Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
1000/tcp cadlock
1010/tcp surf surf
1023/tcp Reserved Reserved
1030/tcp iad1 BBN IAD
1031/tcp iad2 BBN IAD
1032/tcp iad3 BBN IAD
1047/tcp neod1 Sun‘s NEO Object Request Broker
1048/tcp neod2 Sun‘s NEO Object Request Broker
1058/tcp nim nim
1059/tcp nimreg nimreg
1067/tcp instl_boots Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
1068/tcp instl_bootc Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
1080/tcp socks Socks
1083/tcp ansoft-lm-1 Anasoft License Manager
1084/tcp ansoft-lm-2 Anasoft License Manager
1123/tcp murray Murray
1155/tcp nfa Network File Access
1212/tcp lupa lupa
1222/tcp nerv SNI R&D network
1239/tcp nmsd NMSD
1248/tcp hermes
1313/tcp bmc_patroldb BMC_PATROLDB
1314/tcp pdps Photoscript Distributed Printing System
1321/tcp pip PIP
1345/tcp vpjp VPJP
1346/tcp alta-ana-lm Alta Analytics License Manager
1347/tcp bbn-mmc multi media conferencing
1348/tcp bbn-mmx multi media conferencing
1349/tcp sbook Registration Network Protocol
1350/tcp editbench Registration Network Protocol
1352/tcp lotusnote Lotus Note
1353/tcp relief Relief Consulting
1354/tcp rightbrain RightBrain Software
1355/tcp intuitive-edge Intuitive Edge
1356/tcp cuillamartin CuillaMartin Company
1357/tcp pegboard Electronic PegBoard
1358/tcp connlcli CONNLCLI
1359/tcp ftsrv FTSRV
1360/tcp mimer MIMER
1361/tcp linx LinX
1362/tcp timeflies TimeFlies
1363/tcp ndm-requester Network DataMover Requester
1364/tcp ndm-server Network DataMover Server
1365/tcp adapt-sna Network Software Associates
1366/tcp netware-csp Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
1367/tcp dcs DCS
1368/tcp screencast ScreenCast
1369/tcp gv-us GlobalView to Unix Shell
1370/tcp us-gv Unix Shell to GlobalView
1371/tcp fc-cli Fujitsu Config Protocol
1372/tcp fc-ser Fujitsu Config Protocol
1373/tcp chromagrafx Chromagrafx
1374/tcp molly EPI Software Systems
1375/tcp bytex Bytex
1376/tcp ibm-pps IBM Person to Person Software
1377/tcp cichlid Cichlid License Manager
1378/tcp elan Elan License Manager
1379/tcp dbreporter Integrity Solutions
1380/tcp telesis-licman Telesis Network License Manager
1381/tcp apple-licman Apple Network License Manager
1382/tcp udt_os
1383/tcp gwha GW Hannaway Network License Manager
1384/tcp os-licman Objective Solutions License Manager
1385/tcp atex_elmd Atex Publishing License Manager
1386/tcp checksum CheckSum License Manager
1387/tcp cadsi-lm Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
1388/tcp objective-dbc Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
1389/tcp iclpv-dm Document Manager
1390/tcp iclpv-sc Storage Controller
1391/tcp iclpv-sas Storage Access Server
1392/tcp iclpv-pm Print Manager
1393/tcp iclpv-nls Network Log Server
1394/tcp iclpv-nlc Network Log Client
1395/tcp iclpv-wsm PC Workstation Manager software
1396/tcp dvl-activemail DVL Active Mail
1399/tcp cadkey-licman Cadkey License Manager

