


Sub 凭证一级科目提取() Dim br, cr(60000, 4), dc, dk, de, df, dw(60000, 1) br = [a1].CurrentRegion Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") bok1 = ActiveSheet.Name For xrow = 2 To UBound(br) If br(xrow, 10) = 0 Then 方向 = "cr" Else: 方向 = "dr" End If If br(xrow, 2) & br(xrow, 3) <> dk Or xrow = UBound(br) Then Item = Item + 1 If Item > 1 Then cr(Item - 1, 0) = dk 'key cr(Item - 1, 1) = dc '科目 cr(Item - 1, 2) = de '摘要 cr(Item - 1, 3) = df '制单人 dk = "" dc = "" de = "" df = "" End If End If dk = br(xrow, 2) & br(xrow, 3) If InStr(dc, 方向 & br(xrow, 23)) = False Then dc = dc & 方向 & br(xrow, 23) If InStr(de, Left(br(xrow, 5), 8)) = False Then de = Left(br(xrow, 5), 8) '只要最后一个摘要。 If InStr(df, Left(br(xrow, 12), 8)) = False Then df = df & Left(br(xrow, 12), 8) Next Sheets.Add Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Item, "e")) = cr [a1:d1] = Array("key", "科目", "摘要", "制单人") Cells.WrapText = False Sheets(bok1).Select For xx = 1 To UBound(cr) d(cr(xx, 0)) = cr(xx, 1) Next xx For yy = 2 To [a65536].End(xlUp).Row + 1 dw(yy - 2, 0) = d(br(yy - 1, 2) & br(yy - 1, 3)) Next yy Range(Cells(1, "ab"), Cells(UBound(br), "ab")) = Application.Index(dw, 0, 0) [ab1] = "凭证" End Sub
[此贴子已经被作者于2018-11-22 20:54编辑过]