dengligsh2023-02-03 15:25
using System;
namespace DQ7
class SaveData
private static SaveData mThis;
private String mFileName = null;
private Byte[] mBuffer = null;
private readonly System.Text.Encoding mEncode = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
private SaveData()
public static SaveData Instance()
if (mThis == null) mThis = new SaveData();
return mThis;
public bool Open(String filename, bool force)
mFileName = filename;
mBuffer = (mFileName);
if (force || CheckSum() == ReadNumber(0, 4))
return true;
mFileName = null;
mBuffer = null;
return false;
public bool Save()
if (mFileName == null || mBuffer == null) return false;
WriteNumber(0, 4, CheckSum());
(mFileName, mBuffer);
return true;
public bool SaveAs(String filenname)
if (mBuffer == null) return false;
mFileName = filenname;
return Save();
public uint ReadNumber(uint address, uint size)
if (mBuffer == null) return 0;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address + size > mBuffer.Length) return 0;
uint result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
result += (uint)(mBuffer[address + i]) << (i * 8);
return result;
// 0 to 7.
public bool ReadBit(uint address, uint bit)
if (bit < 0) return false;
if (bit > 7) return false;
if (mBuffer == null) return false;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address > mBuffer.Length) return false;
Byte mask = (Byte)(1 << (int)bit);
Byte result = (Byte)(mBuffer[address] & mask);
return result != 0;
public String ReadText(uint address, uint size)
if (mBuffer == null) return "";
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address + size > mBuffer.Length) return "";
Byte[] tmp = new Byte[size];
for(uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (mBuffer[address + i] == 0) break;
tmp[i] = mBuffer[address + i];
return mEncode.GetString(tmp).Trim('\0');
public void WriteNumber(uint address, uint size, uint value)
if (mBuffer == null) return;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
mBuffer[address + i] = (Byte)(value & 0xFF);
value >>= 8;
// 0 to 7.
public void WriteBit(uint address, uint bit, bool value)
if (bit < 0) return;
if (bit > 7) return;
if (mBuffer == null) return;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address > mBuffer.Length) return;
Byte mask = (Byte)(1 << (int)bit);
if (value) mBuffer[address] = (Byte)(mBuffer[address] | mask);
else mBuffer[address] = (Byte)(mBuffer[address] & ~mask);
public void WriteText(uint address, uint size, String value)
if (mBuffer == null) return;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
Byte[] tmp = mEncode.GetBytes(value);
Array.Resize(ref tmp, (int)size);
for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
mBuffer[address + i] = tmp[i];
public void Fill(uint address, uint size, Byte number)
if (mBuffer == null) return;
address = CalcAddress(address);
if (address + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
mBuffer[address + i] = number;
public void Copy(uint from, uint to, uint size)
if (mBuffer == null) return;
from = CalcAddress(from);
to = CalcAddress(to);
if (from + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
if (to + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
for(uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
mBuffer[to + i] = mBuffer[from + i];
public void Swap(uint from, uint to, uint size)
if (mBuffer == null) return;
from = CalcAddress(from);
to = CalcAddress(to);
if (from + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
if (to + size > mBuffer.Length) return;
for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
Byte tmp = mBuffer[to + i];
mBuffer[to + i] = mBuffer[from + i];
mBuffer[from + i] = tmp;
private uint CheckSum()
int result = 0;
for (uint i = 0x10; i < mBuffer.Length; i++)
result += (SByte)ReadNumber(i, 1);
return (uint)result;
private uint CalcAddress(uint address)
return address;
private void Backup()
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
String path = (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
path = (path, "backup");
path = (path,
String.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-{2:00} {3:00}-{4:00}", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute));
(path, mBuffer);