[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 11:16:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 11:16:02编辑过]
This example illustrates using SQL-DMO to perform a complete database backup
' Create a Backup object and set action and source database properties.
Dim oBackup As New SQLDMO.Backup
oBackup.Action = SQLDMOBackup_Database
oBackup.Database = "Northwind"
' Example illustrates a striped backup using two target devices. Note:
' Device creation is not illustrated in this example.
oBackup.Devices = "[NorthDev1],[NorthDev2]"
' Optional. Backup set name and description properties provide
' descriptive text when backup header is displayed for the device(s).
oBackup.BackupSetName = "Northwind_Full"
oBackup.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of Northwind sample."
' Call SQLBackup method to perform the backup. In a production
' environment, consider wrapping the method call with a wait pointer
' or use Backup object events to provide feedback to the user.
' Note: Create and connect of SQLServer object used is not
' illustrated in this example.
oBackup.SQLBackup oSQLServer