6
注 册:2010-5-25
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:2 
我的ASP文件运行时出现了Microsoft VBScript 编译器错误 '800a0400' 缺少语句 \admin_student.asp, line 1
Microsoft VBScript 编译器错误 '800a0400'


\admin_student.asp, line 131

option explicit
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","no-store"
<!--#include file="inc/conn.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/function.asp"-->

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link href="admin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
body {

<table width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"  
    <tr class="tdtbg">
        <td align="center">
    <tr class="tdbg">
            <a href="admin_student.asp">考生管理首页</a> | <a  
dim strAction
if checkAdminLogin() = false then      '进行管理员登录验证
   respinse.redirect "admin_login.asp"
end if
if checkPurview(CONST_PURVIEW_STUDENT) = false then
   response.write "<center><font size=4>你没有进行此操作的权限," & "请与系统管理员联系!
   response.write "</body></html>"
end if
strAction = trim(request.querystring("action"))
if strAction = "" then
   strAction = trim(request.querystring("action"))
end if
select case strAction
    case "del"
        call del()    '删除考生
    case "modify"
        call modify()    '修改考生界面
    case "savemodify"
        call saveModify()    '保存修改结果
    case "add"
        call add()    '添加考生界面
    case "saveadd"
        call saveAdd()    '保存添加结果
    case "checkup"
        call checkup()    '审批考生
    case "checkupcancel"
        call checkupcancel()    '取消审批
    case else
        call main()             '主界面
end select
call closeConn()
sub main()    '主界面
dim rsStudent,strSqlStudent,intCurPage,intMaxPage
dim intTotalStudent,intStudentPerPage,intCurRec,I
intStudentPerPage = 24   '设定每页24个考生
if IsNumeric(Trim(request.querystring("page"))) =  true then
     intCurPage = CLng(request.querystring("page"))
     intCurPage = 1
end if

