这样的话,可以把时间代价由 O(n^2) 改进至 O(nlgn)。
ps: 分治策略中当然最好用的还是二分法,多分肯定没什么意思撒。
following is what i used to answer a poster's question in algorithms forum.
It will not compile for you, since you don't have my namespace file. But you may be able to extract some useful info from it.
#include <iostream>
#include \"hjns.h\"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
This implementation has O(n^2) comparsions and moves.Sample output:
-100 68 -82 76 -87 -77 93 -30 96 8 15 -94 0 100 -83 100 98 98 26 0
-100 -94 -87 -83 -82 -77 -30 0 0 8 15 26 68 76 93 96 98 98 100 100
number of comparisons is 87
number of moves is 63
Press any key to continue . . .
There exists O(n lg^2 n) shellsort algorithm.See Pratt, V (1979). Shellsort and sorting networks
(Outstanding dissertations in the computer sciences).
Garland. ISBN 0-824-04406-1. (This was originally presented
as the author's Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1971)
void shellsort(int* a, int size, int& numComparisons, int& numMoves);
void shellsort(int* a, int size);int main(int argc, char** argv)
//const int kSize = 19;
//int a[kSize];
//int numComparisons;
//int numMoves;
//hj::number::randoma(a, kSize);
//hj::print(a, DIM(a));
//vector<int> vi(a, a+kSize);
//sort(vi.begin(), vi.end());
//hj::print(vi);//shellsort(a, DIM(a), numComparisons, numMoves);
//hj::print(a, DIM(a));//cout<<\"number of comparisons is \"<<numComparisons<<endl;
//cout<<\"number of moves is \"<<numMoves<<endl;bool res;
for(int i=0; i<1000; ++i)
res = hj::algorithm::checkSorting(i, shellsort, false);
cout<<\"i=\"<<i<<\", error\n\";
}return 0;
}void shellsort(int* a, int size, int& numComparisons, int& numMoves)
int i;
int j;
int key;
int increment = (int) (size / 2.0);numComparisons = 0;
numMoves = 0;while (increment>0)
for (i=increment; i < size; i+=increment)
j = i;
key = a[j];// search the insertion point
while ( j >= increment && a[j-increment] > key )
a[j] = a[j - increment];
j -= increment;++numMoves; // we moved items
++numComparisons; // we compared items
a[j] = key; // insert it// adjust number of comparsions. This is the case
// in which j >= increment but a[j-increment] <= key.
// In this case, we compare once (and only once) and
// exit the while loop above.
increment = (int) (increment /2.5 );// this is not necessary, but will save one loop
if (increment == 2)
increment = 1;
void shellsort(int* a, int size)
int i;
int j;
int key;
int increment = size/2;while (increment>0)
for (i=increment; i < size; i+=increment)
j = i;
key = a[j];// search the insertion point
while ( j >= increment && a[j-increment] > key )
a[j] = a[j - increment];
j -= increment;
a[j] = key; // insert it
}increment /= 2;
// this is not necessary, but will save one loop
if (increment == 2)
increment = 1;