编写的函数放在这个文件里 get.hpp 复制内容到剪贴板 代码: istream& get(istream& in){ int i; while(in>>i,!in.eof()){ if(in.bad()) throw runtime_error("IO stream corrupted"); if(in.fail()){ cerr<<"bad data,try again"; in.clear; in.ignore(200,''); continue; } cout<<i<<endl; } in.clear(); return in;} 在这个源函数里调用 复制内容到剪贴板 代码: #include"get.hpp" #include<iostream> #include<stdexcept> using namespace::std; int main(){ double j; cin>>j; get(cin); return 0; } 出现了 --------------------配置: mingw5 - CUI Release, 编译器类型: MinGW-------------------- 检查文件依赖性... 正在编译 C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\8.4.cpp... [Error] C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\get.hpp:2: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '&' token [Error] C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\get.hpp:10:18: empty character constant [Warning] C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\get.hpp:16:12: warning: no newline at end of file [Error] C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\8.4.cpp:9: error: `get' was not declared in this scope [Warning] C:\Users\Think\Desktop\习题\8.4.cpp:12:2: warning: no newline at end of file 构建中止 8.4: 3 个错误, 2 个警告 这种错误 ,求指导