[此贴子已经被作者于2020-8-15 10:02编辑过]
Option Explicit Private Type SYSTEM_INFO dwOemID As Long dwPageSize As Long lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long dwActiveProcessorMask As Long dwNumberOrfProcessors As Long dwProcessorType As Long dwAllocationGranularity As Long wProcessorLevel As Integer wProcessorRevision As Integer End Type Private Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO) Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (lpDst As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1 Private Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2 Private Const FILE_SHARE_DELETE = &H4 Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3 Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = &H80 Private Const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN = &H8000000 Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long '--- 文件映射 Private Declare Function CreateFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileMappingA" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpFileMappigAttributes As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long, ByVal dwMaximumSizeHigh As Long, ByVal dwMaximumSizeLow As Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long Private Declare Function MapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFileMappingObject As Long, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetHigh As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetLow As Long, ByVal dwNumberOfBytesToMap As Long) As Long Private Declare Function UnmapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBaseAddress As Long) As Long Private Const PAGE_READONLY = &H2 Private Const FILE_MAP_READ = &H4 Private Type LARGE_INTEGER LowPart As Long HighPart As Long End Type Private fhWnd As Long, AllocationGranularity As Long Private mFileSize As Currency Private Buffer() As Byte Private Sub Form_Load() Dim SysInfo As SYSTEM_INFO Call GetSystemInfo(SysInfo) AllocationGranularity = SysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Erase Buffer End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim FileName As String, FindStr As String Dim Le As Long, Pos As Long, P As Long Dim FindPos As Currency, Start As Currency Dim bFind() As Byte Dim TTT As Single TTT = Timer FileName = "C:\xxx\xxx\xxx.yyy" '文件名(包含路径) If Dir(FileName) = "" Then Exit Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------- FindStr = "FFAABBCC" '查找字节 字符串 Le = Len(FindStr) If Le Mod 2 = 1 Then Le = Le + 1 Le = Le \ 2 - 1 ReDim bFind(Le) As Byte Pos = 1 For P = 0 To Le bFind(P) = Val("&H" & Mid(FindStr, Pos, 2)) Pos = Pos + 2 Next '-------------------------------------------------------------- fhWnd = OpenFile(FileName) '打开文件 mFileSize = GetFileSizeAPI(fhWnd) '获得文件大小 Debug.Print "文件大小 = " & FormatNumber(mFileSize, 0, , , vbTrue) & " 字节" ReDim Buffer(AllocationGranularity - 1) As Byte '注意:缓冲区大小必须是 AllocationGranularity,或 AllocationGranularity的整数倍 'FindByte 函数返回查找字节位置,-1表示没有匹配; 'Start 参数:表示查找起始位置,0表示从头开始; Start = 0 FindPos = FindByte(bFind, Start) '查找 Call CloseHandle(fhWnd) '关闭文件 Erase bFind Debug.Print "用时 = " & (Timer - TTT) * 1000 & " 毫秒; " & "查找位置 = " & FindPos End Sub Private Function FindByte(ByteFind() As Byte, ByVal Start As Currency) As Currency Dim fMaphWnd As Long, MapByteSum As Long, FindLen As Long, bStrPtr As Long, Start2 As Long Dim fSize As Currency, Offset As Currency Dim Follow As Boolean Dim bStrand() As Byte FindLen = UBound(ByteFind) ReDim bStrand(FindLen * 2 - 1) As Byte bStrPtr = VarPtr(bStrand(0)) MapByteSum = AllocationGranularity Offset = Int(Start / AllocationGranularity) * AllocationGranularity