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注 册:2014-10-27
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Coding on error dectecting algorithms(C++)

1.Cyclic redundancy check
Using the polynomials below to encode random generated data stream (40-100bits). Show the FEC, and encoded data frame.

CRC-4    x4+x+1    ITU G.704
CRC-16    x16+x15+x2+1    IBM SDLC
CRC-32    x32+x26+x23+...+x2+x+1    ZIP, RAR, IEEE 802 LAN/FDDI, IEEE 1394, PPP-FCS

For the error patter listed below, what the conclusion does the receiver get? Can the receiver find the errors?

Case    Error pattern
No error    0000……0000
One error    1000…..000
Two errors    100….001
Random errors    Random error pattern

2.Parity check
Using even or odd parity check on random generated data stream (8-20bits).
Show encoded data frame.
For the error patter listed below, what the conclusion does the receiver get? Can the receiver find the errors?

Case    Error pattern
No error    0000……0000
One error    1000…..000
Two errors    100….001

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: conclusion generated encode errors stream 
2014-10-27 20:56


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