
<div align="center"><div id=AdRotator></div><!--<input id="second"><button onClick="adRotator.set(getRef('second').value)">set time</button>--></div> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> <!-- function adRotator() {}; adRotator.initialize=function(o) { // script by blueDestiny this._t = new Array(); this._l = new Array(); this._p = new Array(); this._i = new Image(); this._c = 0; this._f = false; this._o = o; this._timeout = null; this._html = ""; // configration. // @ image width // @ image height // @ rotator speed // @ filter type this._w = 358; this._h = 208; this._s = 4; this._x = 23; return this; }; adRotator.add=function(p,t,l) { with (this) { _p.push(p); _t.push(t); _l.push(l); }}; adRotator.load=function() { with (adRotator) { if( _i.readyState=='complete' ) { if(_p.length-1==_c) { _f = true; _c = 0; window.clearTimeout(_timeout); //getRef("AdRotator").innerHTML="complete"; adRotator.play(); } else { _c++; getRef(_o).innerHTML="total images " + _p.length + ", loading picture " + _c + ' ' + _i.readyState + "..."; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.load,4) } } else { getRef(_o).innerHTML="total images " + _p.length + ", loading picture " + _c + ' ' + _i.readyState + "..."; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.load,4) } }}; adRotator.play=function() { with (adRotator) { if( _f ) { _html = ""; _html += '<table style="border:1px solid #333333;"><tr><td style="font-size:9pt;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;">' _html += '<div id="rotatorPlayer"' + ' style="width:' + _w + '' + ';height:"' + _h + '"' + '>' _html += '<a href="' + ( _l[_c] ? _l[_c] : "javascript:void(0);" ) + '">'; _html += '<img id="rotatorPic" src="' + _p[_c] + '"' + ' width="' + _w + '"' + ' height="' + _h + '"' + (_t[_c]?' title="' + _t[_c] + '"':'') + ' style="border:1px solid blue;filter:revealTrans(transition=' + _x + ',duration=1);"' + ' >'; _html += (_t[_c]?('<div align="center">' + (_c+1) + '. ' + _t[_c] + '</div>'):'<p></p>'); _html += '</a>'; _html += "</div>"; _html += '<div align="right">'; for(var i=0; i<_p.length; i++) _html += '<span' + ' style="border:1px solid #333333;padding:1px 5px 1px 5px;height:20px;text-align:center;cursor:' + (_c==i ? ('default;background-color:red;"') : 'hand;" onclick="adRotator.select(' + i + ')"') + '>' + (i>8?(i+1):('0'+(i+1)))+ '</span> '; _html += "</div></td></tr></table>"; //alert(_html); getRef(_o).innerHTML = _html; getRef("rotatorPic").filters[0].Apply(); getRef("rotatorPic").filters[0].Play(); next(); } else { _i.src = _p[_c]; adRotator.load(); } }}; adRotator.next=function() { with (this) { (_p.length-1==_c) ? _c=0 : _c++; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.play,_s*1000); }}; adRotator.select=function(i) { with (this) { window.clearTimeout(_timeout); _c=i; adRotator.play(); }}; adRotator.set=function(second) { with (this) { window.clearTimeout(_timeout); if((/\d+/).test(second)==true) { _s=second; adRotator.play(); } else { alert("must be digit!") adRotator.play(); } }}; function getRef(id) { return (document.all?document.all(id):document.getElementById(id)); } adRotator.initialize("AdRotator"); var inc; var upload; var img; var title; var adv_url <% do while not rsadv.eof title =rsadv("adv_title") adv_url =rsadv("adv_url") img=rsadv("src") if instr(img, "[uploadimg]") then img = Replace(img, "[uploadimg]", "inc/upload/") img = Replace(img, "[/uploadimg]", "") end if %> var img1; img1=new Image (); img1.src='<%=img%>'; var title1; title1='<%=title%>' var adv_url1; adv_url1='<%=adv_url%>' adRotator.add(img1.src,title1,adv_url1) <% rsadv.movenext loop rsadv.close %> adRotator.play(); //--> </SCRIPT>
为什么只有刷新时style="border:1px solid blue;filter:revealTrans(transition=' + _x + ',duration=1);才有效果,切换图片时没有效果呢
[[it] 本帖最后由 madpbpl 于 2008-6-25 16:12 编辑 [/it]]