Sub test()
Dim s() As String, i&, j&, imax&, temp
Open "d:\a.txt" For Input As #1
s = Split(StrConv(InputB(LOF(1), 1), vbUnicode), vbCrLf)
Close #1
Debug.Print Join(s, vbCrLf) & vbCrLf & String(50, "-")
For i = UBound(s) To 1 Step -1
imax = 0
For j = 0 To i
If Val(Trim(Mid(s(j), 42))) > Val(Trim(Mid(s(imax), 42))) Then imax = j
temp = s(imax)
s(imax) = s(i)
s(i) = temp
Debug.Print Join(s, vbCrLf)
End Sub
0 0 0 23.45519
0 0 1 30.03188
0 0 2 30.51785
0 0 3 23.06458
0 0 4 22.56246
0 0 5 20.3469
0 0 6 25.39143
0 0 7 27.0004
0 0 8 25.68157
0 0 9 28.31564
0 1 0 30.03188
0 1 1 36.60857
0 1 2 37.09455
0 1 3 29.64128
0 1 4 29.13916
0 1 5 26.9236
0 1 6 31.96813
0 0 5 20.3469
0 0 4 22.56246
0 0 3 23.06458
0 0 0 23.45519
0 0 6 25.39143
0 0 8 25.68157
0 1 5 26.9236
0 0 7 27.0004
0 0 9 28.31564
0 1 4 29.13916
0 1 3 29.64128
0 1 0 30.03188
0 0 1 30.03188
0 0 2 30.51785
0 1 6 31.96813
0 1 1 36.60857
0 1 2 37.09455