标题:[求助]ADODB.Recordset 错误 '800a0cc1'
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:18
注 册:2007-7-21
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
[求助]ADODB.Recordset 错误 '800a0cc1'

ADODB.Recordset 错误 '800a0cc1'


/oemui/vod/progshow.asp,行 23


<% szPath = "../../" %>
<!--#include file="../../common/dbcon.inc.asp" -->
iUserType = 10
if Len(Session("UserPayMode")) > 0 then iUserType = Cint(Session("UserPayMode"))

iGameID = Encode(Request.QueryString("id"))
szSQL = "SELECT v_proginfo.*,v_pro_price.Price,LevelInfo.LevelName"
szSQL = szSQL & " FROM (v_proginfo LEFT JOIN LevelInfo ON v_proginfo.ProgLevel=LevelInfo.Level_ID)"
szSQL = szSQL & " INNER JOIN v_pro_price ON v_proginfo.Prog_ID=v_pro_price.Prog_ID"
szSQL = szSQL & " WHERE v_proginfo.Prog_ID=" & iGameID
rsData.Open szSQL,con,1,3
if not rsData.EOF then
szProgName = GetRecordGameName(rsData("ProgName"))
szActor = rsData("Actor")
szJoinTime = rsData("JoinTime")
szGameLevel = rsData("LevelName")
szSynopsis = rsData("Synopsis")
szFileType = rsData("FileType")
szPhotoName = rsData("PhotoName")
szPlayTime = rsData("PlayTime")
iPrice = rsData("Price")
iWhere = rsData("Wherefrom")
iTypeID = rsData("Type_ID")
szMaxBitRate = rsData("MaxBitRate")
szAvgBitRate = rsData("AvgBitRate")
if IsNull(szSynopsis) then szSynopsis = ""

szSQL = "SELECT TypeName FROM TypeInfo WHERE Type_ID=" & iTypeID
set rsData_Type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsData_Type.Open szSQL,con,1,3
if not rsData_Type.EOF then szTypeName = rsData_Type("TypeName")

if Len(szPlayTime) = 6 then
szPlayTime = GetPlayTime(szPlayTime, szBitRate)

if rsData("PlayTime") <> "000000" then
bWinResize = 0
bWinResize = 1
end if
end if
end if
iClick = GetRealClick(GetProgramGUID(iGameID))
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link href="<% =szSkinDir %>main.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 oncontextmenu='return false' ondragstart='return false' onselect='document.selection.empty()' oncopy='document.selection.empty()' onbeforecopy='return false' >
<a name=点播>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100% border=0 bgColor=#f6f6ee>
<TD valign="top" width="205">
<div align="center">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<% if Len(rsData("PhotoName")) > 0 and Mid(rsData("PhotoName"), 1, 1) <> "*" then %>
<img src="/<% =URLEncode(rsData("PhotoName")) %>" width="200" height="280" border="0" style="cursor:hand;" onClick="opence('opence.asp?fn=<% =URLEncode(rsData("PhotoName")) %>')">
<img src="<% =szPath %>images/photo.jpg" width="200" height="280" border="0">
<% end if %>
<td vAlign="top"><TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="1" width="460" border="0">
<TD colspan="2" height="25" style="font-size:24px;font-weight:bold"><strong><font color="#ff6600"><b>《<% =szProgName %>》</b></font></strong></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD width="69"><STRONG>主要演员: </STRONG></TD>
<TD width="387"><% =szActor %></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>发布时间: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><% =Year(szJoinTime) %> - <% =Month(szJoinTime) %> - <% =Day(szJoinTime) %></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>影片类别: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><%=szTypeName %></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD vAlign="top">
<% if iwhere = 1 then%>大陆地区
<%elseif iwhere = 2 then%>港台地区
<%elseif iwhere = 3 then%>日韩地区
<%elseif iwhere = 4 then%>欧美地区
<%elseif iwhere = 5 then%>其它地区
<%end if %></FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>影片类型: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><b><% =szFileType %></b>&nbsp;格式</TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<td><STRONG>最大码流: </STRONG></td>
<td><% =szMaxBitRate %>&nbsp;</td>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>平均码流: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><% =szAvgBitRate %>&nbsp;Kbps</TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>节目长度: </STRONG></TD>
<TD vAlign="top"><% =szPlayTime %></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>影片等级: </STRONG></TD>
<TD vAlign="top"><% =szGameLevel %></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD vAlign="top"><% if iPrice = 0 then Response.Write"免费观赏" else Response.Write iPrice & " 影币 / 集" end if %></FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<TD><STRONG>人气指数: </STRONG></TD>
<TD><% =iClick%></TD>
<TD colSpan="2"><IMG height="5" src="<% =szSkinDir %>dtl_leftdot.gif" width="445"></TD>
<td colspan="3">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="99%" border=0 align='center'>
<TD class=style12 bgColor=#d9ceb8 height=25><font color="#808080"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;播放列表:</b></font>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a onclick="CheckPlayer()" title="播放器下载" style="cursor:hand"><font color="#FF0000">观看影片务必下载播放器</font></a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a onclick="openError('SendError.asp?ProgName=<% =szProgName %>')" title="影片报错" style="cursor:hand"><font color="#FF0000">向管理员报告该片有错误</font></a></TD>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=100% align=center border=0>
<table border='0'>
<tr align='center'>
szProg_GUID = GetProgramGUID(iGameID)

