Option Explicit
Dim A_Name As String
Dim S_Name As String
Const MaxRFiles = 4
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1 = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File0", "")
Text2 = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File1", "")
Text3 = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File2", "")
Text4 = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File3", "")
Text5 = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", "")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
A_Name = "Demo"
S_Name = "RFile"
End Sub
Private Sub mExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub mLastFile_Click(Index As Integer)
UpdateRecentFiles Index
End Sub
Private Sub mOpen_Click()
Dim fIndex As Integer
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True ' Causes a trappable error to occur when the user hits the 'Cancel' button
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "打开文件"
CommonDialog1.FileName = ""
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Executables(*.*)|*.*"
CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNCreatePrompt + cdlOFNHideReadOnly
If Err = cdlCancel Then ' 'Cancel' button was hit
' Add your own code here when the user hits the 'Cancel' button
fIndex = InRecentFiles(CommonDialog1.FileName)
If fIndex > MaxRFiles Then
WriteRecentFiles CommonDialog1.FileName
UpdateRecentFiles fIndex
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteRecentFiles(FileName As String)
Dim fileptr As Integer
If Len(Trim(FileName)) Then
fileptr = Val(GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", "0"))
fileptr = IIf(fileptr - 1 >= 0, fileptr - 1, MaxRFiles - 1)
SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", fileptr & ""
SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "File" & fileptr, FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReadRecentFiles()
Dim i As Integer
Dim fileptr As Integer
Dim rFile As String
Dim rCount As Integer
fileptr = Val(GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", "0"))
rFile = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File" & fileptr, "")
rCount = 0
Do While Len(rFile) And rCount < MaxRFiles
mLastFile(rCount).Caption = "&" & (rCount + 1) & " " & rFile
mLastFile(rCount).Visible = True
fileptr = IIf(fileptr + 1 < MaxRFiles, fileptr + 1, 0)
rFile = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File" & fileptr, "")
rCount = rCount + 1
If rCount = 0 Then
mLastFile(rCount).Visible = True
mLastFile(rCount).Caption = "无历史文件"
rCount = 1
End If
For i = rCount To MaxRFiles - 1
mLastFile(i).Visible = False
End Sub
Private Function InRecentFiles(strFile As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim bFound As Boolean
'Look for the file specified in strFile
For i = 0 To MaxRFiles - 1
If mLastFile(i).Visible And strFile = Mid$(mLastFile(i).Caption, 4) Then
InRecentFiles = i
Exit Function
End If
InRecentFiles = MaxRFiles + 1
End Function
Public Sub ClearRecentFiles()
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
DeleteSetting A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile"
For i = 0 To MaxRFiles
DeleteSetting A_Name, S_Name, "File" & i
mLastFile(0).Visible = True
mLastFile(0).Caption = "无历史文件"
For i = 1 To MaxRFiles - 1
mLastFile(i).Visible = False
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateRecentFiles(fIndex As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim fileptr As Integer, FirstPtr As Integer
Dim FilePtr1 As Integer
Dim rFile As String, OldFile As String
Dim rCount As Integer
If fIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub
FirstPtr = Val(GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", "0"))
'FirstPtr = IIf(FirstPtr - 1 >= 0, FirstPtr - 1, MaxRFiles - 1)
If fIndex = MaxRFiles - 1 Then
FirstPtr = IIf(FirstPtr - 1 >= 0, FirstPtr - 1, MaxRFiles - 1)
SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", CStr(FirstPtr)
Exit Sub
End If
fileptr = fIndex + FirstPtr
If fileptr >= MaxRFiles Then fileptr = fileptr - MaxRFiles
OldFile = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File" & fileptr, "")
FilePtr1 = IIf(fileptr - 1 >= 0, fileptr - 1, MaxRFiles - 1)
'FilePtr1 = IIf(fileptr + 1 < MaxRFiles, fileptr + 1, 0)
rFile = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File" & FilePtr1, "")
Do While FirstPtr <> fileptr And Len(rFile) > 0
SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "File" & fileptr, rFile
fileptr = FilePtr1
FilePtr1 = IIf(fileptr - 1 >= 0, fileptr - 1, MaxRFiles - 1)
'FilePtr1 = IIf(fileptr + 1 < MaxRFiles, fileptr + 1, 0)
rFile = GetSetting(A_Name, S_Name, "File" & FilePtr1, "")
SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "File" & FirstPtr, OldFile
'SaveSetting A_Name, S_Name, "FirstFile", CStr(fileptr)
' WriteRecentFiles OldFile
End Sub