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:06
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
1400/tcp cadkey-tablet Cadkey Tablet Daemon
1402/tcp prm-sm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1403/tcp prm-nm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1404/tcp igi-lm Infinite Graphics License Manager
1405/tcp ibm-res IBM Remote Execution Starter
1406/tcp netlabs-lm NetLabs License Manager
1407/tcp dbsa-lm DBSA License Manager
1408/tcp sophia-lm Sophia License Manager
1409/tcp here-lm Here License Manager
1410/tcp hiq HiQ License Manager
1411/tcp af AudioFile
1412/tcp innosys InnoSys
1413/tcp innosys-acl Innosys-ACL
1414/tcp ibm-mqseries IBM MQSeries
1415/tcp dbstar DBStar
1416/tcp novell-lu6.2 Novell LU6.2
1417/tcp timbuktu-srv1 Timbuktu Service 1 Port
1418/tcp timbuktu-srv2 Timbuktu Service 2 Port
1419/tcp timbuktu-srv3 Timbuktu Service 3 Port
1420/tcp timbuktu-srv4 Timbuktu Service 4 Port
1421/tcp gandalf-lm Gandalf License Manager
1422/tcp autodesk-lm Autodesk License Manager
1423/tcp essbase Essbase Arbor Software
1424/tcp hybrid Hybrid Encryption Protocol
1425/tcp zion-lm Zion Software License Manager
1426/tcp sais Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
1427/tcp mloadd mloadd monitoring tool
1428/tcp informatik-lm Informatik License Manager
1429/tcp nms Hypercom NMS
1430/tcp tpdu Hypercom TPDU
1431/tcp rgtp Reverse Gossip Transport
1432/tcp blueberry-lm Blueberry Software License Manager
1433/tcp ms-sql-s Microsoft-SQL-Server
1434/tcp ms-sql-m Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
1435/tcp ibm-cics IBM CICS
1436/tcp saism Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
1437/tcp tabula Tabula
1438/tcp eicon-server Eicon Security Agent/Server
1439/tcp eicon-x25 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
1440/tcp eicon-slp Eicon Service Location Protocol
1441/tcp cadis-1 Cadis License Management
1442/tcp cadis-2 Cadis License Management
1443/tcp ies-lm Integrated Engineering Software
1444/tcp marcam-lm Marcam License Management
1445/tcp proxima-lm Proxima License Manager
1446/tcp ora-lm Optical Research Associates License Manager
1447/tcp apri-lm Applied Parallel Research LM
1448/tcp oc-lm OpenConnect License Manager
1449/tcp peport PEport
1450/tcp dwf Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
1451/tcp infoman IBM Information Management
1452/tcp gtegsc-lm GTE Government Systems License Man
1453/tcp genie-lm Genie License Manager
1454/tcp interhdl_elmd interHDL License Manager
1455/tcp esl-lm ESL License Manager
1456/tcp dca DCA
1457/tcp valisys-lm Valisys License Manager
1458/tcp nrcabq-lm Nichols Research Corp.
1459/tcp proshare1 Proshare Notebook Application
1460/tcp proshare2 Proshare Notebook Application
1461/tcp ibm_wrless_lan IBM Wireless LAN
1462/tcp world-lm World License Manager
1463/tcp nucleus Nucleus
1464/tcp msl_lmd MSL License Manager
1465/tcp pipes Pipes Platform
1466/tcp oceansoft-lm Ocean Software License Manager
1467/tcp csdmbase CSDMBASE
1468/tcp csdm CSDM
1469/tcp aal-lm Active Analysis Limited License Manager
1470/tcp uaiact Universal Analytics
1471/tcp csdmbase csdmbase
1472/tcp csdm csdm
1473/tcp openmath OpenMath
1474/tcp telefinder Telefinder
1475/tcp taligent-lm Taligent License Manager
1476/tcp clvm-cfg clvm-cfg
1477/tcp ms-sna-server ms-sna-server
1478/tcp ms-sna-base ms-sna-base
1479/tcp dberegister dberegister
1480/tcp pacerforum PacerForum
1481/tcp airs AIRS
1482/tcp miteksys-lm Miteksys License Manager
1483/tcp afs AFS License Manager
1484/tcp confluent Confluent License Manager
1485/tcp lansource LANSource
1486/tcp nms_topo_serv nms_topo_serv
1487/tcp localinfosrvr LocalInfoSrvr
1488/tcp docstor DocStor
1489/tcp dmdocbroker dmdocbroker
1490/tcp insitu-conf insitu-conf
1491/tcp anynetgateway anynetgateway
1492/tcp stone-design-1 stone-design-1
1493/tcp netmap_lm netmap_lm
1494/tcp ica ica
1495/tcp cvc cvc
1496/tcp liberty-lm liberty-lm
1497/tcp rfx-lm rfx-lm
1498/tcp sybase-sqlany Sybase SQL Any
1499/tcp fhc Federico Heinz Consultora
1500/tcp vlsi-lm VLSI License Manager
1501/tcp saiscm Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
1502/tcp shivadiscovery Shiva
1503/tcp imtc-mcs Databeam
1504/tcp evb-elm EVB Software Engineering License Manager
1505/tcp funkproxy Funk Software, Inc.
1506/tcp utcd Universal Time daemon (utcd)
1507/tcp symplex symplex
1508/tcp diagmond diagmond
1509/tcp robcad-lm Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
1510/tcp mvx-lm Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
1511/tcp 3l-l1 3l-l1
1512/tcp wins Microsoft‘s Windows Internet Name Service
1513/tcp fujitsu-dtc Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1514/tcp fujitsu-dtcns Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1515/tcp ifor-protocol ifor-protocol
1516/tcp vpad Virtual Places Audio data
1517/tcp vpac Virtual Places Audio control
1518/tcp vpvd Virtual Places Video data
1519/tcp vpvc Virtual Places Video control
1520/tcp atm-zip-office atm zip office
1521/tcp ncube-lm nCube License Manager
1522/tcp ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager
1523/tcp cichild-lm cichild
1525/tcp orasrv oracle
1525/tcp prospero-np Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1526/tcp pdap-np Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1527/tcp tlisrv oracle
1528/tcp mciautoreg micautoreg
1529/tcp coauthor oracle
1530/tcp rap-service rap-service
1531/tcp rap-listen rap-listen
1532/tcp miroconnect miroconnect
1533/tcp virtual-places Virtual Places Software
1534/tcp micromuse-lm micromuse-lm
1535/tcp ampr-info ampr-info
1536/tcp ampr-inter ampr-inter
1537/tcp sdsc-lm isi-lm
1538/tcp 3ds-lm 3ds-lm
1539/tcp intellistor-lm Intellistor License Manager
1540/tcp rds rds
1541/tcp rds2 rds2
1542/tcp gridgen-elmd gridgen-elmd
1543/tcp simba-cs simba-cs
1544/tcp aspeclmd aspeclmd
1545/tcp vistium-share vistium-share
1546/tcp abbaccuray abbaccuray
1547/tcp laplink laplink
1548/tcp axon-lm Axon License Manager
1549/tcp shivahose Shiva Hose
1550/tcp 3m-image-lm Image Storage license manager 3M Company
1551/tcp hecmtl-db HECMTL-DB
1552/tcp pciarray pciarray
1553/tcp sna-cs sna-cs
1554/tcp caci-lm CACI Products Company License Manager
1555/tcp livelan livelan
1556/tcp ashwin AshWin CI Tecnologies
1557/tcp arbortext-lm ArborText License Manager
1558/tcp xingmpeg xingmpeg
1559/tcp web2host web2host