Start = Start - Offset + 1 If MapByteSum - Start < FindLen Then Start2 = FindLen - (MapByteSum - Start) Else Start2 = 1 fSize = mFileSize - Offset fMaphWnd = OpenFileMapping(fhWnd) Do If MapByteSum > fSize Then MapByteSum = fSize Call ZeroMemory(Buffer(0), AllocationGranularity) End If Call ReadFileMapping(fMaphWnd, Offset, MapByteSum, Buffer) If Follow = True Then Call CopyMemory(bStrand(FindLen), Buffer(0), FindLen) FindByte = InStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind) - 1 If FindByte > -1 Then FindByte = Offset - FindLen + FindByte Exit Do End If Start2 = 1 End If FindByte = InStrB(Start, Buffer, ByteFind) - 1 If FindByte > -1 Then FindByte = Offset + FindByte Exit Do End If If fSize > MapByteSum Then Call CopyMemory(ByVal bStrPtr, Buffer(MapByteSum - FindLen), FindLen) Follow = True End If Offset = Offset + AllocationGranularity fSize = fSize - MapByteSum Start = 1 Loop Until fSize = 0 Call CloseHandle(fMaphWnd) '关闭文件映射 Erase bStrand End Function Private Function OpenFile(ByVal FileName As String) As Long '打开文件 Dim ShareMode As Long ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ Or FILE_SHARE_WRITE Or FILE_SHARE_DELETE OpenFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, ShareMode, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL Or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0) End Function Private Function GetFileSizeAPI(ByVal FilehWnd As Long) As Currency '文件大小;字节 Dim fLo As Long, fHi As Long fLo = GetFileSize(FilehWnd, fHi) GetFileSizeAPI = HighLowToSize(fLo, fHi) End Function Private Function OpenFileMapping(ByVal FilehWnd As Long, Optional ByVal FileSize As Currency = 0) As Long '打开文件映射 Dim fLo As Long, fHi As Long If FileSize > 0 Then Call SizeToHighLow(FileSize, fLo, fHi) OpenFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(FilehWnd, 0, PAGE_READONLY, fHi, fLo, vbNullString) End Function Private Function ReadFileMapping(ByVal MapFilehWnd As Long, ByVal Offset As Currency, ByVal ViewSize As Long, ByRef Buffer() As Byte) As Boolean Dim MapMemPtr As Long, fLo As Long, fHi As Long If Offset > 0 Then Call SizeToHighLow(Offset, fLo, fHi) MapMemPtr = MapViewOfFile(MapFilehWnd, FILE_MAP_READ, fHi, fLo, ViewSize) If MapMemPtr > 0 Then Call CopyMemory(Buffer(0), ByVal MapMemPtr, ViewSize) Call UnmapViewOfFile(MapMemPtr) ReadFileMapping = True End If End Function Private Function HighLowToSize(ByVal LowLong As Long, ByVal HighLong As Long) As Currency Dim LI As LARGE_INTEGER With LI .LowPart = LowLong .HighPart = HighLong End With Call CopyMemory(HighLowToSize, LI, Len(LI)) HighLowToSize = HighLowToSize * 10000 End Function Private Sub SizeToHighLow(ByVal FileSize As Currency, ByRef LowLong As Long, ByRef HighLong As Long) Dim LI As LARGE_INTEGER Call CopyMemory(LI, CCur(FileSize / 10000), Len(LI)) With LI LowLong = .LowPart HighLong = .HighPart End With End Sub
Option Explicit Private Type SYSTEM_INFO dwOemID As Long dwPageSize As Long lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long dwActiveProcessorMask As Long dwNumberOrfProcessors As Long dwProcessorType As Long dwAllocationGranularity As Long wProcessorLevel As Integer wProcessorRevision As Integer End Type Private Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO) Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (lpDst As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1 Private Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2 Private Const FILE_SHARE_DELETE = &H4 Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3 Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = &H80 Private Const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN = &H8000000 Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long '--- 文件映射 Private Declare Function CreateFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileMappingA" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpFileMappigAttributes As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long, ByVal dwMaximumSizeHigh As Long, ByVal dwMaximumSizeLow As Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long Private Declare Function MapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFileMappingObject As Long, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetHigh As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetLow As Long, ByVal dwNumberOfBytesToMap As Long) As Long Private Declare Function UnmapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBaseAddress As Long) As Long Private Const PAGE_READONLY = &H2 Private Const FILE_MAP_READ = &H4 Private Type LARGE_INTEGER LowPart As Long HighPart As Long End Type Private fhWnd As Long, AllocationGranularity As Long Private mFileSize As Currency Private Buffer() As Byte Private Sub Form_Load() Dim SysInfo As SYSTEM_INFO Call GetSystemInfo(SysInfo) AllocationGranularity = SysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Erase Buffer End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim FileName As String, FindStr As String Dim Le As Long, Pos As Long, P As Long Dim FindPos As Currency, Start As Currency Dim bFind() As Byte, bFind2() As Byte '加一个数组 Dim TTT As Single TTT = Timer FileName = "C:\xxx\xxx\xxx.yyy" '文件名(包含路径) If Dir(FileName) = "" Then Exit Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------- FindStr = "FFAABBCC" '查找字节 字符串 Le = Len(FindStr) If Le Mod 2 = 1 Then Le = Le + 1 Le = Le \ 2 - 1 ReDim bFind(Le) As Byte ReDim bFind2(Le) As Byte '加一个数组 Pos = 1 For P = 0 To Le bFind(P) = Val("&H" & Mid(FindStr, Pos, 2)) '----------生成大小写字母转换的第二个数组---------- If bFind(P) > 64 And bFind(P) < 91 Then '大写字母 bFind2(P) = bFind(P) + 32 '转小写字母 ElseIf bFind(P) > 96 And bFind(P) < 123 Then '小写字母 bFind2(P) = bFind(P) - 32 '转大写字母 Else bFind2(P) = bFind(P) '非字母按原字符 End If Pos = Pos + 2 Next '-------------------------------------------------------------- fhWnd = OpenFile(FileName) '打开文件 mFileSize = GetFileSizeAPI(fhWnd) '获得文件大小 Debug.Print "文件大小 = " & FormatNumber(mFileSize, 0, , , vbTrue) & " 字节" ReDim Buffer(AllocationGranularity - 1) As Byte '注意:缓冲区大小必须是 AllocationGranularity,或 AllocationGranularity的整数倍 'FindByte 函数返回查找字节位置,-1表示没有匹配; 'Start 参数:表示查找起始位置,0表示从头开始; Start = 0 FindPos = FindByte(bFind, bFind2, Start) '查找 '多传一个数组进去 Call CloseHandle(fhWnd) '关闭文件 Erase bFind Debug.Print "用时 = " & (Timer - TTT) * 1000 & " 毫秒; " & "查找位置 = " & FindPos End Sub Private Function FindByte(ByteFind() As Byte, ByteFind2() As Byte, ByVal Start As Currency) As Currency '需要多传一个数组进来 Dim fMaphWnd As Long, MapByteSum As Long, FindLen As Long, bStrPtr As Long, Start2 As Long Dim fSize As Currency, Offset As Currency Dim Follow As Boolean Dim bStrand() As Byte FindLen = UBound(ByteFind) ReDim bStrand(FindLen * 2 - 1) As Byte bStrPtr = VarPtr(bStrand(0)) MapByteSum = AllocationGranularity Offset = Int(Start / AllocationGranularity) * AllocationGranularity Start = Start - Offset + 1 If MapByteSum - Start < FindLen Then Start2 = FindLen - (MapByteSum - Start) Else Start2 = 1 fSize = mFileSize - Offset fMaphWnd = OpenFileMapping(fhWnd) Do If MapByteSum > fSize Then MapByteSum = fSize Call ZeroMemory(Buffer(0), AllocationGranularity) End If Call ReadFileMapping(fMaphWnd, Offset, MapByteSum, Buffer) If Follow = True Then Call CopyMemory(bStrand(FindLen), Buffer(0), FindLen) ' FindByte = InStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind) - 1 'instrb改为自定义函数 FindByte = UInStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind, ByteFind2) - 1 If FindByte > -1 Then FindByte = Offset - FindLen + FindByte Exit Do End If Start2 = 1 End If ' FindByte = InStrB(Start, Buffer, ByteFind) - 1 FindByte = UInStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind, ByteFind2) - 1 If FindByte > -1 Then FindByte = Offset + FindByte Exit Do End If If fSize > MapByteSum Then Call CopyMemory(ByVal bStrPtr, Buffer(MapByteSum - FindLen), FindLen) Follow = True End If Offset = Offset + AllocationGranularity fSize = fSize - MapByteSum Start = 1 Loop Until fSize = 0 Call CloseHandle(fMaphWnd) '关闭文件映射 Erase bStrand End Function Private Function UInStrB(ByVal Start2 As Long, ByRef bStrand() As Byte, ByRef ByteFind() As Byte, ByRef ByteFind2() As Byte) As Currency Dim FN As Boolean Dim i As Long '循环变量 Dim bfw1 As Long, bfw2 As Long '二个位置变量 Do bfw1 = InStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind(0)) bfw2 = InStrB(Start2, bStrand, ByteFind2(0)) '-----------取最近的位置------------ '存在几种情况:0,0;>0,0;0,>0;>0,>0。 If bfw1 = 0 And bfw2 = 0 Then '第一种,没找到,退出循环 Exit Do 'ElseIf bfw1 > 0 And bfw2 = 0 Then '第二种不需要处理,这个判断也可以不执行 '第二种不需处理 ElseIf bfw1 = 0 And bfw2 > 0 Then '第三种使用第二个位置 bfw1 = bfw2 ElseIf bfw1 > 0 And bfw2 > 0 Then '第四种,使用最近的位置 If bfw1 > bfw2 Then bfw1 = bfw2 End If FN = True For i = 1 To UBound(ByteFind) If bStrand(bfw1 + i) = ByteFind(i) Or bStrand(bfw1 + i) = ByteFind2(i) Then '如果等于其中一个 Else '与二个均不相等,那么设置为没找到 FN = False End If Next i Start2 = bfw1 + 1 '从新的位置找起 Loop While Not FN 'for 循环结束后,如果找到,那么fn为真值,这时不需要再次循环查找,否则需要继续DO循环 UInStrB = bfw1 'bfw1要么是 fn 为true 得到的结果,要么是没进for 循环的 0 End Function Private Function OpenFile(ByVal FileName As String) As Long '打开文件 Dim ShareMode As Long ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ Or FILE_SHARE_WRITE Or FILE_SHARE_DELETE OpenFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, ShareMode, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL Or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0) End Function Private Function GetFileSizeAPI(ByVal FilehWnd As Long) As Currency '文件大小;字节 Dim fLo As Long, fHi As Long fLo = GetFileSize(FilehWnd, fHi) GetFileSizeAPI = HighLowToSize(fLo, fHi) End Function Private Function OpenFileMapping(ByVal FilehWnd As Long, Optional ByVal FileSize As Currency = 0) As Long '打开文件映射 Dim fLo As Long, fHi As Long If FileSize > 0 Then Call SizeToHighLow(FileSize, fLo, fHi) OpenFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(FilehWnd, 0, PAGE_READONLY, fHi, fLo, vbNullString) End Function Private Function ReadFileMapping(ByVal MapFilehWnd As Long, ByVal Offset As Currency, ByVal ViewSize As Long, ByRef Buffer() As Byte) As Boolean Dim MapMemPtr As Long, fLo As Long, fHi As Long If Offset > 0 Then Call SizeToHighLow(Offset, fLo, fHi) MapMemPtr = MapViewOfFile(MapFilehWnd, FILE_MAP_READ, fHi, fLo, ViewSize) If MapMemPtr > 0 Then Call CopyMemory(Buffer(0), ByVal MapMemPtr, ViewSize) Call UnmapViewOfFile(MapMemPtr) ReadFileMapping = True End If End Function Private Function HighLowToSize(ByVal LowLong As Long, ByVal HighLong As Long) As Currency Dim LI As LARGE_INTEGER With LI .LowPart = LowLong .HighPart = HighLong End With Call CopyMemory(HighLowToSize, LI, Len(LI)) HighLowToSize = HighLowToSize * 10000 End Function Private Sub SizeToHighLow(ByVal FileSize As Currency, ByRef LowLong As Long, ByRef HighLong As Long) Dim LI As LARGE_INTEGER Call CopyMemory(LI, CCur(FileSize / 10000), Len(LI)) With LI LowLong = .LowPart HighLong = .HighPart End With End Sub