Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:56
注 册:2005-9-5
 问题点数:0 回复次数:2 

下面的这段程序在本地测试是好的,但是一到服务器上,当 upcount大于5时,他就直接执行ELSE后的语句~~~~~ 这是什么错误呢?有谁碰到过这种问题啊?说明:测试机器:WIN2000服务器:WIN2003 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <!--#include file="UserLogin.asp"--> <!--#include file="Include/Include.asp"--> <%

set upload=new upload_5xsoft

MemberID = Trim(upload.Form("MemberID")) Choose = Trim(upload.Form("Choose"))

'----------------------------------------------------------------------- if isNumeric(MemberID)=true and Trim(upload.Form("BBS_Title"))<>"" then

dim Fname ,Fvalue

Fname = "BBsTitle," Fvalue = "'"&HTMLEncode1(Trim(upload.Form("BBS_Title")))&"'," '主标识 Fname = Fname & "IndexClass," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'1'," ' Fname = Fname & "PhotoLearned," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'"&replace(Trim(upload.Form("PhotoLearned")),"'","''")&"'," Fname = Fname & "BBsBQ," Fvalue = Fvalue & Trim(upload.Form("BBS_BG"))&","

Fname = Fname & "PhotoAddressJT," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'"&Trim(upload.Form("具体地址"))&"',"

if Trim(upload.Form("JoinMonth")) = "1" then Fname = Fname & "IsJoinMatch," Fvalue = Fvalue & Trim(upload.Form("JoinMonth"))&"," end if Fname = Fname & "MatchTitle," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'"&Trim(upload.Form("MatchTitle"))&"'," Fname = Fname & "IsUserSjj," Fvalue = Fvalue & Trim(upload.Form("是否使用三脚架"))&","

Fname = Fname & "jsName," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & Trim(upload.Form("机身名称")) & "'," Fname = Fname & "jtName," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & Trim(upload.Form("镜头名称")) & "'," Fname = Fname & "jpName," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & Trim(upload.Form("胶片名称")) & "'," Fname = Fname & "PhotoGq," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & Trim(upload.Form("光圈")) & "'," Fname = Fname & "PhotoKm," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & Trim(upload.Form("快门")) & "'," Fname = Fname & "BBsClass," PhotoClass = Trim(upload.Form("PhotoClass")) PhotoClass = replace(PhotoClass," ","") PhotoClass = replace(PhotoClass,",",ClassLine) Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & AddClassLine( Info_ImagesBBSClassID & ClassLine & PhotoClass ) & "',"

upcount = Trim(upload.Form("upcount")) if len(upcount) > 0 and IsNumeric(upcount) = true then BBS_PhotoMore = "" for IC = 1 to upcount BBS_Photo = Trim( upload.Form( "BBS_Photo" & IC ) ) '图片名称 if BBS_Photo <> "" then BBS_PhotoMore = BBS_PhotoMore & BBS_Photo & "," set file = upload.file( "BBS_Image" & IC ) ''生成一个文件对象 if file.FileSize > 0 then ''如果 FileSize > 0 说明有文件数据 file.SaveAs Server.mappath( TNet_Images_BBS_Path & BBS_Photo ) ''保存文件 end if set file = nothing '****************************对图片进行缩略图水印处理**************************** ''PhotoPath为原图地绝对地址 ''ToPhotoPath为生成图地绝对地址 ''PhotoSize为生成图大小 ''ImagesWater为是否为水印标志 ''ImagesNum为Logo图在生成图的水印位置 ''LogoPath为Logo图的绝对地址 ' WaterMark(PhotoPath,ToPhotoPath,PhotoSize,ImagesWater,ImagesNum,LogoPath) '********************************************************************************************* ' BBS_LogoPath=TNet_LogoPath if Trim( upload.Form( "BBS_Water" & IC ) ) = "1" then BBS_LogoPath = TNet_LogoPath '彩色 WaterColor = 1 else BBS_LogoPath = TNet_LogoPath_S '黑白 WaterColor = 0 end if BBS_WaterNum = Cint( Trim( upload.Form( "BBS_WaterNum" & IC ) ) ) Temp_Yuan_Path = Server.MapPath( TNet_Images_BBS_Path & BBS_Photo ) ' 原图片 Temp_Xiao_Path = Server.MapPath( TNet_formPath_S & BBS_Photo ) '小的图片 Temp_Shui_Path = Server.MapPath( TNet_formPath_A & BBS_Photo ) ' 加水印的图片 Temp_Logo_Path = Server.MapPath( BBS_LogoPath ) ' logo图 Call WaterMark ( Temp_Yuan_Path , Temp_Xiao_Path , TNet_PhotoSize_S , false , 0 , "" , 0 , 0 ) Call WaterMarkNoHeight( Temp_Yuan_Path , Temp_Shui_Path , TNet_PhotoSize_A , True , BBS_WaterNum , Temp_Logo_Path , 15 , WaterColor ) '********************************************************************************************* end if next if len( BBS_PhotoMore ) > 0 then BBS_PhotoMore = left( BBS_PhotoMore , len( BBS_PhotoMore ) - 1 ) ' 把最后一个","去掉. Fname = Fname & "Exoterica," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & BBS_PhotoMore & "'," '@组图标识 if Cint(upcount) > 1 then Fname = Fname & "IsActiveImg," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'1'," else Fname = Fname & "IsActiveImg," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'0'," end if end if end if 'response.End() '-----------------------------PhotoInfo--------------------------------

