标题:新人问题 希望有英文好的大神能教我一下……谢谢
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注 册:2014-4-6
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新人问题 希望有英文好的大神能教我一下……谢谢
因为是英文所以比较混乱 加上英文授课听的也不是很懂所以有很多问题

Schema for the Academics database is as follows:

DEPARTMENT(deptnum, descrip, instname, deptname, state, postcode)
ACADEMIC(acnum, deptnum*, famname, givename, initials, title)
PAPER(panum, title)
AUTHOR(panum*, acnum*)
FIELD(fieldnum, id, title)
INTEREST(fieldnum*, acnum*, descrip)

Some notes on the Academics database:
• An academic department belongs to one institution (instname) and often has many
academics. An academic only works for one department.
• Research papers (PAPER) are often authored by several academics, and of course
an academic often write several papers (AUTHOR).
• A research field (FIELD) often attracts many academics and an academic can have
interests in several research fields (INTEREST).

3.1. How many departments are there outside Victoria?
3.2. List the title of research fields that are related to Data (containing variants of the
phrase "data" in the title).
3.3. How many academics do not have a title?
3.4. Name the states that have Computer Science or IT departments (department
description containing the character strings "CS" or "IT").
3.5. List the descrip for academics who are interested in the field of Logic
Programming with fieldnum 334.
这是要求你做出的题目 我想问一下3.1-3.5应该怎麼写
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: department database title 英文 
2014-04-06 16:17


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