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:07
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
1600/tcp issd
1601/tcp aas aas
1602/tcp inspect inspect
1603/tcp picodbc pickodbc
1604/tcp icabrowser icabrowser
1605/tcp slp Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
1606/tcp slm-api Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
1607/tcp stt stt
1608/tcp smart-lm Smart Corp. License Manager
1609/tcp isysg-lm isysg-lm
1610/tcp taurus-wh taurus-wh
1611/tcp ill Inter Library Loan
1612/tcp netbill-trans NetBill Transaction Server
1613/tcp netbill-keyrep NetBill Key Repository
1614/tcp netbill-cred NetBill Credential Server
1615/tcp netbill-auth NetBill Authorization Server
1616/tcp netbill-prod NetBill Product Server
1617/tcp nimrod-agent Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1618/tcp skytelnet skytelnet
1619/tcp xs-openstorage xs-openstorage
1620/tcp faxportwinport faxportwinport
1621/tcp softdataphone softdataphone
1622/tcp ontime ontime
1623/tcp jaleosnd jaleosnd
1624/tcp udp-sr-port udp-sr-port
1625/tcp svs-omagent svs-omagent
1636/tcp cncp CableNet Control Protocol
1637/tcp cnap CableNet Admin Protocol
1638/tcp cnip CableNet Info Protocol
1639/tcp cert-initiator cert-initiator
1640/tcp cert-responder cert-responder
1641/tcp invision InVision
1642/tcp isis-am isis-am
1643/tcp isis-ambc isis-ambc
1645/tcp datametrics datametrics
1646/tcp sa-msg-port sa-msg-port
1647/tcp rsap rsap
1648/tcp concurrent-lm concurrent-lm
1649/tcp inspect inspect
1650/tcp nkd nkd
1651/tcp shiva_confsrvr shiva_confsrvr
1652/tcp xnmp xnmp
1653/tcp alphatech-lm alphatech-lm
1654/tcp stargatealerts stargatealerts
1655/tcp dec-mbadmin dec-mbadmin
1656/tcp dec-mbadmin-h dec-mbadmin-h
1657/tcp fujitsu-mmpdc fujitsu-mmpdc
1658/tcp sixnetudr sixnetudr
1659/tcp sg-lm Silicon Grail License Manager
1660/tcp skip-mc-gikreq skip-mc-gikreq
1661/tcp netview-aix-1 netview-aix-1
1662/tcp netview-aix-2 netview-aix-2
1663/tcp netview-aix-3 netview-aix-3
1664/tcp netview-aix-4 netview-aix-4
1665/tcp netview-aix-5 netview-aix-5
1666/tcp netview-aix-6 netview-aix-6
1667/tcp netview-aix-7 netview-aix-7
1668/tcp netview-aix-8 netview-aix-8
1669/tcp netview-aix-9 netview-aix-9
1670/tcp netview-aix-10 netview-aix-10
1671/tcp netview-aix-11 netview-aix-11
1672/tcp netview-aix-12 netview-aix-12
1673/tcp proshare-mc-1 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674/tcp proshare-mc-2 Intel Proshare Multicast
1675/tcp pdp Pacific Data Products
1676/tcp netcomm1 netcomm1
1677/tcp groupwise groupwise
1678/tcp prolink prolink
1679/tcp darcorp-lm darcorp-lm
1681/tcp sd-elmd sd-elmd
1682/tcp lanyon-lantern lanyon-lantern
1683/tcp ncpm-hip ncpm-hip
1684/tcp snaresecure SnareSecure
1685/tcp n2nremote n2nremote
1686/tcp cvmon cvmon
1687/tcp nsjtp-ctrl nsjtp-ctrl
1688/tcp nsjtp-data nsjtp-data
1689/tcp firefox firefox
1690/tcp ng-umds ng-umds
1691/tcp empire-empuma empire-empuma
1692/tcp sstsys-lm sstsys-lm
1693/tcp rrirtr rrirtr
1694/tcp rrimwm rrimwm
1695/tcp rrilwm rrilwm
1696/tcp rrifmm rrifmm
1697/tcp rrisat rrisat
1698/tcp rsvp-encap-1 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1
1699/tcp rsvp-encap-2 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2
1700/tcp mps-raft mps-raft
1701/tcp l2f,l2tp l2f,l2tp
1702/tcp deskshare deskshare
1703/tcp hb-engine hb-engine
1704/tcp bcs-broker bcs-broker
1705/tcp slingshot slingshot
1706/tcp jetform jetform
1707/tcp vdmplay vdmplay
1708/tcp gat-lmd gat-lmd
1709/tcp centra centra
1710/tcp impera impera
1711/tcp pptconference pptconference
1712/tcp registrar resource monitoring service
1713/tcp conferencetalk ConferenceTalk
1714/tcp sesi-lm sesi-lm
1715/tcp houdini-lm houdini-lm
1716/tcp xmsg xmsg
1717/tcp fj-hdnet fj-hdnet
1718/tcp h323gatedisc h323gatedisc
1719/tcp h323gatestat h323gatestat
1720/tcp h323hostcall h323hostcall
1721/tcp caicci caicci
1722/tcp hks-lm HKS License Manager
1723/tcp pptp pptp
1724/tcp csbphonemaster csbphonemaster
1725/tcp iden-ralp iden-ralp
1726/tcp iberiagames IBERIAGAMES
1727/tcp winddx winddx
1728/tcp telindus TELINDUS
1729/tcp citynl CityNL License Management
1730/tcp roketz roketz
1731/tcp msiccp MSICCP
1732/tcp proxim proxim
1733/tcp siipat SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission
1734/tcp cambertx-lm Camber Corporation License Management
1735/tcp privatechat PrivateChat
1736/tcp street-stream street-stream
