如何实现时间换算程序?设计一个时间换算程序,要求输入小时数、分钟数和秒数后,单击“计算”按钮输出合计秒数。Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, d As Long a = 0: b = 0: c = 0: d = 0 a = InputBox("Hours ?") If a < 24 Then d = CLng(a * 60) * 60: MsgBox d & " Seconds" b = InputBox("Minutes ?") If b < 60 Then d = CLng(d + (b * 60)): MsgBox d & " Seconds" c = InputBox("Seconds ?") If c < 60 Then d = CLng(d + c): MsgBox d & " Seconds" Else c = 0 MsgBox "Seconds Error !" End If Else b = 0 MsgBox "Minutes Error !" End If ElseIf a = 24 Then d = CLng(a * 60) * 60: MsgBox d & " Seconds" Else a = 0 MsgBox "Hours Error !" End If MsgBox "Hours: " & a & " + Minutes: " & b & " + Seconds: " & c & " = " & d & " Seconds" End Sub
// TransformTime.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <time.h> #include <string.h> BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int _stdcall TimeTrans(long lngtime, int* Rsp) { struct tm *ptr; ptr=localtime(&lngtime); Rsp[0] = ptr->tm_year -100+2000; Rsp[1] = ptr->tm_mon +1; Rsp[2] = ptr->tm_mday ; Rsp[3] = ptr->tm_hour -8 ; //这是时区问题 Rsp[4] = ptr->tm_min ; Rsp[5] = ptr->tm_sec ; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int _stdcall TimeTrans_ed(int I_year, int I_mon, int I_day, int I_hour, int I_min, int I_sec, int* Date_show) { time_t n; //int n; struct tm t1; t1.tm_sec = I_sec; t1.tm_min = I_min; t1.tm_hour = I_hour+8; //这是时区问题 t1.tm_mday = I_day; t1.tm_mon = I_mon-1; t1.tm_year = I_year+100-2000; n = mktime(&t1); //*Date_show=n; return n; }
Private Declare Function TimeTrans Lib "TransformTime.dll" (ByVal a As Long, ByRef Date_show As Long) As Integer Private Declare Function TimeTrans_ed Lib "TransformTime.dll" (ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, ByVal c As Integer, ByVal d As Integer, ByVal e As Integer, ByVal f As Integer, ByRef Date_show As Long) As Long Private Function Transformed_Time(ByVal YY As Integer, ByVal Mo As Integer, ByVal DD As Integer, ByVal HH As Integer, ByVal Mi As Integer, ByVal SS As Integer) As Long Dim a As Integer Dim Date_show() As Long ReDim Date_show(0) a = TimeTrans_ed(YY, Mo, DD, HH, Mi, SS, Date_show(0)) Transformed_Time = Date_show(0) End Function Private Function Transform_Time(ByVal AA As Long) As String Dim a As Integer Dim Date_show(6) As Long a = TimeTrans(AA, Date_show(0)) Transform_Time = Date_show(0) & "/" & Date_show(1) & "/" & Date_show(2) & " " & Date_show(3) & ":" & Date_show(4) & ":" & Date_show(5) End Function
Date_Setup = Transformed_Time(CInt(T_Buff(0)), CInt(T_Buff(1)), CInt(T_Buff(2)), (CInt(T_Buff(3))), CInt(T_Buff(4)), CInt(T_Buff(5)))