这个只输出 cnt 列到数组
SELECT CNT FROM (Select code, Sum(cnt) as cnt from (cTemp) group by code ORDER BY CODE) A into array a双飞统计
晕死,输不输出 code 到数组有什么关系?都输出时你只用第二列不就行了
for ii = 1 to alen(a双飞统计,1)
....Caption = trans(a双飞统计[ii,2])
SELECT CNT FROM (Select code, Sum(cnt) as cnt from (cTemp) group by code ORDER BY CODE) A into array a双飞统计
晕死,输不输出 code 到数组有什么关系?都输出时你只用第二列不就行了
for ii = 1 to alen(a双飞统计,1)
....Caption = trans(a双飞统计[ii,2])
[此贴子已经被作者于2023-4-22 22:54编辑过]