proteus can't load modile;Real time Simulation failed to start

ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:DATA DATA segment db 03h,06h,0Ch,09h,00h,00h DATA ends CODE SEGMENT HEAD: MOV DX,0606H MOV AL,82H OUT DX,AL LOP1: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX ;读取bl输入的值放入al中 mov dx, 0602h in al, dx ;正反转 mov ah, al and al,00000001b mov bx,5 mov ds:bx,al ;档位 and ah,00000110b ror ah,1h mov bx,4 mov ds:bx,ah ; mov dx, 0600h ; mov al,00000000b ; out dx,al call dang ; mov al,01000000b ; out dx,al ; call dang ;CALL ZHUAN ;转一圈 call xiyi LOP4: JMP LOP1 ;mov ax,4c00h ;int 21h ;---------------------------------------- DELAY: MOV CX,0AAAAH LOP2: LOOP LOP2 RET ;---------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------- DELAY3: call DELAY ret DELAY2: call DELAY call DELAY ret DELAY1: call DELAY call DELAY call DELAY ret ;---------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------- ;洗衣模式 xiyi: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,4 mov AL,DS:BX CMP AL,01H JE qingrou CMP AL,02H JE r1 CMP AL,03H JE r2 ret r1: jmp zhengchang ret r2: jmp shuaigan ret ;---------------------------------------- ;轻柔 4回合 qingrou: p1: call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 call cWise1 p2: call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 call ccWise1 ret ;正常 4回合 zhengchang: call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 call cWise2 p4: call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 call ccWise2 ret ;甩干 4回合 shuaigan: ;正反一圈 p5: call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 call cWise3 p6: call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 call ccWise3 ret ;---------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ;转一圈 zhuan: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,5 MOV AL,DS:BX CMP AL,00H JE CWISE JMP CCWISE RET ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ;正转一圈 cWise: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,4 mov AL,DS:BX CMP AL,01H JE l1 CMP AL,02H JE cWise2 CMP AL,03H JE cWise3 JMP LOP1 l1: JMP cWise1 RET cWise3: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,00H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL ; OR AL,01001111B ;方向 OUT DX,AL ; call DANG CALL DELAY3 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL ; OR AL,01001111B ;档位 OUT DX,AL ; call DANG CALL DELAY3 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL ; OR AL,01001111B OUT DX,AL ; call DANG CALL DELAY3 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL ; OR AL,01001111B OUT DX,AL ; call DANG CALL DELAY3 ret cWise2: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,00H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 ret cWise1: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,00H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 ADD BX,01H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 ret ;反转一圈 ccWise: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,4 mov AL,DS:BX CMP AL,01H JE ccWise1 CMP AL,02H JE ccWise2 CMP AL,03H JE ccWise3 RET ccwise3: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,03H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY3 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY3 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY3 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY3 RET ccwise2: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,03H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY2 ret ccwise1: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV DX,0600H MOV BX,03H MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 DEC BX MOV CL,DS:BX MOV AL,CL OUT DX,AL CALL DELAY1 ret ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ;数码管显示 light0: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 3fh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret light1: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 06h out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字2 light2: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 5Bh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字3 light3: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 4Fh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字4 light4: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 66h out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字5 light5: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 6Dh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字6 light6: mov dx, 0604h ;控制端口a mov al, 7Dh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字7 light7: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 07h out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;数字8 light8: mov dx, 0604h ; 控制端口a mov al, 7Fh out dx, al ; 将al数据输出 ret ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ;输出档位 dang: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,04H MOV AL,DS:BX mov cl, 0H ;判断0 cmp al, cl je light0 mov cl, 01H ;判断1 cmp al, cl je light1 mov cl, 02H ;判断2 cmp al, cl je light2 mov cl, 03H ;判断3 cmp al, cl je light3 ;输出方向 Fang: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV BX,05H MOV AL,DS:BX mov cl, 0H ;判断0 cmp al, cl je light0 mov cl, 01H ;判断1 cmp al, cl je light1 ;--------------------------------------- CODE ENDS END HEAD