szSQL = "SELECT Part_No,Prog_ID,Type_ID,Click FROM v_proginfo WHERE Prog_GUID='" & szProg_GUID & "' ORDER BY Part_No ASC"
rsData.Open szSQL,con,1,3

if not rsData.EOF then
if rsData.RecordCount = 1 then
<td height='23'>
<a style="cursor:hand;" title='已被点播<% =rsData("Click") %> 次' onClick="popup('../player.asp?id=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>',410,390,<% =bWinResize %>,0,0);">
<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>观看影片</table></td>
elseif rsData.RecordCount = 2 then
iCount = 1
do while not rsData.EOF
szShow = szShow & "<td height='23'><a style='cursor:hand' title='已被点播 "
szShow = szShow & rsData("Click") & " 次' onClick=""popup('../player.asp?id="
szShow = szShow & rsData("Prog_ID") & "',410,390," & bWinResize & ",0,0);""> "
if iCount = 1 then szShow = szShow & "<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>上集</table>"
if iCount = 2 then szShow = szShow & "<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>下集</table>"
szShow = szShow & " </a></td>" & Chr(13)
iCount = iCount + 1
Response.Write szShow
elseif rsData.RecordCount = 3 then
iCount = 1
do while not rsData.EOF
szShow = szShow & "<td align='center' height='23'><a style='cursor:hand' title='已被点播 "
szShow = szShow & rsData("Click") & " 次' onClick=""popup('../player.asp?id="
szShow = szShow & rsData("Prog_ID") & "',410,390," & bWinResize & ",0,0);""> "
if iCount = 1 then szShow = szShow & "<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>上集</table>"
if iCount = 2 then szShow = szShow & "<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>中集</table>"
if iCount = 3 then szShow = szShow & "<table width=70 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>下集</table>"
szShow = szShow & " </a></td>" & Chr(13)
iCount = iCount + 1
Response.Write szShow
iCount = 0
do while not rsData.EOF
if iCount mod 10 = 0 then szShow = szShow & "</tr><tr>"
szShow = szShow & "<td align='center' height='23'><a style='cursor:hand' title='已被点播 "
szShow = szShow & rsData("Click") & " 次' onClick=""popup('../player.asp?id="
szShow = szShow & rsData("Prog_ID") & "',410,390," & bWinResize & ",0,0);""> "
szShow = szShow & "<table width=67 border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#999999><tr style='cursor:hand;'><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>" & GetProgramName(rsData("Prog_ID")) & "</table></a></td>" & Chr(13)
iCount = iCount + 1
Response.Write szShow
end if
end if
<td colspan="3">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="99%" border=0 align='center'>
<TR><TD bgColor=#d9ceb8 height=25><font color="#808080"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;影片简介:</b></font>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="99%" align=center border=0>
<TD height=40 align="center" width="97%">
<DIV align=left><span class="menu">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<% =Replace(Replace(szSynopsis, vbCrLf, "<br>"), Chr(32), "&nbsp;") %></span></DIV></TD>
<td colspan="3">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="99%" border=0 align='center'>
<TR><TD bgColor=#d9ceb8 height=25><font color="#808080"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;相关影片:</b></font></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=98% border=0>
<TD vAlign=top width="31%" rowSpan=2>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc>
szSQL = "SELECT TOP 7 v_pro_price.Price,v_proginfo.Prog_ID,v_proginfo.ProgName,v_proginfo.photoname,v_proginfo.Actor "
szSQL = szSQL & "FROM v_proginfo,v_pro_price "
szSQL = szSQL & "WHERE v_proginfo.Prog_ID=v_pro_price.Prog_ID AND v_proginfo.Part_No=1 AND v_proginfo.Actor LIKE '%" & content & "%'"
szSQL = szSQL & "ORDER BY v_proginfo.Prog_ID DESC"
rsData.Open szSQL,con,1,3
do while not rsData.EOF
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#ffffff><DIV align=center>