1737/tcp ultimad ultimad
1738/tcp gamegen1 GameGen1
1739/tcp webaccess webaccess
1740/tcp encore encore
1741/tcp cisco-net-mgmt cisco-net-mgmt
1742/tcp 3Com-nsd 3Com-nsd
1743/tcp cinegrfx-lm Cinema Graphics License Manager
1744/tcp ncpm-ft ncpm-ft
1745/tcp remote-winsock remote-winsock
1746/tcp ftrapid-1 ftrapid-1
1747/tcp ftrapid-2 ftrapid-2
1748/tcp oracle-em1 oracle-em1
1749/tcp aspen-services aspen-services
1750/tcp sslp Simple Socket Library‘s PortMaster
1751/tcp swiftnet SwiftNet
1752/tcp lofr-lm Leap of Faith Research License Manager
1753/tcp translogic-lm Translogic License Manager
1754/tcp oracle-em2 oracle-em2
1755/tcp ms-streaming ms-streaming
1756/tcp capfast-lmd capfast-lmd
1757/tcp cnhrp cnhrp
1758/tcp tftp-mcast tftp-mcast
1759/tcp spss-lm SPSS License Manager
1760/tcp www-ldap-gw www-ldap-gw
1761/tcp cft-0 cft-0
1762/tcp cft-1 cft-1
1763/tcp cft-2 cft-2
1764/tcp cft-3 cft-3
1765/tcp cft-4 cft-4
1766/tcp cft-5 cft-5
1767/tcp cft-6 cft-6
1768/tcp cft-7 cft-7
1769/tcp bmc-net-adm bmc-net-adm
1770/tcp bmc-net-svc bmc-net-svc
1771/tcp vaultbase vaultbase
1772/tcp essweb-gw EssWeb Gateway
1773/tcp kmscontrol KMSControl
1774/tcp global-dtserv global-dtserv
1776/tcp femis Federal Emergency Management Information System
1777/tcp powerguardian powerguardian
1779/tcp pharmasoft pharmasoft
1780/tcp dpkeyserv dpkeyserv
1781/tcp answersoft-lm answersoft-lm
1782/tcp hp-hcip hp-hcip
1783/tcp fjris Fujitsu Remote Install Service
1784/tcp finle-lm Finle License Manager
1785/tcp windlm Wind River Systems License Manager
1786/tcp funk-logger funk-logger
1787/tcp funk-license funk-license
1788/tcp psmond psmond
1789/tcp hello hello
1790/tcp nmsp Narrative Media Streaming Protocol
1791/tcp ea1 EA1
1792/tcp ibm-dt-2 ibm-dt-2
1793/tcp rsc-robot rsc-robot
1794/tcp cera-bcm cera-bcm
1795/tcp dpi-proxy dpi-proxy
1796/tcp vocaltec-admin Vocaltec Server Administration
1797/tcp uma UMA
1798/tcp etp Event Transfer Protocol
1799/tcp netrisk NETRISK
1801/tcp msmq Microsoft Message Que
1804/tcp enl ENL
1807/tcp fhsp Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol
1812/tcp radius RADIUS
1813/tcp radius-acct RADIUS Accounting
1814/tcp tdp-suite TDP Suite
1815/tcp mmpft MMPFT
1816/tcp harp HARP
1818/tcp etftp Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol
1819/tcp plato-lm Plato License Manager
1820/tcp mcagent mcagent
1821/tcp donnyworld donnyworld
1822/tcp es-elmd es-elmd
1823/tcp unisys-lm Unisys Natural Language License Manager
1824/tcp metrics-pas metrics-pas
1850/tcp gsi GSI
1863/tcp msnp MSNP
1865/tcp entp ENTP
1901/tcp fjicl-tep-a Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
1902/tcp fjicl-tep-b Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B
1903/tcp linkname Local Link Name Resolution
1904/tcp fjicl-tep-c Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C
1905/tcp sugp Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol
1906/tcp tpmd TPortMapperReq
1908/tcp dawn Dawn
1911/tcp mtp Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol
1913/tcp armadp armadp
1914/tcp elm-momentum Elm-Momentum
1915/tcp facelink FACELINK
1916/tcp persona Persoft Persona
1917/tcp noagent nOAgent
1921/tcp noadmin NoAdmin
1944/tcp close-combat close-combat
1945/tcp dialogic-elmd dialogic-elmd
1946/tcp tekpls tekpls
1947/tcp hlserver hlserver
1948/tcp eye2eye eye2eye
1949/tcp ismaeasdaqlive ISMA Easdaq Live
1950/tcp ismaeasdaqtest ISMA Easdaq Test
1951/tcp bcs-lmserver bcs-lmserver
1973/tcp dlsrap Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
1985/tcp hsrp Hot Standby Router Protocol
1986/tcp licensedaemon cisco license management
1987/tcp tr-rsrb-p1 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
1988/tcp tr-rsrb-p2 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
1989/tcp tr-rsrb-p3 cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
1989/tcp mshnet MHSnet system
1990/tcp stun-p1 cisco STUN Priority 1 port
1991/tcp stun-p2 cisco STUN Priority 2 port
1992/tcp stun-p3 cisco STUN Priority 3 port
1992/tcp ipsendmsg IPsendmsg
1993/tcp snmp-tcp-port cisco SNMP TCP port
1994/tcp stun-port cisco serial tunnel port
1995/tcp perf-port cisco perf port
1996/tcp tr-rsrb-port cisco Remote SRB port
1997/tcp gdp-port cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
1998/tcp x25-svc-port cisco X.25 service (XOT)
1999/tcp tcp-id-port cisco identification port

