比如定义一个字符串类型为string a;a="today is sunday";
想把a变为today is sunda,有没有什么快捷的方法?
Removes the last character from the string. Equivalent to erase(size()-1, 1), except the behavior is undefined if the string is empty.
#include <conio.h> // vc only 非标准的东西 #include <cstdio> #include <string> std::string GetPassord( void ) { // 清除之前遗留的所有输入 for( ; _kbhit(); ) _getch(); std::string pwd; for( int ch; ch=_getch(), ch!='\r'; ) { if( ch==0 || ch==0xE0 ) // 功能键 _getch(); else if( ch == 0x1B ) // ESC键 { for( size_t i=0; i!=pwd.size(); ++i ) printf( "\b \b" ); pwd.clear(); } else if( ch == '\b' ) // 退格键 { if( !pwd.empty() ) { printf( "\b \b" ); pwd.erase( pwd.size()-1 ); } } else if( ch>=0x20 && ch<0x7F ) // 可显字符 { putchar( '*' ); pwd += ch; } } // 清除之前遗留的所有输入 for( ; _kbhit(); ) _getch(); putchar( '\n' ); return pwd; } int main( void ) { printf( "%s", "Enter password: " ); std::string pwd = GetPassord(); // puts( pwd.c_str() ); if( pwd != "eb36520" ) { puts( "Password error\n" ); return 1; } puts( "\nDo Well\n" ); return 0; }