Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:58
注 册:2007-7-11
 问题点数:0 回复次数:2 

大哥大姐帮帮我 。。。。
我现在一个表分别是 Users , Integral表
Userid ChrName PWD
1 xxx 123456
2 zzz 123456

ID Userid inYear intMonth intGoal intcurrent
1 1 2000 1 2 0
2 1 2000 2 0 0
3 1 2000 3 1 0
. . . . . .
12 1 2000 12 1 0
13 2 2000 1 1 0
14 2 2000 2 2 0
15 2 2000 3 1 0
. . . . . .
24 2 2000 12 3 0


id ChrName intGoal(按照intMonth 的(1)) intGoal(按照intMonth 的(2))....intGoal(按照intMonth 的(12))
1 xxx 2 0 1
2 zzz 1 1 3

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: SQL Userid Integral Users zzz 
2007-09-25 17:01
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:14
注 册:2007-10-2
selecct a.userid,a.chrname,m1.month01,m2.month02,m3.month03,m4.month04,m5.month05, m6.month06,m7.month07,m8.month08,m9.month09,m10.month10,m11.month11,m12.month12
from (select Userid,chrname from Users) a,
(select id,intGoal month01 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=1) m1,
(select id,intGoal month02 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=2) m2,
(select id,intGoal month03 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=3) m3,
(select id,intGoal month04 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=4) m4,
(select id,intGoal month05 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=5) m5,
(select id,intGoal month06 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=6) m6,
(select id,intGoal month07 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=7) m7,
(select id,intGoal month08 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=8) m8,
(select id,intGoal month09 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=9) m9,
(select id,intGoal month10 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=10) m10,
(select id,intGoal month11 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=11) m11,
(select id,intGoal month12 from Integral where inyear=2002 and intmonth=12) m12
where a.userid=m1.id and a.userid=m2.id and a.userid=m3.id and a.userid=m4.id and a.userid=m5.id and
a.userid=m6.id and a.userid=m7.id and a.userid=m8.id and a.userid=m9.id and a.userid=m10.id and
a.userid=m11.id and a.userid=m12.id
2007-10-07 10:22
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:22
注 册:2007-8-22

select id,ChrName ,case intmonth when 1 then intgoal else ''end as '1月',
case intmonth when 2 then intgoal else ''end as '2月',
case intmonth when 3 then intgoal else ''end as '3月',
case intmonth when 4 then intgoal else ''end as '4月',
case intmonth when 5 then intgoal else ''end as '5月',
case intmonth when 6 then intgoal else ''end as '6月',
case intmonth when 7 then intgoal else ''end as '7月',
case intmonth when 8 then intgoal else ''end as '8月',
case intmonth when 9 then intgoal else ''end as '9月',
case intmonth when 10 then intgoal else ''end as '10月',
case intmonth when 11 then intgoal else ''end as '11月',
case intmonth when 12 then intgoal else ''end as '12月',
from Users , Integral where Users.id = Integral.id  
 order by id

不知道行不行  LZ自己试试

2007-10-07 12:08


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