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:08
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6

2000/tcp callbook
2001/tcp dc
2002/tcp globe
2004/tcp mailbox
2005/tcp berknet
2007/tcp dectalk
2012/tcp ttyinfo
2013/tcp raid-am
2014/tcp troff
2015/tcp cypress
2025/tcp ellpack
2030/tcp device2
2032/tcp blackboard
2033/tcp glogger
2035/tcp imsldoc
2040/tcp lam
2042/tcp isis isis
2044/tcp rimsl
2045/tcp cdfunc
2046/tcp sdfunc
2047/tcp dls
2049/tcp shilp
2049/tcp nfs Network File System - Sun Microsystems
2065/tcp dlsrpn Data Link Switch Read Port Number
2067/tcp dlswpn Data Link Switch Write Port Number
2090/tcp lrp Load Report Protocol
2091/tcp prp PRP
2102/tcp zephyr-srv Zephyr server
2103/tcp zephyr-clt Zephyr serv-hm connection
2104/tcp zephyr-hm Zephyr hostmanager
2105/tcp minipay MiniPay
2200/tcp ici ICI
2201/tcp ats Advanced Training System Program
2213/tcp kali Kali
2222/tcp unreg-ab2 Allen-Bradley unregistered port
2232/tcp ivs-video IVS Video default
2234/tcp directplay DirectPlay
2236/tcp nani Nani
2240/tcp recipe RECIPe
2241/tcp ivsd IVS Daemon
2242/tcp foliocorp Folio Remote Server
2279/tcp xmquery xmquery
2280/tcp lnvpoller LNVPOLLER
2281/tcp lnvconsole LNVCONSOLE
2282/tcp lnvalarm LNVALARM
2283/tcp lnvstatus LNVSTATUS
2284/tcp lnvmaps LNVMAPS
2285/tcp lnvmailmon LNVMAILMON
2286/tcp nas-metering NAS-Metering
2287/tcp dna DNA
2288/tcp netml NETML
2300/tcp cvmmon CVMMON
2307/tcp pehelp pehelp
2308/tcp sdhelp sdhelp
2313/tcp iapp IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol)
2316/tcp sent-lm SENT License Manager
2321/tcp rdlap RDLAP over UDP
2322/tcp ofsd ofsd
2323/tcp 3d-nfsd 3d-nfsd
2326/tcp idcp IDCP
2327/tcp xingcsm xingcsm
2329/tcp nvd NVD
2330/tcp tscchat TSCCHAT
2333/tcp snapp SNAPP
2337/tcp ideesrv ideesrv
2344/tcp fcmsys fcmsys
2345/tcp dbm dbm
2356/tcp gxtelmd GXT License Managemant
2358/tcp futrix Futrix
2390/tcp rsmtp RSMTP
2396/tcp wusage Wusage
2397/tcp ncl NCL
2398/tcp orbiter Orbiter
2401/tcp cvspserver cvspserver
2407/tcp orion Orion
2412/tcp cdn CDN
2415/tcp comtest COMTEST
2418/tcp cas cas
2421/tcp g-talk G-Talk
2423/tcp rnrp RNRP
2427/tcp stgcp Simple telephony Gateway Control Protocol
2428/tcp ott One Way Trip Time
2429/tcp ft-role FT-ROLE
2430/tcp venus venus
2432/tcp codasrv codasrv
2436/tcp topx TOP/X
2438/tcp msp MSP
2443/tcp powerclientcsf PowerClient Central Storage Facility
2445/tcp dtn1 DTN1
2447/tcp ovwdb OpenView NNM daemon
2449/tcp ratl RATL
2451/tcp netchat netchat
2458/tcp griffin griffin
2500/tcp rtsserv Resource Tracking system server
2501/tcp rtsclient Resource Tracking system client

