Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:552
注 册:2005-12-20
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
dim strSaveFileName
strnow =replace(replace(replace(now(), ":", ""), "-", ""), " ", "")

    Dim intTotalLine
    intTotalLine =Request.Form.Count
    Dim strHeadData
    strHeadData =ChrB(66) & ChrB(77) & ChrB(230) & ChrB(4) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(54) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(40) & ChrB(0) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(160) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(120) & ChrB(0) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(1) & ChrB(0) &_
                 ChrB(24) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(176) & ChrB(4) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(18) & ChrB(11) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(18) & ChrB(11) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(0) &_
                 ChrB(0) & ChrB(0)
    Dim strSaveData, intLoop1, intLoop2, strTempData
    For intLoop1 =intTotalLine To 0 Step -1
        strTempData =Request.Form("PX"&intLoop1)
        strTempData =Split(strTempData, ",")
        For intLoop2 =0 To ubound(strTempData)
            'strSaveData =strSaveData &toBin(strTempData(intLoop2))
            strSaveData =strSaveData &To3(strTempData(intLoop2))
        strSaveData =strHeadData & strSaveData
Dim Jpeg
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
if  Err Then
strSaveFileName =strNow &".bmp"
call DataConnect '打开数据库
        set rs =server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
        sql ="select * from [img]"
        rs.open sql,conn,1,3
        rs("id") =strnow
        rs("addtime") =now
        set rs =nothing
        set rs =conn.execute("select * from [img] where id ="& strnow)
            img_size =rs("imgdata").ActualSize
            saa= rs("imgdata").GetChunk(img_size)
        set rs =nothing

        Call SaveStream("image_photo/"& strSaveFileName, saa)

        set rs =server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
        sql ="select * from [myphoto]"
        rs.open sql,conn,1,3
        rs("userid") ="测试用户"
                rs("myshow")="image_photo/"& strSaveFileName
        set rs =nothing
        conn.execute("delete from [img] where id ="& strnow)
   call DataDisConnect    '关闭数据库      
strSaveFileName =strNow &".jpg"
         Jpeg.OpenBinary strSaveData
         Jpeg.Width = Jpeg.OriginalWidth
         Jpeg.Height = Jpeg.OriginalHeight

' 保存缩略图到指定文件夹下
         Jpeg.Save Server.MapPath("image_photo/"& strSaveFileName)

' 注销实例
Set Jpeg = Nothing

     call DataConnect '打开数据库
        set rs =server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
        sql ="select * from [myphoto]"
        rs.open sql,conn,1,3
        rs("userid") ="测试用户"
                rs("myshow")="image_photo/"& strSaveFileName
        set rs =nothing
     call DataDisConnect    '关闭数据库

end if
response.Write("thisfile="& strSaveFileName)

Function To3(nums)
    Dim myArray()
    Dim iii, tmp
    For iii=1 To 3
        Redim Preserve myArray(iii)
        myArray(iii) =chn10(tmp)
        'myArray(iii) =tmp
    To3 = ChrB(myArray(3))&ChrB(myArray(2))&ChrB(myArray(1))
End Function

Function toBin(str)
    Dim intTemp, binTemp, strTemp
    For intTemp =1 To 6 Step 2
        strTemp =Mid(str, intTemp, 2)
        binTemp =binTemp & ChrB(chn10(strTemp))
    toBin =binTemp
End Function

Function chn10(nums)
    Dim tmp, tmpstr, intLoop4
    For intLoop4=1 To nums_len
        If IsNumeric(tmp) Then
            tmp=tmp * 16 * (16^(nums_len-intLoop4-1))
            tmp=(ASC(UCase(tmp))-55) * (16^(nums_len-intLoop4))
        End If
    chn10 = tmpstr
End Function
Sub SaveStream(paR_strFile, paR_streamContent)
    Dim objStream
    Set objStream =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        with objStream
            .Type =1
            .Write paR_streamContent
            .SaveToFile Server.Mappath(paR_strFile), 2
        End with
    Set objStream =Nothing
End Sub
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: ChrB asp 求解 
2008-04-21 22:33


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