我有2张表,第一张表的其中一行数据是 No value
1 32,33,34
Id Name
32 aaaaa
33 bbbbb
34 ccccc
--模拟数据环境 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 't2' and xtype = 'u') drop table t1 Go create table t1(no int, value varchar(10)) Go insert into t1 values(1, '32,33,34') insert into t1 values(2, '22,23,24') Go if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 't2' and xtype = 'u') drop table t2 Go create table t2(ID int, name varchar(10)) go insert into t2 select 32, 'aaaaaa' union select 33, 'bbbbbb' union select 34, 'cccccc' union select 22, 'dddddd' union select 23, 'eeeeee' union select 24, 'ffffff' Go --执行相应的查询操作 select t1.no, t2.ID, t2.name from t1 inner join t2 on t1.value like '%'+CAST(t2.id as varchar(10))+'%'你看看是否可以满足你的需求。
select t1.no, t2.ID, t2.name from t1 inner join t2 on ','+t1.value+',' like '%,'+CAST(t2.id as varchar(10))+',%'貌似这样更严谨点