<table width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"  
    <tr class="tdtbg">
        <td width="80" align="center"> 考 生 ID</td>        
        <td align="center"> 登录名称 </td>
        <td width="100" align="center"> 真实姓名 </td>
        <td width="50" align="center"> 性 别 </td>
        <td width="100" align="center"> 状 态 </td>
        <td width="150" align="center"> 操 作 </td>
     set rsStudent =server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
     strSqlStudent = "select * from student"
     rsStudent.open strSqlStudent,G_CONN,1,1
     if rsStudent.bof and rsStudent.eof then
         response.write "<tr class='tdbg'><td colspan='6' align='center'>没有考生</td></tr>"
     end if
     rsStudent.pagesize = intStudentPerPage
     intMaxPage = rsStudent.pagecount
     if intCurPage > rsStudent.pagecount then
           intCurpage = rsStudent.pagecount
     elseif intCurPage < 1 then
           intCurPage = 1
     end if
     if rsStudent.pagecount > 0 then
       rsStudent.absolutepage = intCurPage
     end if
     intCurRec = 1
     while not rsStudent.eof and intCurPage <= intStudentPerPage
       response.write "<tr class='tdbg'>"
       response.write "<td align='center'>" & rsStudent("studentid") & "</td>"
       response.write "<td align='center'>" & rsStudent("username") & "</td>"
       response.write "<td align='center'>" & rsStudent("studentname") & "</td>"
       if rsStudent("sex") = true then
          response.write "<td align='center'>男</td>"
          response.write "<td align='center'>女</td>"
       end if
       if rsStudent("studenttype") = 0 then
          response.write "<td align='center'><font color='#ff5500'> 未 审 批</font></td>"
          response.write "<td align='center'><font color='#229922'> 已 注 册</font></td>"
       end if
       response.write "<td align='center'>"
    response.write "<a href='#' onClick=""if (confirm('删除考生将连同考试记录一起删除," &"你确认
吗?') == true)  window.open('admin_student.asp?action=del&studentid="
 & rsStudent("studentid") & "&page=" & intCurPage & "','_self')"">删除</a> | "
        response.write "<a href='admin_student.asp?action=modify&studentid="
 & rsStudent("studentid") & "&page=" & intCurPage & "'>修改</a> "
       if rsStudent("studenttype") = 0 then
          response.write "| <a href='admin_student.asp?action=checkup&studentid="
    & rsStudent("studentid") & "&page=" & intCurPage & "'>审批</a> "
       end if
       response.write "</td></tr>"
        intCurRec = intCurRec + 1
    set rsStudent = nothing
    call showPageCtrl(intMaxPage,intCurPage,"admin_student.asp?page=")
           end sub
<form action="admin_student.asp" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="saveadd">
<table width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"  
    <tr class="tdtbg">
        <td colspan="2" align="center"> 添 加 考 生 </td>
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">登录名称:</td>
            <input name="username" type="text" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="25" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">登录密码:</td>
            <input name="studentpwd" type="password" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">确认密码:</td>
            <input name="confirmpwd" type="password" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">真实姓名:</td>
            <input name="studentname" type="text" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right"> 性  别:</td>
            <input name="sex" type="radio" checked value="1">男
            <input name="sex" type="radio" value="0">女
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">出生日期:</td>
            <input name="birthday" type="text" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="25" value="">例:1988-12-11
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">电话号码:</td>
            <input name="tel" type="text" class="text" size="20" maxlength="50"  
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="180" align="right">电子邮件:</td>
            <input name="email" type="text" class="text" size="30"  
maxlength="128" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td align="center" colspan="2">
            <input type="submit" value="&nbsp;添&nbsp;&nbsp;加&nbsp;">
   sub saveAdd()
   dim rsStudent,strSqlStudent,strUserName,strStudentName,strStudentPwd,strTel
   dim blnSex,strEmail,dtmBirthday,strErr
   strErr = ""
   strUserName = trim(request.form("username"))
   strStudentName = trim(request.form("studentname"))
   strStudentPwd = trim(request.form("studentpwd"))
   strTel = trim(request.form("tel"))
   strEmail = trim(request.form("email"))
   if CLng(trim(request.form("sex"))) > 0 then
      blnSex = true
      blnSex = false
   end if
   if strUserName = "" then
      strErr = "<li>登录名为空!</li>"
   end if
   if strStudentPwd = "" then
      strErr = strErr & "<li>密码为空!</li>"
   end if
   if strStudentPwd <> trim(request.form("confirmpwd")) then
      strErr = strErr & "<li>密码与确认密码不对!</li>"
   end if
   if strStudentName = "" then
      strErr =strErr & "<li>真实姓名为空!</li>"
   end if
   if IsDate(trim(request.form("birthday"))) = false then
      strErr = strErr & "<li>日期格式不正确!</li>"
      dtmBirthday = CDate(trim(request.form("birthday")))
   end if
   if G_CONN.execute("select count(*) as reccount from student where studentname='"&  
strStudentName & "'")("reccount") > 0 then
      strErr = strErr & "<li>系统中已存在此登录名!</li>"
   end if
   if strErr <> "" then
      exit sub
   end if
   set rsStudent = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
   strSqlStudent = "select * from student where studentid=0"
   rsStudent.Open strSqlStudent,G_CONN,1,3
   rsStudent("username") = strUserName
   rsStudent("studentpwd") = strStudentPwd
   rsStudent("studentname") = strStudentName