Fname = Fname & "jsClass," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & AddClassLine( Trim( upload.Form( "Photo_js" ) ) ) & "'," Fname = Fname & "jtClass," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & AddClassLine( Trim( upload.Form( "Photo_jt" ) ) ) & "'," Fname = Fname & "jpClass," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & AddClassLine( Trim( upload.Form( "Photo_jp" ) ) ) & "'," Fname = Fname & "PhotoTime," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & AddClassLine( Trim( upload.Form( "PhotoTime" ) ) ) & "',"

num = GetJSChildren(0,0,Info_Add_ClassID) ClassIDInfo = "" for IK = 1 to num ClassID = Trim( upload.Form( "ClassSelect" & Info_Add_ClassID & IK ) ) if Cstr(ClassID) <> "0" and Cstr(ClassID) <> "" then ClassIDInfo = ClassIDInfo & ClassID & ClassLine end if next if ClassIDInfo<>"" then ClassIDInfo = ClassLine & ClassIDInfo end if Fname = Fname & "PhotoAddress," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & ClassIDInfo & "'," Fname = Fname & "Auther," Fvalue = Fvalue & MemberID & "," Fname = Fname & "NewReturnTime," Fvalue = Fvalue & "'" & now() & "'," 'Fname = Fname & "BBsAdminClass," 'Fvalue = Fvalue & "'"&AddClassLine(Info_BBS_Recommend)&"',"

Set rsC=Conn.execute( "Select Max(IOrder) from " & TNet_MyData & "_" & Info_BBSClassID ) if Isnull(rsC(0)) then IOrder = 1 else IOrder = Clng(rsC(0)) + 1 end if Set rsC= nothing Fname = Fname & "IOrder" Fvalue = Fvalue & IOrder SQL = "Insert Into MyData_16 ("&Fname&") Values("&Fvalue&")" Conn.execute(SQL) 'response.Write SQL 'response.End()

set rsC=conn.execute("select ID from MyData_16 where IOrder = "&IOrder) if not rsC.eof then rsID = rsC(0) end if set rsC=nothing '*********************************************************************************************** '@得分 Conn.execute("Update "&TNet_MyData&"_"&Info_MemberCenterID&" set BBSFtNum=BBSFtNum+1,MemberJf=MemberJf+"&BBS_C_FaPhotoDeFen&" where ID = "&MemberID) if Trim(upload.Form("BBS_BG"))= "1" then '@得币 Call AddBi(MemberID,"[图片帖] "&Trim(upload.Form("BBS_Title")),BBS_C_FaPhotoDeBi) Call ScriptRedircet(getFaTeiHuo(MemberID,BBS_C_FaPhotoDeBi),"/bbs/indexPhotoLastList.asp?ID=" & rsID & "&Choose=1") end if '***********************************************************************************************

''response.Redirect("/bbs/indexPhotoLastList.asp?ID="&rsID&"&Choose=1") else %> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("非法登陆,浏览器将关闭"); window.close(); </script> <% end if %>

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 救命 
2005-09-22 12:48
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:56
注 册:2005-9-5
2005-09-23 12:33
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:56
注 册:2005-9-5
2005-09-24 11:59


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