Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2022-10-14
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
Please write a query to get the top 3 item_id (has most distinct order_ids) for each category and their order count together with its rank for each category.
Table: item_sales_information
| Column Name | Type |
| item_id | int |
| order_id | int |
| category | varchar |
| sold_date | timestamp|
Your query should return the following output for the above table:
| item_id | order_count | category | rank |
| t3902 | 2599 | Clothes | 1 |
| t7892 | 2320 | Clothes | 2 |
| t1829 | 1878 | Clothes | 3 |
| k1290 | 1299 | Shoes | 1 |
| k4729 | 872 | Shoes | 2 |
| k0173 | 729 | Shoes | 3 |
... |
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Table for the rank query 
2022-10-14 14:55


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