2528/tcp ncr_ccl NCR CCL
2529/tcp utsftp UTS FTP
2532/tcp ovtopmd OVTOPMD
2592/tcp netrek netrek
2628/tcp dict DICT
2634/tcp pk-electronics PK Electronics
2636/tcp solve Solve
2639/tcp aminet AMInet
2641/tcp hdl-srv HDL Server
2642/tcp tragic Tragic
2646/tcp and-lm AND Licence Manager
2653/tcp sonus Sonus
2655/tcp unglue UNIX Nt Glue
2656/tcp kana Kana
2700/tcp tqdata tqdata
2784/tcp www-dev world wide web - development
2785/tcp aic-np aic-np
2786/tcp aic-oncrpc aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database
2787/tcp piccolo piccolo - Cornerstone Software
2788/tcp fryeserv NetWare Loadable Module - Seagate Software
2789/tcp media-agent Media Agent
2908/tcp mao mao
2912/tcp epicon Epicon
2971/tcp netclip Net Clip
2974/tcp signal Signal
2975/tcp fjmpcm Fujitsu Configuration Management Service

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:08
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
3000/tcp hbci HBCI
3001/tcp redwood-broker Redwood Broker
3003/tcp cgms CGMS
3010/tcp gw Telerate Workstation
3012/tcp twsdss Trusted Web Client
3020/tcp cifs CIFS
3047/tcp hlserver Fast Security HL Server
3048/tcp pctrader Sierra Net PC Trader
3049/tcp nsws NSWS
3105/tcp cardbox Cardbox
3130/tcp icpv2 ICPv2
3141/tcp vmodem VMODEM
3143/tcp seaview Sea View
3147/tcp rfio RFIO
3264/tcp ccmail cc:mail/lotus
3266/tcp ns-cfg-server NS CFG Server
3267/tcp ibm-dial-out IBM Dial Out
3268/tcp msft-gc Microsoft Global Catalog
3273/tcp sxmp Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
3275/tcp samd SAMD
3279/tcp admind admind
3281/tcp sysopt SYSOPT
3284/tcp 4talk 4Talk
3285/tcp plato Plato
3286/tcp e-net E-Net
3288/tcp cops COPS
3289/tcp enpc ENPC
3290/tcp caps-lm CAPS LOGISTICS TOOLKIT - LM
3291/tcp sah-lm S A Holditch & Associates - LM
3293/tcp fg-fps fg-fps
3294/tcp fg-gip fg-gip
3296/tcp rib-slm Rib License Manager
3299/tcp pdrncs pdrncs
3304/tcp opsession-srvr OP Session Server
3306/tcp mysql MySQL
3309/tcp tns-adv TNS ADV
3313/tcp uorb Unify Object Broker
3314/tcp uohost Unify Object Host
3315/tcp cdid CDID
3318/tcp ssrip Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
3319/tcp sdt-lmd SDT License Manager
3321/tcp vnsstr VNSSTR
3326/tcp sftu SFTU
3327/tcp bbars BBARS
3328/tcp egptlm Eaglepoint License Manager
3329/tcp hp-device-disc HP Device Disc
3330/tcp mcs-calypsoicf MCS Calypso ICF
3333/tcp dec-notes DEC Notes
3338/tcp anet-b OMF data b
3339/tcp anet-l OMF data l
3340/tcp anet-m OMF data m
3341/tcp anet-h OMF data h
3342/tcp webtie WebTIE
3351/tcp btrieve BTRIEVE
3352/tcp ssql SSQL
3353/tcp fatpipe FATPIPE
3354/tcp suitjd SUITJD
3362/tcp dj-ilm DJ ILM
3372/tcp tip2 TIP 2
3378/tcp wsicopy WSICOPY
3379/tcp socorfs SOCORFS
3381/tcp geneous Geneous
3383/tcp esp-lm Enterprise Software Products License Manager
3390/tcp dsc Distributed Service Coordinator
3391/tcp savant SAVANT
3392/tcp efi-lm EFI License Management
3395/tcp dyna-lm Dyna License Manager (Elam)
3421/tcp bmap Bull Apprise portmapper
3455/tcp prsvp RSVP Port
3456/tcp vat VAT default data
3457/tcp vat-control VAT default control
3900/tcp udt_os Unidata UDT OS
3984/tcp mapper-nodemgr MAPPER network node manager
3985/tcp mapper-mapethd MAPPER TCP/IP server
3986/tcp mapper-ws_ethd MAPPER workstation server
4001/tcp newoak NewOak
4008/tcp netcheque NetCheque accounting
4096/tcp bre BRE (Bridge Relay Element)
4132/tcp nuts_dem NUTS Daemon
4133/tcp nuts_bootp NUTS Bootp Server
4143/tcp oidsr Document Replication
4321/tcp rwhois Remote Who Is
4343/tcp unicall UNICALL
4346/tcp elanlm ELAN LM
4348/tcp itose ITOSE
4444/tcp krb524 KRB524
4444/tcp nv-video NV Video default
4446/tcp n1-fwp N1-FWP
4449/tcp privatewire PrivateWire
4450/tcp camp Camp
4451/tcp ctisystemmsg CTI System Msg
4452/tcp ctiprogramload CTI Program Load
4500/tcp sae-urn sae-urn
4501/tcp urn-x-cdchoice urn-x-cdchoice
4546/tcp sf-lm SF License Manager (Sentinel)
4672/tcp rfa remote file access server
4800/tcp iims Icona Instant Messenging System
4801/tcp iwec Icona Web Embedded Chat
4802/tcp ilss Icona License System Server
4827/tcp htcp HTCP
4868/tcp phrelay Photon Relay
4885/tcp abbs ABBS

