标题:Codejock.Xtreme.Suite.Pro.ActiveX v15.3.1 For VB6 15种皮肤随机切换
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
等 级:贵宾
威 望:23
帖 子:1817
注 册:2011-3-24
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
Codejock.Xtreme.Suite.Pro.ActiveX v15.3.1 For VB6 15种皮肤随机切换
1.要进行编译请先自行安装Codejock.Xtreme.Suite.Pro.ActiveX v15.3.1

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
        Set Skin = New ClsSkinChang
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
        Call Skin.ChangeThemes(Me, False)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If OCXSetStatus = True Then
        If Button = 1 Then
            Call Skin.SetSkin(Me)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private mvarSindex As Integer 'local copy
Private Const StyleFolder = "Styles"

Public Property Get Sindex() As Integer
    Sindex = mvarSindex
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mvarSindex = 0
    Call SkinInit
End Sub

Private Sub SkinInit()
Dim SystemPath As String, OCXPath As String
Dim A As Long

    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        SystemPath = GetSysPath & "\" & OCXName
        OCXPath = App.Path & "\Styles\" & OCXName
        If IsFileExist(OCXPath) = True Then
            If IsFileExist(SystemPath) = False Then
                FileCopy OCXPath, SystemPath
                A = Shell("regsvr32 " & SystemPath & " /s", vbHide)
            End If
        End If
        OCXSetStatus = True
        ReDim ThemesString(15)
        ThemesString(0) = App.Path & "\Styles\WinXP.Luna.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlue.ini"
        ThemesString(1) = App.Path & "\Styles\WinXP.Luna.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalAqua.ini"
        ThemesString(2) = App.Path & "\Styles\WinXP.Royale.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalRoyale.ini"
        ThemesString(3) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2007.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlue.ini"
        ThemesString(4) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2007.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalAqua.ini"
        ThemesString(5) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2007.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalSilver.ini"
        ThemesString(6) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2007.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlack.ini"
        ThemesString(7) = App.Path & "\Styles\Vista.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlue.ini"
        ThemesString(8) = App.Path & "\Styles\Vista.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalSilver.ini"
        ThemesString(9) = App.Path & "\Styles\Vista.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlack.ini"
        ThemesString(10) = App.Path & "\Styles\Vista.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlack2.ini"
        ThemesString(11) = App.Path & "\Styles\Codejock.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlue.ini"
        ThemesString(12) = App.Path & "\Styles\Codejock.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlack.ini"
        ThemesString(13) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2010.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlue.ini"
        ThemesString(14) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2010.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalSilver.ini"
        ThemesString(15) = App.Path & "\Styles\Office2010.cjstyles" & "," & "NormalBlack.ini"
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ChangeThemes(frm As Form, ChangStatus As Boolean)
Dim TPath As String, INI_Name As String, Temp As String
    If OCXSetStatus = True Then
        If mvarSindex = 0 Then mvarSindex = GetNumber
        Temp = ThemesString(mvarSindex)
        TPath = Mid$(Temp, 1, InStr(Temp, ",") - 1)
        INI_Name = Mid$(Temp, InStr(Temp, ",") + 1, Len(Temp) - InStr(Temp, ","))
        With frm
            If ChangStatus = True Then
            End If
            .SkinFramework1.LoadSkin TPath, INI_Name
            .SkinFramework1.ApplyWindow .hwnd
            .SkinFramework1.ApplyOptions = .SkinFramework1.ApplyOptions Or xtpSkinApplyMetrics
        End With
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub SetSkin(frm As Form)
Dim index As Integer
    With frm
        mvarSindex = GetNumber
        .SkinFramework1.LoadSkin Mid(ThemesString(mvarSindex), 1, InStr(ThemesString(mvarSindex), ",") - 1), _
                                 Mid(ThemesString(mvarSindex), InStr(ThemesString(mvarSindex), ",") + 1)
    End With
End Sub

Private Function GetNumber() As Integer
    mvarSindex = Int((UBound(ThemesString) * Rnd) + 1)
    GetNumber = mvarSindex
End Function

Public Function CheckXDFEnvironment() As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling

    CheckXDFEnvironment = True
    'App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFolderExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\WinXP.Luna.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\WinXP.Royale.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\Office2007.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\Vista.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\Codejock.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\Office2010.cjstyles") = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = True Then
        CheckXDFEnvironment = IIf(IsFileExist(App.Path & "\" & StyleFolder & "\" & OCXName) = False, False, True)
    End If
    If CheckXDFEnvironment = False Then
        Call ErrorWriteBuff(E_FileName, "0", "CheckXDFEnvironment", Err.Number, Err.Description, "Check Environment Error !")
    End If

Exit Function

    CheckXDFEnvironment = False
    Call ErrorWriteBuff(E_FileName, "0", "CheckXDFEnvironment", Err.Number, Err.Description, "Check Environment Error !")
    Resume Next
End Function
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 种类 皮肤 
2012-08-28 22:49


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