回复 6楼 yuccn
lz大神你有detoutrs3.0 专业版吗? 为啥我用的setours3.0 express 配置的 namke的总是出现下面的错误
.\detours.cpp(156): error C2220: 警告被视为错误 - 没有生成“object”文件
.\detours.cpp(156): warning C4456: “pbNew”的声明隐藏了上一个本地声明
.\detours.cpp(156): note: to simplify migration, consider the temporary use of
Wv:18 flag with the version of the compiler with which you used to build withou
.\detours.cpp(147): note: 参见“pbNew”的声明
.\detours.cpp(163): warning C4456: “pbNew”的声明隐藏了上一个本地声明
.\detours.cpp(163): note: to simplify migration, consider the temporary use of
Wv:18 flag with the version of the compiler with which you used to build withou
.\detours.cpp(147): note: 参见“pbNew”的声明
.\detours.cpp(1263): warning C4456: “o”的声明隐藏了上一个本地声明
.\detours.cpp(1263): note: to simplify migration, consider the temporary use of
/Wv:18 flag with the version of the compiler with which you used to build witho
t warnings
.\detours.cpp(1112): note: 参见“o”的声明
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: “"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\
IN\cl.EXE"”: 返回代码“0x2”
D:\program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\src>