标题:SkinH_Attach 未定义,大神赐教。
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2014-4-16
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:6 
SkinH_Attach 未定义,大神赐教。
Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim timer_clk As Double
Dim Ts As Double
Dim f_out As Double
Dim ModulationDepth As Double

Const PI = 3.141592654
Const PARA = 0.866025403

Dim TBCCR0 As Integer
Dim Dimension As Integer
Dim SVcounter As Integer
Dim SV_T1 As Double
Dim SV_T2 As Double
Dim SV_T0 As Double

TBCCR0 = 0
Dimension = 0
SVcounter = 0
SV_T1 = 0
SV_T2 = 0
SV_T0 = 0

timer_clk = Val(Text1.Text)
Ts = Val(Text2.Text)
f_out = Val(Text3.Text)
ModulationDepth = Val(Text4.Text)

Text5.Text = ""

TBCCR0 = 0.5 * 1000 * timer_clk / Ts
Dimension = 1000 * Ts / f_out

Text5.FontBold = False
Text5.FontSize = 10
Text5.Text = "The results are :" & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    TBCCR0 = " & Str(TBCCR0) & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    the length of array = " & Str(Dimension) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "With following conditions: " & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    Timer clock = " & Str(timer_clk) & " MHz;" & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    the frequency of each pulse circle = " & Str(Ts) & " kHz" & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    the frequency of output = " & Str(f_out) & " Hz" & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "    the modulation depth = " & Format(Str(ModulationDepth), "0.000") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Text5.Text = Text5.Text + "The arrays are :" & vbCrLf

Dim SV_cmp1() As Double
Dim SV_cmp2() As Double
Dim SV_cmp3() As Double
Dim SV_PHA() As Integer
Dim SV_PHB() As Integer
Dim SV_PHC() As Integer

ReDim SV_cmp1(Dimension)
ReDim SV_cmp2(Dimension)
ReDim SV_cmp3(Dimension)
ReDim SV_PHA(Dimension)
ReDim SV_PHB(Dimension)
ReDim SV_PHC(Dimension)

For SVcounter = 0 To Dimension - 1 Step 1
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 1 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= 0 Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 1 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 9 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 2 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= (Dimension * 1 / 6) Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 11 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 7 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 3 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= (Dimension * 2 / 6) Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 9 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 5 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 4 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= (Dimension * 3 / 6) Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 7 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 3 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 5 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= (Dimension * 4 / 6) Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 5 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 1 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
    If SVcounter <= (Dimension * 6 / 6 - 1) And SVcounter >= (Dimension * 5 / 6) Then
        SV_T1 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 3 / 6)
        SV_T2 = PARA * ModulationDepth * Cos(2 * PI * (SVcounter / Dimension) + PI * 11 / 6)
        SV_T0 = (1 - SV_T1 - SV_T2) / 2
        SV_cmp1(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T2 + SV_T0
        SV_cmp2(SVcounter) = SV_T0
        SV_cmp3(SVcounter) = SV_T1 + SV_T0
        SV_PHA(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp1(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHB(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp2(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
        SV_PHC(SVcounter) = Int((1 - SV_cmp3(SVcounter)) * TBCCR0 + 0.5)
    End If
Next SVcounter

Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "unsigned int TB_CCR_A[" & Str(Dimension) & " ] ={" & vbCrLf
For SVcounter = 0 To Dimension - 1 Step 1
    Text5.Text = Text5.Text & Str(SV_PHA(SVcounter)) & ","
    If SVcounter Mod 10 = 9 Then
        Text5.Text = Text5.Text & vbCrLf
    End If
Next SVcounter
Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "};" & vbCrLf

Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "unsigned int TB_CCR_B[" & Str(Dimension) & " ] ={" & vbCrLf
For SVcounter = 0 To Dimension - 1 Step 1
    Text5.Text = Text5.Text & Str(SV_PHB(SVcounter)) & ","
    If SVcounter Mod 10 = 9 Then
        Text5.Text = Text5.Text & vbCrLf
    End If
Next SVcounter
Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "};" & vbCrLf

Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "unsigned int TB_CCR_C[" & Str(Dimension) & " ] ={" & vbCrLf
For SVcounter = 0 To Dimension - 1 Step 1
    Text5.Text = Text5.Text & Str(SV_PHC(SVcounter)) & ","
    If SVcounter Mod 10 = 9 Then
        Text5.Text = Text5.Text & vbCrLf
    End If
Next SVcounter
Text5.Text = Text5.Text & "};" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Open "SVresult.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, Text5.Text
Close #1

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Label9.Caption = Now

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Interval = 500
Timer1.Enabled = True
Label9.Caption = Now

End Sub
2014-04-16 17:41
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2014-4-16
2014-04-16 17:43
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2014-4-16
2014-04-16 17:43
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2014-4-16
2014-04-16 17:45
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14
等 级:贵宾
威 望:66
帖 子:1310
注 册:2009-2-26
2014-04-16 19:18
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
等 级:贵宾
威 望:33
帖 子:223
注 册:2013-2-12
Private Sub Form_Load()
'应该是在这问题,当程序启动时马上调用了SkinH_Attach的子程序。如果多个窗口调用此子程序,那么把它放在模块中。如果仅一个窗口调用可以放在“通用”中。如果仅一次调用可以点击“工具”→点击“添加过程”→在名称中输入“SkinH_Attach” →点击“确定”,在相应的窗口中输入编码就可以了。
End Sub

2014-04-16 19:33
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2014-4-16
回复 5 楼 bczgvip
2014-04-16 22:23


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