<% if rsData("photoname") <> "*" then %>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="/<% =URLEncode(rsData("photoname")) %>" name="img" width="252" height="360" border="0"></a>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="<%=szPath %>images/photo.jpg" width="252" height="360" border=0 align="middle"></a>
<% end if %>
</TR><tr><td vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#ffffff><div align="center"><span class=menu><strong><font color=#000000>
<a href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播"><% =GetLeftString(GetRecordGameName(rsData("ProgName")), 12) %></a></font></strong></span></div></td></tr> </TBODY>
if i>=1 then exit do
%> </TD>
<TD vAlign=top> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<%if not rsData.eof then
do while not rsData.eof
<TD vAlign=top align=middle width=161> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=122 align=center border=0>
<TD width=118 bgColor=#cccccc> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0>
<TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TABLE width=10 border=0 align="center" cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>
<% if rsData("photoname") <> "*" then %>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="/<% =URLEncode(rsData("photoname")) %>" name="img" width="125" height="165" border="0"></a>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="<%=szPath %>images/photo.jpg" width="125" height="165" border=0 align="middle"></a>
<% end if %> </TD>
<TD class=font4 vAlign=bottom align=middle height=20>
<a href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播"><% =GetLeftString(GetRecordGameName(rsData("ProgName")), 6) %></a></TD>
if i>=4 then exit do
end if
<TD vAlign=top align=middle> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<%if not rsData.eof then
do while not rsData.eof
<td><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=122 align=center border=0>
<TD width=118 bgColor=#cccccc> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0>
<TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TABLE width=10 border=0 align="center" cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>
<% if rsData("photoname") <> "*" then %>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="/<% =URLEncode(rsData("photoname")) %>" name="img" width="125" height="165" border="0"></a>
<a style="cursor:'hand'" href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播">
<img src="<%=szPath %>images/photo.jpg" width="125" height="165" border=0 align="middle"></a>
<% end if %> </TD>
<TD class=font4 vAlign=bottom align=middle height=20>
<a href="<% =szPath %>oemui/vod/progshow.asp?ID=<% =rsData("Prog_ID") %>#点播"><% =GetLeftString(GetRecordGameName(rsData("ProgName")), 6) %></a></TD>
if i>=7 then exit do
end if
set rsData=nothing
<td height=1 align=left vAlign=top><iframe src="<% =szPath %>oemui/comment/comment_list.asp?ProgType=2&ProgID=<% =iGameID %>" width="98%" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></td>
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document.body.onload = ResizeFrame;
function ResizeFrame()
parent.document.all.main.height = document.body.scrollHeight;

function opence(htm)
var iWinLeft, iWinTop;
iWinLeft = (screen.Width - 640) / 2;
iWinTop = (screen.Height - 480) / 2;

window.open(htm, "_blank", "toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no, location=no ,width=350 ,height=470,left=" + iWinLeft + ",top=" + iWinTop);

function openError(Url)
var iWinLeft, iWinTop;
iWinLeft = (screen.Width - 640) / 2;
iWinTop = (screen.Height - 480) / 2;

window.open(Url,"_blank","toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,width=390,height=195,left=" + iWinLeft + ",top=" + iWinTop);

function CheckPlayer()
var oPlayerAx = new ActiveXObject("VGPlayer.WebVGPlayer.1");
window.location.href = "/webmedia/download/WebPlayer.exe";

<!--#include file="../../common/dbend.inc.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../common/popwin.inc.asp" -->

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Recordset ADODB szSQL Session 
2007-07-24 07:17


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