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注 册:2006-11-30
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LOADLIN v1.6c (C) 1994..2002 Hans Lermen <lermen@fgan.de>

CPU is in V86-mode (may be WINDOWS, EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, ...)
You need pure 386/486 real mode or a VCPI server to boot Linux
VCPI is supported by most EMS drivers (if EMS is enabled),
but never under WINDOWS-3.1 or WINDOWS'95.
(However, real DOS-Mode of WINDOWS'95 can have EMS driver with VCPI)
If loading via VCPI you also MUST have:
1. An interceptable setup-code (see MANUAL.TXT)
2. Identical Physical-to-Virtual mapping for the first 640 Kbytes

Your current DOS/CPU configuration is:
load buffer size: 0x00000000 , setup buffer size: 0x3E00
total memory: 0x00100000
CPU is in V86 mode
SetupIntercept: NO
stat2: cpu_V86, but no VCPI available (check aborted)
input params (size 0x0046):
autoboot\vmlinuz initrd=autoboot\initrd.img ramdisk_size=9216
LOADLIN started from DOS-prompt
WARNING: Not enough free memory (load buffer size)


搜索更多相关主题的帖子: linux 提示 
2006-12-01 14:45


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