Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:8
注 册:2007-3-23
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 

1. There are several elements must be kept in mind when designing a Palm OS application, what are these? (3 Points)

2. The event loop is responsible for processing events received by the application. Incoming events enter the event queue, which EventLoop processes one event at a time. So please explain the event module and elements. (4 Points)

3. How can I debug my Palm application to a Handspring device using a serial cradle? (2 Points)

4. When I build my application, I receive a "16-bit code reference to ... out of range" error. What is this mean? Why I receive this error? (3 Points)

5. Use code to write the follow resource. (4 Points)
a) An information Alert form, title is “Trial Version”, message is “You are using a trial version.”, and only one button called “OK”.

b) A bitmapfamily which called “settings”, and there are four bitmap images, see below:
Name Color depth size transparence
settings01.bmp 8 64 White
settings02.bmp 8 32 White
settings03.bmp 1 64 None
settings04.bmp 1 32 None

c) About Form which called AboutForm, it’s a Modal form, the title is called “Super Block”, and the controls see below:
Control Type Name ID Position Other
LABEL Super Block AboutFormLabelSuperBlock 50 72 Bold
BUTTON OK AboutFormOKButton 56 137 45 14
FIELD AboutFormRegisterNameField 11 68 87 16 MAXCHARS 255, UNDERLINED NONEDITABLE
FIELD AboutFormRegisterCodeField 11 88 87 16 MAXCHARS 255, UNDERLINED NONEDITABLE

6. How can I realize the follow function? (3 Points)
a) How to create a graphic button which displays a graphic image instead of text?
b) How to create check box that a label to the left of the check box?
c) How to use Push button to realize multi-Select function?

7. How to share a menu between multiple menu bars? (2 Points)

8. What is Alarms? Where and how can we use? Which are the steps required for setting and responding to an alarm? Please write the code of set an alarm. (4 Points)

9. Palm OS provides three functions for deleting records from a database, appropriate for different circumstances, so what’s the difference of DmRemoveRecord, DmDeleteRecord, and DmArchiveRecord.? (3 Points)

10. Simple narrate the process of Beaming data and Receiving beamed data? (2 Points)

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: elements received blank several please 
2007-03-23 21:46


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