[此贴子已经被作者于2018-9-18 18:59编辑过]
Dim Commpents_Name_Style() As String Private Sub Form_Load() ReDim Commpents_Name_Style(1 To 30000,1 To 30000,1 To 30000) As String End Sub
Private Type C Third() As String End Type Private Type B Second() As C End Type Private Type A First() As B End Type Private AA As A
Private Type C Third(32723) As Integer End Type Private Type B Second As C End Type Private Type A First As B End Type Private AA As A
Private Type C Third() As Integer End Type Private Type B Second() As C End Type Private Type A First() As B End Type Private AA As A
[此贴子已经被作者于2018-9-19 17:13编辑过]