标题:求助---sql 报表转换为 oracle 报表!!!!
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2013-3-6
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
求助---sql 报表转换为 oracle 报表!!!!
select case  
when substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) >= '[?FristSeasonStart|01-01 00:00:00?]'  
and substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) < '[?FristSeasonEnd|03-25 23:59:59?]'
then 1  
when substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) >= '[?SecondSeasonStart|03-26 00:00:00?]'  
and substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) < '[?SecondSeasonEnd|06-25 23:59:59?]'
then 2  
when substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) >= '[?ThirdSeasonStart|06-26 00:00:00?]'  
and substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) < '[?ThirdSeasonEnd|09-25 23:59:59?]'
then 3  
when substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) >= '[?FourthSeasonStart|09-26 00:00:00?]'  
and substring(convert(varchar,getDate(),120),6,14) < '[?FourthSeasonEnd|12-31 23:59:59?]'
then 4  
else '0' end as quarter
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: convert oracle 
2014-07-24 20:10


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