换算成 4*4的方块中,排列组合 4 个方块,组合后 计算,每个方块的 8个坐标内必须有其他方块。
为防止出错,定义空间时,是 0-5 ,0-5 (6*6的空间),但只使用 1-4,1-4 空间(4*4)的空间,判断时,可以直接在拿 6*6 空间里判断,不需要在代码中特别注意坐标。
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, s As Integer s = 0 For i = 0 To 12 For j = i + 1 To 13 For k = j + 1 To 14 For l = k + 1 To 15 s = s + 1 Next Next Next Next MsgBox s End Sub
[此贴子已经被作者于2022-11-14 23:25编辑过]
Option Explicit Private Sub printcell(x() As Long, y() As Long, ByVal n As Long) Static i As Long Dim r As Long Dim c As Long Dim k As Long Dim w As Long Dim w1 As Long Dim w2 As Long Dim w3 As Long Dim ox As Long Dim oy As Long Dim w4 As Long w4 = 12 w3 = (w4 \ 2) * 12 ox = 5 * 12 oy = 5 * 12 w1 = 17 * 12 w2 = 15 * 12 w = (17 * n + w4) * 12 r = (i \ 14) * w c = (i Mod 14) * w For k = 0 To n - 1 Me.Picture1.Line (ox + c + w3 + y(k) * w1, oy + r + w3 + x(k) * w1)-(ox + c + w3 + y(k) * w1 + w2, oy + r + w3 + x(k) * w1 + w2), &HFF0000, BF Next i = i + 1 End Sub Private Sub printline(ByVal nums As Long, ByVal n As Long) Dim w As Long Dim w1 As Long Dim r As Long Dim c As Long Dim ox As Long Dim oy As Long Dim x As Long Dim y As Long Dim w4 As Long w4 = 12 r = nums \ 14 c = 14 ox = 5 * 12 oy = 5 * 12 w = (17 * n + w4) * 12 For y = 0 To r + 1 Me.Picture1.Line (ox, oy + y * w)-(ox + 14 * w, oy + y * w), &H80FF& Next For x = 0 To c Me.Picture1.Line (ox + x * w, oy)-(ox + x * w, oy + (r + 1) * w), &H80FF& Next End Sub Private Function isConnected(x() As Long, y() As Long, nums As Long) As Boolean Dim p As Long Dim p1 As Long Dim p2 As Long Dim pAll() As Long Dim tmp As Long Dim flg As Boolean ReDim pAll(nums - 1) For p = 0 To nums - 1 pAll(p) = p Next p1 = 0 p2 = 1 isConnected = True Do While p1 < nums - 1 flg = False p = p1 Do While p >= 0 If Abs(x(pAll(p)) - x(pAll(p2))) <= 1 And _ Abs(y(pAll(p)) - y(pAll(p2))) <= 1 Then flg = True Exit Do End If p = p - 1 Loop If flg Then p1 = p1 + 1 If p1 <> p2 Then tmp = pAll(p1) pAll(p1) = pAll(p2) pAll(p2) = tmp End If p2 = p1 + 1 Else p2 = p2 + 1 If p2 = nums Then isConnected = False Exit Do End If End If Loop End Function Private Function isOK(x() As Long, y() As Long, ByVal num As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim numx As Long Dim numy As Long numx = 0 numy = 0 For i = 0 To num - 1 If x(i) = 0 Then numx = numx + 1 If y(i) = 0 Then numy = numy + 1 Next If numx = 0 Or numy = 0 Then isOK = False Exit Function End If isOK = isConnected(x, y, num) End Function Private Function number(ByVal num As Long) As Long Dim x() As Long Dim y() As Long ReDim x(num - 1) As Long ReDim y(num - 1) As Long number = comb(num, num * num, num, 0, x, y) printline number, num End Function Private Function comb(ByVal num As Long, ByVal n As Long, ByVal k As Long, ByVal i As Long, x() As Long, y() As Long) x(i) = (n - 1) \ num y(i) = (n - 1) Mod num If k = 1 Then If isOK(x, y, num) Then comb = comb + 1 printcell x, y, num End If If n > k Then comb = comb + comb(num, n - 1, k, i, x, y) End If If k > 1 Then comb = comb + comb(num, n - 1, k - 1, i + 1, x, y) If n > k Then comb = comb + comb(num, n - 1, k, i, x, y) End If End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Label1.Caption = number(4) End Sub
[此贴子已经被作者于2022-11-24 11:23编辑过]