标题:[求助] NB 高手请……
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:1
注 册:2004-12-24
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
[求助] NB 高手请……

Private Sub command1_Click() Dim i%, j%, t%

Dim a%(50), b%(50) WindowState = 2 Cls command1.Move 10000, 800 FontSize = 15 Randomize For i = 1 To 50

a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100 + 1) b(i) = i Next i For i = 1 To 49 For j = i + 1 To 50 If a(i) > a(j) Then t = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = t t = b(i): b(i) = b(j): b(j) = t End If Next j Print: Print Next i For i = 1 To 50 Print Format(b(i), "(!@@)"); Format(a(i), "!@@"); If i Mod 5 = 0 Then Print Next i End Sub 好晕 怎么都打不出来结果!!!!!!

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: For Print Next Dim 
2004-12-24 17:51
Rank: 6Rank: 6
等 级:贵宾
威 望:27
帖 子:3336
注 册:2004-4-15

Private Sub command1_Click() Dim i%, j%, t%

Dim a%(50), b%(50) WindowState = 2 Cls command1.Move 10000, 800 FontSize = 15 Randomize For i = 1 To 50

a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100 + 1) b(i) = i Next i For i = 1 To 49 For j = i + 1 To 50 If a(i) > a(j) Then t = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = t t = b(i): b(i) = b(j): b(j) = t End If Next j Print: Print '这里打了好多换行,下面打印的东西全看不到,屏蔽这一行就可以了。 Next i For i = 1 To 50 Print Format(b(i), "(!@@)"); Format(a(i), "!@@"); If i Mod 5 = 0 Then Print Next i End Sub

天津网站建设 http://www./
2004-12-25 12:56


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