Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:1
注 册:2010-10-15
已结贴  问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
这段代码什么意思  把源码传到空间后  提示Fatal error: This file has expired. in D:\wwwroot\ht502\wwwroot\include\file.class.php on line 825701946

以下源码是file.class.php 的
<?php @Zend;
/* ?This is not a text file!揄  */
print <<<EOM
<html><body><a href="http://www. border="0" src="http://www. align="right"></a><center><h1>Zend Optimizer not installed</h1></center><p>This file was encoded by the <a href="http://www. Guard</a>. In order to run it, please install the <a href="http://www. Optimizer</a> (available without charge), version 3.0.0 or later. </p><h2>Seeing this message instead of the website you expected?</h2>This means that this webserver is not configured correctly. In order to view this website properly, please contact the website's system administrator/webmaster with the following message:<br><br><tt>The component "Zend Optimizer" is not installed on the Web Server and therefore cannot service encoded files. Please download and install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge) on the Web Server.</tt><br><br><b>Note</b>: Zend Technologies cannot resolve issues related to this message appearing on websites not belonging to <a href="http://www. Technologies</a>. <h2>What is the Zend Optimizer?</h2><p>The Zend Optimizer is one of the most popular PHP plugins for performance-improvement, and has been available without charge, since the early days of PHP 4. It improves performance by scanning PHP's intermediate code and passing it through multiple Optimization Passes to replace inefficient code patterns with more efficient code blocks. The replaced code blocks perform exactly the same operations as the original code, only faster. </p><p>In addition to improving performance, the Zend Optimizer also enables PHP to transparently load files encoded by the Zend Guard. </p><p>The Zend Optimizer is a free product available for download from <a href="http://www. Technologies</a>. Zend Technologies also developed the PHP scripting engine, known as the <a href="http://www. Engine</a>.</p></body></html>
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 老大 
2010-10-15 21:18
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:2
注 册:2010-10-16
重新zend guard一下。记得选择永不过期选项。
2010-10-16 12:33


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