Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:11
注 册:2018-4-19
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
HIT cat is a virtual elfin who likes to wander on the internet.
But now he is caught by a bad guy and imprison in a binary file.

The bad guy said "I have splited the little cat into pieces, each int piece is as big as int,
Firstly,  I added  1 to each int piece.
Then, I put the total number of the int pieces in the binary file.
Finally, I put all the pieces of that cat one by one in the binary file.

To save HIT cat you have to recover the data in a reversed way the bad guy did.

What you need to do:

read the file HITcat
malloc some memory for the data
recover the data
print the HIT cat on your screen
write the data in a ASCII file

│           │    ╭────-──╮
│           │  O│  HELP       │
│ ┬       ┬   │ O  │        ME!    │
│≡              ≡│O    ╰─────  ─ ╯
│    ﹋﹋﹋     │ 

All the functions you need to deal with file is on your textbook.

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: cat the int file data 
2018-05-13 09:54


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