标题:Golf clubs- Mallorca Open final round of the third runner-up award
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注 册:2011-5-18
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Golf clubs- Mallorca Open final round of the third runner-up award
Golf news:
 42-year-old Northern Ireland star Darren - Clark (DarrenClarke) Pula Golf Club in Spain by three strokes to win Mallorca Open, won his first European Tour title 13,<a href="http://www. g15 irons</a> The end of a three-year European Tour individual title drought. Former European Tour Rookie - Chris Wood (ChrisWood) the failure to achieve a personal first European Tour crown. Mallorca Open final round in the competition, world number 124, Clark 69 (-1), obtained 274 (65-70-70-69, -6) won a total score of And 166,660 euros in prize money. David Wood and the two England players - Lynn (DavidLynn) were shot 76 (+6) and 70, one to 277 (-3) tied for a total score of 2.
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: world Club 
2011-05-18 15:40


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