// use_new.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。//
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
int nights = 1001;
int * pt = new int;
*pt = 1001;
cout << "nights value=";
cout << nights << ":location=" << &nights << endl;
cout << "int";
cout << "value=" << *pt << ":pt location=" << pt << ":&pt location="<<&pt<< endl;
double *pd = new double;
*pd = 10000001.0;
cout << "double";
cout << "value=" << *pd << ": pd location=" << pd << ":&pd location=" << &pd<<endl;
cout << "loction of point pd:" << &pd << endl;
cout << "size of pt=" << sizeof(pt);
cout << ":size of *pt=" << sizeof(*pt)<<endl;
cout << ":size of pd=" << sizeof pd;
cout<<":size of *pd=" << sizeof(*pd)<<endl;
cout << ":size of &pd=" << sizeof &pd << endl;
return 0;

这个程序是《c++ primer plus》第6版第103页程序清单4.17 use_new.cpp
pt pd 是指针, ":pt location=" << pt << ":&pt location="<<&pt,
": pd location=" << pd << ":&pd location=" << &pd
显示了4个地址,4个地址都不一样。pt pd的地址与&pt &pd的地址还不在同一个内存块。
[此贴子已经被作者于2019-4-24 03:52编辑过]