对于内置的int型对象和指针,编译器会优化 后++ 操作,
但是对于更多的复杂的迭代器类型,后++ 比前++ 做的工作要多,代价更高
This answer is to the point and concise.
The following source code is an eample for overloading operator ++ and -- for both postfix and prefix versions.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
A(int i_=0, double d_=0) : i(i_), d(d_) { }
const A operator++(int) /// postfix
A old(*this);
return old;
This is an option for the postfix ++. But since it returns void,
we cannot use it in an expression, say (a++) + 1.
//void operator++(int)
// ++(*this);
A& operator++() /// prefix
return (*this);
const A operator--(int)
A old(*this);
return old;
A& operator--()
return *this;
void print() const
cout<<"i = "<<i<<", d = "<<d<<endl;
int i;
double d;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
A a(2, 3.4);
//A b(-3, 9.2);
return 0;