标题:Unfriendly Numbers 网上看到的 大家做做看
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注 册:2011-12-24
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Unfriendly Numbers 网上看到的 大家做做看
There is one friendly number and N unfriendly numbers. We want to find how many numbers are there which exactly divide the friendly number, but does not divide any of the unfriendly numbers.
Input Format:
The first line of input contains two numbers N and K seperated by spaces. N is the number of unfriendly numbers, K is the friendly number.
The second line of input contains N space separated unfriendly numbers.
Output Format:
Output the answer in a single line.
1 <= N <= 10^6
1 <= K <= 10^13
1 <= unfriendly numbers <= 10^18
Sample Input:
8 16
2 5 7 4 3 8 3 18
Sample Output:
Explanation :
Divisors of the given friendly number 16, are { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 } and the unfriendly numbers are {2, 5, 7, 4, 3, 8, 3, 18}. Now 1 divides all unfriendly numbers, 2 divide 2, 4 divide 4, 8 divide 8 but 16 divides none of them. So only one number exists which divide the friendly number but does not divide any of the unfriendly numbers. So the answer is 1
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: single friendly exactly numbers 
2012-04-15 21:37


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