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:09
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6

5002/tcp rfe radio free ethernet
5003/tcp fmpro-internal FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
5004/tcp avt-profile-1 avt-profile-1
5005/tcp avt-profile-2 avt-profile-2
5010/tcp telelpathstart TelepathStart
5020/tcp zenginkyo-1 zenginkyo-1
5021/tcp zenginkyo-2 zenginkyo-2
5050/tcp mmcc multimedia conference control tool
5060/tcp sip SIP
5150/tcp atmp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
5190/tcp aol America-Online
5191/tcp aol-1 AmericaOnline1
5192/tcp aol-2 AmericaOnline2
5193/tcp aol-3 AmericaOnline3
5272/tcp pk PK
5300/tcp hacl-hb # HA cluster heartbeat
5301/tcp hacl-gs # HA cluster general services
5304/tcp hacl-local # HA Cluster Commands
5305/tcp hacl-test # HA Cluster Test
5307/tcp sco-aip SCO AIP
5310/tcp outlaws Outlaws
5311/tcp tmlogin TM Login
5400/tcp excerpt Excerpt Search
5402/tcp mftp MFTP
5404/tcp hpoms-dps-lstn HPOMS-DPS-LSTN
5407/tcp foresyte-clear Foresyte-Clear
5409/tcp salient-dtasrv Salient Data Server
5410/tcp salient-usrmgr Salient User Manager
5411/tcp actnet ActNet
5414/tcp statusd StatusD
5418/tcp mcntp MCNTP
5419/tcp dj-ice DJ-ICE
5500/tcp fcp-addr-srvr1 fcp-addr-srvr1
5501/tcp fcp-addr-srvr2 fcp-addr-srvr2
5502/tcp fcp-srvr-inst1 fcp-srvr-inst1
5503/tcp fcp-srvr-inst2 fcp-srvr-inst2
5504/tcp fcp-cics-gw1 fcp-cics-gw1
5555/tcp personal-agent Personal Agent
5602/tcp a1-msc A1-MSC
5603/tcp a1-bs A1-BS
5631/tcp pcanywheredata pcANYWHEREdata
5632/tcp pcanywherestat pcANYWHEREstat
5678/tcp rrac Remote Replication Agent Connection
5679/tcp dccm Direct Cable Connect Manager
5713/tcp proshareaudio proshare conf audio
5714/tcp prosharevideo proshare conf video
5715/tcp prosharedata proshare conf data
5717/tcp prosharenotify proshare conf notify
5729/tcp openmail Openmail User Agent Layer
5741/tcp ida-discover1 IDA Discover Port 1
5742/tcp ida-discover2 IDA Discover Port 2
5745/tcp fcopy-server fcopy-server
5746/tcp fcopys-server fcopys-server
5755/tcp openmailg OpenMail Desk Gateway server
5757/tcp x500ms OpenMail X.500 Directory Server
5766/tcp openmailns OpenMail NewMail Server
5767/tcp s-openmail OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure)
6000/tcp x11 X Window System
6110/tcp softcm HP SoftBench CM
6111/tcp spc HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
6112/tcp dtspcd dtspcd
6123/tcp backup-express Backup Express
6141/tcp meta-corp Meta Corporation License Manager
6142/tcp aspentec-lm Aspen Technology License Manager
6143/tcp watershed-lm Watershed License Manager
6144/tcp statsci1-lm StatSci License Manager - 1
6145/tcp statsci2-lm StatSci License Manager - 2
6146/tcp lonewolf-lm Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
6147/tcp montage-lm Montage License Manager
6148/tcp ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager

