//======================= // main.cpp //======================= // main function for the RPG style game //主要功能为RPG游戏风格 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "swordsman.h" #include"archer.h" #include"mage.h" int main() { string tempName; bool success=0; //flag for storing whether operation is successful //标志用于存储操作是否成功 cout <<"Please input player's name: "; cin>>tempName; // get player's name from keyboard input //从键盘输入得到玩家的名字 player *human; // use pointer of base class, convenience for polymorphism //使用基类的指针,方便多态性 int tempJob; // temp choice for job selection //临时工作选择的选择 do { cout <<"Please choose a job: 1 Swordsman, 2 Archer, 3 Mage"<<endl; cin>>tempJob; //剑客 弓箭手 法师 system("cls"); // clear the screen清除屏幕 switch(tempJob) { case 1: human=new swordsman(1,tempName); // create the character with user inputted name and job //创建角色与用户输入的姓名和工作 success=1; // operation succeed操作成功 break; case 2: human=new archer(1,tempName); // create the character with user inputted name and job //创建角色与用户输入的姓名和工作 success=1; // operation succeed操作成功 break; case 3: human=new mage(1,tempName); // create the character with user inputted name and job //创建角色与用户输入的姓名和工作 success=1; // operation succeed操作成功 break; default: break; // In this case, success=0, character creation failed //在这种情况下,成功= 0,人物创建失败了 } }while(success!=1); // so the loop will ask user to re-create a character //因此,循环将要求用户重新创建一个角色 int tempCom; // temp command inputted by user临时命令由用户输入 int nOpp=0; // the Nth opponent第n个对手 for(int i=1;nOpp<5;i+=2) // i is opponent's level 是对手的水平 {srand(0); for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout<<rand()<<' '; } nOpp++; system("cls"); cout<<"STAGE" <<nOpp<<endl; cout<<"Your opponent, a Level "<<i<<" Swordsman."<<endl; system("pause"); swordsman enemy(i, "Warrior"); // Initialise an opponent, level i, name "Junior" //初始化一个对手,i 水平,name“初级” human->reFill(); // get HP/MP refill before start fight战斗之前补充血量和蓝 while(!human->death() && !enemy.death()) // no died没死 { success=0; while (success!=1) { showinfo(*human,enemy); // show fighter's information显示战士信息 cout<<"Please give command: "<<endl; cout<<"1 Attack; 2 Special Attack; 3 Use Heal; 4 Use Magic Water; 0 Exit Game"<<endl; cin>>tempCom; switch(tempCom) { case 0: cout<<"Are you sure to exit? Y/N"<<endl; char temp; cin>>temp; if(temp=='Y'||temp=='y') return 0; else break; case 1: success=human->attack(enemy); human->isLevelUp(); enemy.isDead(); break; case 2: success=human->specialatt(enemy); human->isLevelUp(); enemy.isDead(); break; case 3: success=human->useHeal(); break; case 4: success=human->useMW(); break; default: break; } } if(!enemy.death()) // If AI still alive如果ai还活着 enemy.AI(*human); else // AI died 死 { cout<<"YOU WIN"<<endl; human->transfer(enemy); // player got all AI's items得到所有玩家的物品 } if (human->death()) { system("cls"); cout<<endl<<setw(50)<<"GAME OVER"<<endl; delete human;//6_??????????? // player is dead, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?玩家死了,结束程序,我们应该做些什么呢? system("pause"); return 0; } } } delete human;//7_????????? // You win, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?你赢了,程序结束,我们该怎么办呢? system("cls"); cout<<"Congratulations! You defeated all opponents!!"<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } [local]1[/local]