Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:1
注 册:2011-4-11
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
how to complete this question?

The input is expected to consist of height + 1 lines of length + 1 numbers in {0...15}, where length
is at least equal to 4 and at most equal to 50 and height is at least equal to 2 and at most equal to 16,
with possibly lines consisting of spaces only that will be ignored and with possibly spaces anywhere on
the lines with digits. The xth digit n of the yth line, with 0 <=x<= length and 0 <= y <= height,
 is to be associated with a point situated x * 0:2 cm to the right and y * 0.2 cm below an origin,
 is to be connected to the point 0.2 cm above if the rightmost digit of n is 1,
 is to be connected to the point 0.2 cm above and 0.2 cm to the right if the second rightmost digit
of n is 1,
 is to be connected to the point 0.2 cm to the right if the third rightmost digit of n is 1, and
 is to be connected to the point 0.2 cm to the right and 0.2 cm below if the fourth rightmost digit
of n is 1.
To qualify as a frieze, the input is further constrained to t in a rectangle of length length * 0.2 cm and
of height heigth * 0.2 cm, with horizontal lines of length length at the top and at the bottom, identical
vertical borders at both ends, no crossing segments connecting pairs of neighbours inside the rectangle,
and a pattern of integral period at least equal to 2 that is fully repeated at least twice in the horizontal
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: where 
2011-04-11 14:50


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