6149/tcp tal-pod tal-pod
6253/tcp crip CRIP
6389/tcp clariion-evr01 clariion-evr01
6500/tcp boks BoKS Master
6558/tcp xdsxdm
6665/tcp ircu IRCU
6670/tcp vocaltec-gold Vocaltec Global Online Directory
6672/tcp vision_server vision_server
6673/tcp vision_elmd vision_elmd
6790/tcp hnmp HNMP
6831/tcp ambit-lm ambit-lm
6969/tcp acmsoda acmsoda
7010/tcp ups-onlinet onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
7020/tcp dpserve DP Serve
7070/tcp arcp ARCP
7099/tcp lazy-ptop lazy-ptop
7100/tcp font-service X Font Service
7121/tcp virprot-lm Virtual Prototypes License Manager
7174/tcp clutild Clutild
7200/tcp fodms FODMS FLIP
7201/tcp dlip DLIP
7395/tcp winqedit winqedit
7426/tcp pmdmgr OpenView DM Postmaster Manager
7430/tcp xmpv7 OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe
7431/tcp pmd OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe
7491/tcp telops-lmd telops-lmd
7511/tcp pafec-lm pafec-lm
7544/tcp nta-ds FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer
7545/tcp nta-us FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer
7588/tcp sun-lm Sun License Manager
7777/tcp cbt cbt
7781/tcp accu-lmgr accu-lmgr
7932/tcp t2-drm Tier 2 Data Resource Manager
7933/tcp t2-brm Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
7999/tcp irdmi2 iRDMI2

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:09
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6

8000/tcp irdmi iRDMI
8032/tcp pro-ed ProEd
8400/tcp cvd cvd
8401/tcp sabarsd sabarsd
8402/tcp abarsd abarsd
8403/tcp admind admind
8450/tcp npmp npmp
8473/tcp vp2p Vitual Point to Point
8888/tcp ddi-tcp-1 NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1)
8889/tcp ddi-tcp-2 Desktop Data TCP 1
8890/tcp ddi-tcp-3 Desktop Data TCP 2
8891/tcp ddi-tcp-4 Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application
8892/tcp ddi-tcp-5 Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product
8893/tcp ddi-tcp-6 Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
8894/tcp ddi-tcp-7 Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application
9000/tcp cslistener CSlistener
9006/tcp sctp SCTP
9090/tcp websm WebSM
9535/tcp man
9594/tcp msgsys Message System
9595/tcp pds Ping Discovery Service
9876/tcp sd Session Director
9992/tcp palace Palace
9993/tcp palace Palace
9994/tcp palace Palace
9995/tcp palace Palace
9996/tcp palace Palace
9997/tcp palace Palace
9998/tcp distinct32 Distinct32
9999/tcp distinct distinct
10000/tcp ndmp Network Data Management Protocol
11000/tcp irisa IRISA
11001/tcp metasys Metasys
12753/tcp tsaf tsaf port
13160/tcp i-zipqd I-ZIPQD
13720/tcp bprd BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
13721/tcp bpbrm BPBRM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
13782/tcp bpcd VERITAS NetBackup
17219/tcp chipper Chipper
18000/tcp biimenu Beckman Instruments, Inc.
19410/tcp hp-sco hp-sco
19411/tcp hp-sca hp-sca
19541/tcp jcp JCP Client
21845/tcp webphone webphone
21846/tcp netspeak-is NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
21847/tcp netspeak-cs NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
21848/tcp netspeak-acd NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
21849/tcp netspeak-cps NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
22273/tcp wnn6 wnn6
22555/tcp vocaltec-wconf Vocaltec Web Conference
22800/tcp aws-brf Telerate Information Platform LAN
22951/tcp brf-gw Telerate Information Platform WAN
24000/tcp med-ltp med-ltp
24004/tcp med-ovw med-ovw
24005/tcp med-ci med-ci
25000/tcp icl-twobase1 icl-twobase1
25001/tcp icl-twobase2 icl-twobase2
25002/tcp icl-twobase3 icl-twobase3
25003/tcp icl-twobase4 icl-twobase4
25004/tcp icl-twobase5 icl-twobase5
25005/tcp icl-twobase6 icl-twobase6
25006/tcp icl-twobase7 icl-twobase7
25007/tcp icl-twobase8 icl-twobase8
25008/tcp icl-twobase9 icl-twobase9
25009/tcp icl-twobase10 icl-twobase10
25793/tcp vocaltec-hos Vocaltec Address Server
26000/tcp quake quake
26208/tcp wnn6-ds wnn6-ds
45678/tcp eba EBA PRISE
47557/tcp dbbrowse Databeam Corporation
47806/tcp ap ALC Protocol
47808/tcp bacnet Building Automation and Control Networks

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:09
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
唉 ..
发的都累了 .. 不知道大家能不能用得上

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:10
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3267
注 册:2006-2-6
本来想把全部的解释翻译成汉语了 不过 也太多了
我只写了 前面的 经常可以看到的一些端口~~

Give me a world !   A beautiful world !
2006-02-25 13:12
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:173
注 册:2005-12-1


2006-02-25 16:22


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