标题:XP崩溃了 报了段英文
Rank: 4
等 级:贵宾
威 望:11
帖 子:738
注 册:2005-8-2
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
XP崩溃了 报了段英文
A Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer

If this is the first time you're seen this stop error screen restart your computer,if this screen appears again,follow these steps

check to be sure you have adequate disk space ,if a driver is id entified in the stop message disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driier updates try changing video adupters

下面好有好多 懂的朋友能不能帮我翻译下上面的意思 虽然搞好了 我想知道报的是什么错 而导致XP系统崩溃 谢谢了
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 段英文 
2006-09-16 18:04
Rank: 4
等 级:贵宾
威 望:11
帖 子:738
注 册:2005-8-2

原来是这样 我后来把风扇下下来 重新上了硅胶 以前的都漏到CPU外面来了 哎 害我花了4个小时 郁闷!!!!

子非鱼,安知鱼之江湖?子非我,安知我之功夫 http://20681.
2006-09-16 20:03


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