   rsStudent("birthday") = dtmBirthday
   rsStudent("tel") = strTel
   rsStudent("email") = strEmail
   rsStudent("sex") = blnSex
   rsStudent("studenttype") = 1
   set rsStudent = nothing
   call closeConn()
   response.redirect "admin_student.asp"
end sub
    sub modify()    '修改考生界面
    dim rsStudent,strSqlStudent,intStudentID,strStudentName,strTel,strEmail
    dim blnSex,dtmBirthday,trErr
  strErr =""
    intStudentID = CLng(trim(request.querystrint("studentid")))
    strSqlStudent = "select * from student where studentid=" & intStudentID
    set rsStudent = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rsStudent.open strSqlStudent,G_CONN,1,1
    if rsStudent.bof and rsStudent.eof then
       strErr = "<li>此考生不存在!</li>"
    end if
    if strErr <> "" then
      set rsStudent = nothing
      exit sub
    end if  
<form action="admin_student.asp" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="savemodify">
<input name="studentid" type="hidden" value="<%=intStudentID%>">
<table width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"  
    <tr class="tdtbg">
        <td colspan="2" align="center"> 修 改 考 生 </td>
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">登录名称:</td>
            <font color="#0000FF"><%=rsStudent("username")%></font>
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">(留空不修改)登录密码:</td>
            <input name="studentpwd" type="password" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">(留空不修改)确认密码:</td>
            <input name="confirmpwd" type="password" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">真实姓名:</td>
            <input name="studentname" type="text" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="50" value="<%=rsStudent("studentname")%>">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right"> 性 别:</td>
            <input name="sex"
            <%if rsStudent("sex")=1 then Response.Write "checked"%>
             type="radio" value="1">男&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <input name="sex"
            <%if rsStudent("sex")=0 then Response.Write "checked"%>
             type="radio" value="0">女
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">出生日期</td>
            <input name="birthday" type="text" class="text" size="20"  
maxlength="25" value="<%= rsStudent("birthday")%>">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">电话号码:</td>
            <input name="tel" type="text" class="text" size="20" maxlength="50"  
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td width="200" align="right">电子邮件:</td>
            <input name="email" type="text" class="text" size="30"  
maxlength="128" value="<%=rsStudent("email")%>">
    <tr class="tdbg">
        <td colspan="2" align="center">
            <input type="submit" value="&nbsp;修&nbsp;&nbsp;改
            <input type="reset" value="&nbsp;重&nbsp;&nbsp;写&nbsp;">
    sub saveModify()     '保存修改结果
    dim rsStudent,strSqlStudent,intStudentID,strUserName,strStudentName
    dim strStudentPwd,blnSex,dtmBirthday,strEmail,strTel,strErr
    strErr = ""
    intStudentID = CLng(Trim(request.from("studentid")))
    strStudentName = Trim(request.form("studentname"))
    strEmail = Trim(request.form("email"))
    strTel =Trim(request.form("tel"))
    if CLng(trim(request.form("sex"))) > 0 then
       blnSex = true
       blnSex = false
    end if
    if strStudentName = "" then
       strErr = strErr & "<li>出生日期格式错误!</li>"
       dtmBirthday = CDate(trim(request.form("birthday")))
    end if
    if strErr <> "" then
          exit sub
    end if
    set rsStudent = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
    strSqlStudent = "select * from student where studentid=" & intStudentID
    reStudent.open strSqlStudent,G_CONN,1,3
    if rsStudent.bof and rsStudent.eof then
       strErr = "<li>要修改的考生不存在!</li>"
    end if
    if strErr <> "" then
        set rsStudent = nothing
        exit sub
    end if
    rsStudent("studentname") = strStudentName
    if strStudentPwd <> "" then
       rsStudent("studentpwd") = strStudentPwd
    end if
    rsStudent("sex") = blnSex
    rsStudent("email") = strEmail
    rsStudent("tel") = strTel
    rsStudent("birthday") = dtmBirthday
    set reStudent = nothing
    call closeConn()
    response.redirect "admin_student.asp"
   end sub
sub checkup()     '审批考生
     dim intStudentID,strErr
     intStudentID = CLng(Trim(request.querystrint("studentid")))
     if G_CONN.execute("select count(*) as recount from student where studentid =" &  
intStudentID)("reccount") = 0 then
        strErr = "<li>此考生不存在!</li>"
     end if
     if strErr <> "" then
        exit sub
     end if
     G_CONN.execute("update student set studenttype=1")
     call closeConn()
     response.redirect "admin_student.asp"
end sub
sub del()    '删除考生
    dim intStudentID,strErr
    strErr = ""
    intStudentID = CLng(Trim(request.querystrint("studentid")))
    if G_CONN.execute("select count(*) as reccount from prj_student where state=2 "and  
studentid=" & intStudentID)("reccount") > 0 then
      strErr = "<li>此考生正在考试,不能被删除!</li>"
    end if
    if strErr <> "" then
       exit sub
     end if
   G_CONN.execute "delete from prj_process where studentid=" & intStudentID
   G_CONN.execute "delete from prj_student where studentid=" & intStudentID
   G_CONN.execute "delete from student where studentid=" & intStudentID
   call closeConn()
   response.redirect "admin_student.asp"
 exit sub
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Microsoft student VBScript admin line 
2010-06-01 21:59
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:6
注 册:2010-5-25
就是点击删除,跳出“删除考生将连同考试记录一起删除," &"你确认
2010-06-02 12:19
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:6
注 册:2010-5-25
2010-06-02 17:30


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