标题:C++的数据结构的2道题目 求解 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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注 册:2008-6-28
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C++的数据结构的2道题目 求解 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Given these values, entered from left to right 30,15,10,45,50,60,12,14,11,13
(a) what is the resulting AVL tree
(b) what is thee resulting 2-3 tree
(c) what is the resulting 2-3-4 tree
(d) Delete 15 from the AVL tree
(e) Delete 30 from 2-3 tree

compare two implementationof graph :adjacent matrix and ajacent list.
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 数据结构 tree AVL 求解 
2008-06-28 18:13


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